《Married to the Northerner》17


It has been exactly two days since I almost drowned and although I forgive Nathaniel, he still beats himself over it. Just when I thought our relationship had progressed, he became his reserved self again.

Luckily, he doesn't ignore me, but he was much more serious and his actions made me think he was too scared to touch me.

I thought he would change back to his old self by now, but nothing happened. I was becoming worried and quite frankly annoyed with his hot and cold behaviour.

I looked back at the ocean and saw a couple of green spots. They looked like cliffs or mountains. Birds were flying around and whales were swimming near us. Being so entranced with nature, I jumped slightly when I felt a palm on my back.

Just as the warmth came it left when my husband took his hand off my back. I missed his touch and carefree mood. I wanted the old Nathaniel back, the playful one.

I had enough of his behaviour and took his large hands in my small ones and wrapped it around my waist. I laid my back against his front. His posture was rigid for a moment before he relaxed a bit.

"Please don't close yourself off again. Everytime we take two steps forward in our relationship, it feels like we take one back.

"I didn't mean for my actions to be like that. I couldn't look at you without feeling guilty, but I also couldn't stay away from you."

I turn around and cup his face while looking into his deep blue eyes. My thumb rubbed against his stubbled cheeks, as I tugged with the ends of his hair.

"It wasn't your fault. It was bad timing. Please believe that and move on."

He gave a tentative smile, as I sighed in relief, that finally this issue was being put behind us. I felt him turn me around, as he placed his head on top of my own. He knew this makes me feel short, yet he insists on doing it.


Taking one finger he pointed towards the mountains which seemed to grow large in just a few moments. The wind and current were on our side, helping us move forwards with our journey. On one hand, I would wish nothing more than to reach land, but on another this will be the only time I will have with my husband before he is filled with royal duties.

"Just pass those mountains is Nordfjord. For endless distance is our kingdom, our home."

I smiled at his words; this will be my new home. Before meeting Nathaniel, the only responsibility I had was trying to keep myself alive, but now I will have the responsibility of a queen and share the royal duties with my husband.

"Would the people of Nordfjord accept me? I don't exactly look like one of them with my dark skin or cultural background? Would your mother accept me?"

"The people of Nordfjord trust my words and decisions. I know they would accept and adore you. I have never brought a woman to my mother before, so I cannot be sure whether she will like you. To put it politely, she is a complicated person who will shower you with love or hate. There is no in between."

"You should ease my concern not make it worse!"

"Would you want me to lie to you then? I spoke truthfully and if my mother happens to not like you, it won't matter because I like you, wife."

I felt blush spread to my cheek, but thankfully the dark pigment on my skin hid it, or so I thought. My husband's fingers rose to my face and rubbed my cheeks.

"My blushing bride."

"You can see my blush? I thought my dark skin would hide it."

"I believe the lack of sunlight in the past few days decreased the colour of your skin tone. I should consider myself lucky to have such keen eyesight to see crimson colour your cheeks."


I blushed even more and smacked his chest before looking back at the mountains. I felt myself lost in the thoughts of my mother in law. I knew from first hand experience that it isn't possible for everyone to like me, but I would appreciate it if she accepts me.

"We are reaching the shore. I believe the captain will need my strength just about now. Would my gorgeous wife give me a good luck kiss?"

He bent down puckering his lips, as I kissed his cheeks. His eyes snapped open as he looked at me with confusion and disappointment.

"That is all you get for ignoring me these past few days. Let this be a lesson, dear husband."

I mocked towards the end and to my utter surprise he stole a quick peck from my lips. I saw him give a cheeky smile before walking back to the wheel.

I turned around and faced the sea, hoping nobody saw that. I was still not used to public displays of affection and now that my blush is visible, I should be even more careful.

Hundreds of shiny coated brown seals were laying on the beach, with numerous young pups and adults. I've seen illustrations of them in books, but never in real life. They made a honking sound and I couldn't help the chuckle escape me when one of the pups swam head first into the cold water.

A pod of black and white whales swam near the boat, with the adults circling around two smaller calves. Birds of all colours and sizes were flying around and diving into the icy water to catch fish.

We neared the shore, feeling the bumpy rocks under us. Nathaniel and the captain were giving orders for a safe landing, while I decided it was best to leave the edge of the ship.

After a smooth landing, the ship stopped and I looked around myself. The crew men went back to their duties and carried out the trunks, while the guards checked the surrounding areas for any threats. Tommy couldn't be happier, as he ran down to his homeland after nearly a month overseas.

I felt an arm under my leg and back, as I squealed when I lifted mid air. I looked to see my husband give me a smile before walking off the ship.

"What are you doing, Nathaniel? I'm very much capable of walking on my own."

"In my culture, the husband carries his wife over the threshold of their house, but I believe this whole Kingdom is my, our home so I should carry you from the start."

I look at him in admiration and then to his arm muscles which were flexing due to carrying me.

"Is my wife ogling me? I must say it comes with a price."

He says teasingly as I wiggle out of his hold. His laughter echoed over the beach before he put me on the floor. I took my first step in my new kingdom and for the first time, I felt at home.

The snow has seized and the sun came up, giving warmth despite the cool winds. With his hand on my back, Nathan leads me towards the forest, towards our home.

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