《Married to the Northerner》10


I woke up with a splitting headache and my body felt like it was on fire. The sun was just rising and the sky looked magnificent with its various vibrant colours.

I decided to take a quick bath, hoping the cool water would bring my fever down. Looking down at the cuts on my arm, I see it bruising, indicating an infection. Nathaniel will surely bring me back to Alasia if he finds out the truth behind the cuts, so I decided to heal them myself.

With a small, sharp dagger I sliced them to release the puss and made a hissing noise in pain. Although the cut was small, it was deep and shed enough blood to make the clear bathe water then crimson.

Ignoring that, I bandage them and get dressed for the day. My fever seemed to remain the same and knowing the herbs will only work once I've eaten something, I head outside for breakfast.

Despite it only being dawn, many of the men were wide awake completing the tasks that were given to them or eating porridge. Seeing me, the cook poured me a bowl along with some fresh fruit before continuing his duties.

Carrying the bowl, I went to sit on the ledge watching the sun rise to the horizon. The waves were still calm, but the wind was blowing for the ship to move.

I saw white bride flying and going underwater just to have tiny fish in their beaks. It amazed me how these birds have the ability to fly in the sky, walk on land, and swim underwater. They possessed such freedom that I yearned for.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a timid boy, not much older than fifteen. He had a blush spread along his pale skin and blond hair.


"Your majesty, I hope you enjoyed this meal. If not, I can assure you the cook will prepare something else."

"There is no need, this porridge is so simple yet so delightful for my tastebuds; and please call me Avani. How shall I address you?"

"My name is Tommy, Avani."

He looked at me with a scared look, almost assuming he made a mistake by abiding to my request, I gave him a reassuring smile and it was almost comical how afraid he looked.

"Well Tommy, you seem to be quite young to board for such a journey."

"I'm only sixteen, well I will be in two months time. My brother is the right hand soldier and best friend of His Majesty, Nathaniel, therefore they believed it was appropriate for me to take part in this journey."

"I hope you are enjoying it and your visit to Alasia, although I assume it was short."

"This is indeed my first trip overseas and Alasia is truly a beautiful land. The animals, weather, and food was a delight. Not to mention the beauty of the women in your Kingdom, including yourself. Nathaniel is truly fortunate to have you as his wife."

"Well I'm truly flattered. Thank you, Tommy."

"Stop flirting with my wife, Tommy. I'm sure your brother and sister in law would not be pleased if you stole her from me."

"Not to mention yourself, for having a boy steal your wife."

My charming husband smacked the back of his head lightly before ruffling his hair. They seemed to be quite close, almost like brothers. I felt myself turning crimson at the kind words of my husband, although the blush won't be evident on my caramel skin.

I heard a groan and huffing noise, as the two finally de-tangled themselves from their anger and looked at me. I knew trouble would arise and tried to avoid the place.


"Tell me Avani, if you were to choose one of us, would you choose Nathaniel or I?"

"Of course I would choose you, Tommy but unfortunately it seems I must upkeep the vows I gave to my husband."

I teasingly said with mischievousness clearly in my voice. My husband mirrored my tone with a smile then masked it with a disbelief expression.

"See Nathaniel, all the women adore me, not you."

"I'm sure they only see you as a cute little boy, as you are one. Maybe not so cute, but definitely a little boy."

My husband taunted him with a teasing edge to his voice before Tommy turned his head towards me. My husband did the same and opened his mouth before Tommy could have a chance to speak.

"Dear wife, please don't tease this little boy anymore. I'm sure you would choose this devilishly handsome, brave man who is also your husband, over a skinny adolescent boy."

He came closer to me as he said each word until our lips were barely touching. I felt my heart flutter and closed my eyes, until I heard a voice snapping me out of this trance.

"That's not fair! You're seducing her!"

"I believe there it is not a crime to seduce my wife."

I felt my heart flutter as Nathaniel stressed out the last two words. Although he was bickering with Tommy, it didn't stop these new unexplored feelings.

"Isn't that right, Avani?"

"I believe this is my cue to leave."

I say ignoring the fluttering in my heart. Back in Alasia, such displays of public affection was forbidden, yet here they were nothing out of the ordinary.

I jumped off the edge of the boat and stood up when I felt my head spin. Oh god not now. I seemed to lose track of time and didn't take my medication. With the boat swaying as well, in a moment I leaned on my husband trying to focus on my balance.

"Avani! Are you alright? Here sit down would you."

"I'm fine."

I say as I shook off the dizziness and began walking towards my chamber. I felt his hand grasp my own and the back of his hand feeling my forehead. A worrisome yet angered expression took over his face.

"You have such a high fever! How can you be so careless! Wake the crew doctor up and summon him to our chamber, Tommy."

"No, I'm fine. I have herbs in the chamber, I just need to retrieve them."

I went to take a step, when I felt my vision blur and my legs lose its power. I turned into an awkward position before I collapsed into the arms of my husband. I felt darkness come over me, as I heard the frantic shouts and footsteps of Nathaniel and the crew men.

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