《Married to the Northerner》04


I wake up crawling towards the waste pail in the corner, where I release all my stomach's content. Touching my forehead with the back of my hand, I flinch at the hot surface.

It's been two long weeks since I was shunned out to the filthy barn after my near death experience. Not even a single day in these figures days was I treated like a human. I was given the same rotten fruits and vegetables as the cows and goats.

I don't remember the farm ever being cleaned, as the stench is unbearable. I tried to, but then remembered of my chained situation. If possible the water is even worse, with its light brown colour.

Despite my initial protest, I knew I have to survive by the wedding, for the people of Alasia. Not only was this experience humiliating, but it was also sickening.

The consumption of scarce spoilt food, the awful smell, and lack of hygiene seems to worsen my sickness. I vividly remember waking up to not moving a single muscle in my body.

I felt so weak from the lack of food and the filthy air that I breathed in and out. My bandaged cuts seemed to get worse as they weren't cleaned and were getting quite dirty.

The redness surrounding the wound and puss proved my theory to be right and that the cuts are in fact infected. Having to take care of myself after several beatings, I learned to analyze wounds and tend to them. I've always wanted to be a healer, but it seems to be more like a dream than reality.

Using the limited supplies, I cleansed them as best as I could, but it all seemed to go void from my worsening condition. I'm sure if I spend another week here, I won't make it alive.

It is midday and the front door to the barn open, shying a trail of bright sunlight, impacting my vision. I look confused, as the castle farmers came at sunrise to put out the food and water.


Adjusting my eyes to the sudden brightness, I look up to see my awful step father and some guards by his side. One of them comes up and unlocks the shackles attached to my left ankle.

After weeks, I rub the painful area and a sense of freedom engulfed me. Despite my tan skin, the bruising is quite visible, proving the serious damage on my foot.

"Ugh, the smell is truly awful. I almost feel pity towards you, but I guess you deserved this after all."

Anger courses through my body at his remark. His family and himself live happily and in the comfort of the castle walls, while I suffered miserably here.

"We aren't going to wait for you all day. Come on, Avani."

I looked utterly confused by the King's remark. Why would he release me today? What is going on? Despite the questions taking over my thoughts, I slowly get up despite my body's protests.

"What is today, your majesty?"

I finally ask, able to stand up straight, knowing that my legs may give out at any moment. He looked at me with a bored expression, but his eyes held a malice glint.

"Today is your wedding day, you foolish girl. The King of the Northern kingdoms is here and you are to be wed to him in a couple hours. Now, get ready and you better look half as decent as you do now."

I felt my knees buckle at the news, more due to shock rather than my weak physical state. A guard standing near me, catches me in time. I see the King give a nod and leaving, before I feel two guards dragging me into the palace walls.

I felt a sharp knife piercing the outer layer of my skin on my abdomen, a warning from his majesty that I shan't not think of running away. Ignoring the slight pain, I look around to see the shock expression on the faces of many maids.


I see a few horses in the front gates of the castle, along with some hugely built guards. From their clothing, I concluded these are the men of my betrothed.

The guards dragged my body to the back entrance of the castle, surely not wanting to show the people of my new kingdom my horrid condition. After a few minutes of walking, I find myself being locked in a dark room, with a few candles.


The echo of my voice responses back to me, as I felt a shiver roll back my spine. The hairs on my neck rise at the chill breeze that flew past me.

I let out a shriek as I felt a cold hand pull me into the wall, waiting in a hidden room. Looking around, I found myself among many busy maids, who are frantically working.

Walking up to a hazy mirror, I tear up at the sight of my reflection. I truly look like a shell of the person I once was. My brown eyes are lifeless and filled with pain and sorrow. My skin is covered in dirt and scars and my once curvy body looks so skinny. I cover my mouth to hold in the sob that tried to escape me.

I look beside me to see a plump maid grabbing my arm and leading me to the bathing chamber. She disrobes me of the rags I wore for two weeks and scrunches her face in disgust, probably by my smell and look.

I seemed to lose my will to talk, as I looked around the busy women of all ages aiding me for the wedding. For the first time, I felt like a princess, like royalty.

I snap out of my thoughts, as a bucket of ice cold water is poured on top of me. I felt awfully self conscious, although only one maid is aiding me for the bathe. After a few moments, I felt her pass me a robe, which I gladly used to cover my modesty.

We walked out of the bathing chamber and I looked at the dirty water that has turned into a dark brown colour with dirt pieces laying on the bottom of the tub.

I sat down on a stool placed in front of the vanity and looked at myself in the mirror. My once dirty skin is clear, as it shines brightly. My black hair curls at the bottom, the wetness still evident.

I see two women stand behind me doing my hair and tying it in an awfully tight bun. Another two women adorn me with pearls and gems, around my neck, arms, and ears. Another maid works on my face as she puts some kohl around my eyes, rouge on my lips, and powders my face.

Through the mirror I look behind to see the same maid who helped me bathe along with a younger maiden fixing on my wedding outfit. Despite this wedding merely being for politics, I was still excited to see my wedding dress.

Nearly an hour later the maids finally move away and I look awe at the person in the mirror. She is not the same woman who was covered in dirt and filth a few moments ago. My face looks so bright, but my eyes remain the same dull ones. More than that, I felt like I saw my mother looking at me through the mirror.

Realization hit me, that in a few moments I will be chained to a man rumoured to be heartless. I always thought leaving this kingdom will be my wish, but it seems as though leaving this place to go to the North seems even more like a trap.

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