《Married to the Northerner》07


I felt his palm on the back of my back as my husband led me towards the dining hall. The concept was still new to me, having a husband, being a wife. I dared not to look at him, afraid those sinful thoughts will return.

After my mother's unfortunate demise, I've never dined at the dining hall. It was a place for the royal family and nobles, and I was deemed unworthy of sitting there. Returning to this place brought back all sorts of memories, mostly of my childhood with my mother.

"Avani, is everything alright?"

I snapped out of my thoughts at the voice of my husband. This is the first time he has spoken to me and surprisingly his voice was gentle and calm. The way he uttered my name made me feel strange things which I wanted to ignore.

"I'm sorry, I uh, I'm fine, your highness."

I didn't know whether I was allowed to address him by his name. Many royal and noble men denied that right to their wife and I wasn't sure if my husband was like that.

"We are husband and wife, equals, if you insist on calling me with titles then I'll gladly oblige and call you with yours, Princess Avani."

Until the crowning ceremony in Nordfjord is complete, my title will remain as Princess Avani. I still despise it, as it is just a memory of how I cowardly accepted my fate and the abuse.

"Please don't. I will address you by your name, Nathaniel?"

The end of my statement sounded more like a question, as I was still hesitant of his response. He gave a short smile and nodded his head in approval.

"Much better, Avani."

His smile was much more prominent now and he definitely was not the same man from a few moments ago. His face seemed more relaxed and calm, not stonic.

The annoying voice of my step brother reached my ears, ruining the moment I shared with my husband. Despite his age, he looked quite tiny in contrast with the Northerners, yet he believed he held more authority.


"This dining hall and food is a place for royals and nobles only. You Northerner guards will eat outside."

In an instant, the calm expression transformed into one of annoyance and anger. My husband clenched his jaw and fisted his hand, his knuckles turning white. I may not be fond of my step brother, but I felt fear of his near future.

"These guards are my friends and family. They will join us in this dining hall."

My step brother closed his mouth, realizing he doesn't want to anger my husband any further. On cue, all the Northerners took their seats, far away from my step family. My husband pulled out a chair for me as I thanked him while blushing and he sat beside me.

The maids all strolled in placing all kinds of delights on the table, ranging for a roasted pig to flat bread. As the final dish was placed on the table, everyone slowly began eating and I did the same.

Grabbing my spoon I got a bit of soup, and just as I was to put it in my mouth a hand stopped me. I looked at my husband with a questionable glance before he grabbed the spoon from my hold.

"It's part of our tradition that the bride and groom feed each other for their first meal. It symbolizes that the husband will always have food for his family and the wife will cook food for him."

I nod my head and slightly open my mouth, savouring the simple delight. For years my food mainly consisted of stale bread, so a simple meal such as this soup was a fancy dish for me.

I grabbed a spoon and fed my husband the soup as he stared right into my eyes. I felt a flutter in my heart at his enchanting look. I never imagined that the ruthless Northerner King would be so affectionate and sentimental, especially in front of others.

He seemed to snap out the trance he was in, as he cleared his throat and began eating his food. I felt as if I've done something wrong due to his hot and cold behaviour, but ignoring the disappointment I felt, I continued with the meal.


Just as everyone finished taking their last bites, I looked up to see my step mother and step sisters looking at me with jealousy. They imagined my life to be horrid with my ruthless husband, definitely not like this.

I felt movement to my left, and saw my husband stand up along with his men and leave the room. He paused his movement and turned towards me nodding his head. I took that as a sign and stood up quietly and followed him out.

The others from this kingdom, including my step family followed us out. I knew the moment I've waited for my entire life was arriving. I would leave my birth kingdom, a place filled with nightmares.


I heard my step father say just as we exited the gates of the palace. His sinister smile shook me to my core as he approached me. To my utter surprise he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, but his arms were wandering on my body.

I felt truly disgusted and tried to get out of his hold, but he just held me tighter. Thankfully my husband took me out of that vile creature's hold.

"I believe that's enough hugging, my wife."

"Ahh a possessive husband I see. Try not to miss us too much dear Avani."

I shuddered in disgust at the way he said my name, as if it was a warning but mockery at the same time. With my lack of response, my husband took that as a sign and led us to the horses and carriage filled with baggage.

The northerner men and my husband got onto the horses of our kingdom, assuming that our travel will be overseas. I wait and Nathaniel looks down at me, with a questioning look.

"Avani, we must dock the ship before nightfall. Will you get on the horse?"

"I don't know how to ride a horse."

I timidly responded, afraid to see the disappointment on my husband's face. As a child, my mother gave me a few lessons on horse riding, that is until she faced death. After that, I rarely saw a horse, let alone ride one. There was no need for me to learn horseback riding, as I was nearly forbidden from leaving the castle gates.

I heard a huff of annoyance and anger from my husband and I felt tears fill my eyes. He seemed to be kind to me, but maybe now he will despise me after realizing my unworthiness.

"Get on the back of the carriage with the baggage. It should be fine until we reach the coastal lines."

I nod my head and sit behind the carriage, more like a wagon, and let one of the trunks support my body. I heard the hooves of the horses and the jolt of the wagon before we departed.

I hung my head low in disappointment. I'm not sure how it is in Nordfjord, but in Alasia only the lowest of maids were placed in a wagon filled with belongings. My eyes stung with tears, realizing I was unworthy to be a peasant, let alone a queen.

A big part of me felt like I let my parents down by having my wretched step family lead the people of Alasia, but a selfish part of me was happy to finally leave this place. I looked back seeing the castle get smaller and smaller, until it was invisible to my eyes.

I wiped the few stray tears that strolled down the cheek and with my poor luck just then the wagon shook vigorously for a moment. That moment was just enough time for my fingers to barely grasp the handle so I wouldn't fall out onto the dirt.

I heard a rip doing and looked to see the bottom part of my wedding dress be torn. I ran my fingers on the soft fabric, mentally chiding myself for being so careless.

How will my husband respect me, let alone love me when I'm not even capable of riding a wagon without tearing my dress.

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