《Goody Two Shoes #Wattys2017》Liza again ?


After five months,

"Asshole" She yelled on top of her lungs and threw a pillow at him. Her cheeks were tearfully stained and few hairs stuck to her face getting wet in the process. Her emotions were confused and all over the the damn place. Her face reddish or paling with shock she didn't know. She didn't know what to do exactly but knew that her anger and rage must show. She would never curse out loud but her she is throwing bad words and pillows and stuff at him while he stands frozen, not fighting back and why would he after all? It was all his devious plan...

"I am so sorry" He begged again and again. His voice cracked seeing her reaction. He yelled wanting to prove how apologetic he is but ended up getting the attention of all the household. He dogged pillows which were soft but at point a big hard red candle nearly aimed his head. she threw at him whatever came to reach. His eyes popped when he saw how she acted and he froze to the earth beneath him. Should he tell her to stop , to calm down a bit or just take in the outcome of his plans.

"Should I just change my name to Liza to become your fucking priority?" She yelled right back at him and in the midst of it all he wanted to tell her not to curse. It never suited her and it will never does yet for now they had more important issues. His family ran to them. Olivia , his mother a woman of sixty years all, breathing heavily and shocked at their sight. Mitchell's hand rushed to grab Bless and tame her down. Bless was ready to just punch him and defend her friend without even hearing him or questioning her friend. All looked at him with blaming eyes. All because of his plan.


"What did you fucking do this time? I swear Axel I will bring you down and cut your throat open if you cheated on phia. " Bless cursed and threatened as she tried to wiggle out of Mitchell's firm grip but the latter kept her in place even though Axel knew for sure that his brother would love to allow Bless to do whatever she just said. He would allow her to kill him if it didn't lead to her being thrown in jail.

"Axel, explain this." His mother ordered while her eyes shot daggers to him. Her voice was beyond motherly now and all he felt coming from her was pure rage and anger. His mother cared about the girls now more than she cares about her sons. They became really good friends especially Sophia and Olivia , both, had a passion for arts and started to turn one of the rooms in the mansion to a painting room.

"You were just fine last night, all lovey dovey and stuff." Mitchell commented shocked at the hideous scene in front of them; pillows where thrown at his brother. They all fell at his feet clearly slamming at his face and chest. Gem looked pale,out of breath and torn....What changed from last night when they were all over each other kissing like teenagers at each corner and even spending the whole movie night sucking each others faces? Also what does Liza has to do with this? She was never mentioned badly since the hospital and the girls seemed to get friendlier with her? Did she betray Sophia's trust and once again lured his stupid brother to her traps? Didn't she say that she is out in the dating world again?

"Your stupid asshole of a bother has been texting Liza and meeting her on dates throughout the whole past month. He was cheating on me and I stupidly kept on falling for him. I was even making him a surprise to announce that I am six week pregnant but found him sexting her." Sophia yelled and the last pillow was thrown at Axel


"Axel!" They all yelled with fury then turned her way their eyes softening " Pregnant?" they questioned in one tone making Sophia giggle

"You shouldn't be laughing Sophia! Damn you Axel! you drove her crazy ! I swear to god I will kill you! " Bless yelled and suddenly her heel was fly through the room and only by miraculous powers it missed Axel's head. Not believing what just happened Axel also started laughing loud. He looked at Sophia and winked at her making all people present in their room feel more lost and surprised. What the hell is happening here?

"They both went insane." Mitchell said as his eyes moved from his sister in law to his brother, both we laughing loud, Sophia sitting on the bed not being able to stand up and Axel leaning on his knees hardly breathing.

"Explain yourselves!" Olivia's voice now roared through the room

"Got you." Axel said between breaths as his eyes darted to meet his mother's " I didn't cheat. I would never. I love Sophia too much to do so. We just wanted to get you for the Baby clause. We planed this for too long and When Sophia announced to me that she is pregnant we decided to play this trick on you, no better time, just added drama." Axel laughed and walked to Sophia hugging her waist protectively

"This is all a play?" Bless questioned " I not talking to you anymore. Oh and congrats about the baby. He or she would surly have insane parents. Come on Mitchell. I had enough for the day of you crazy family." She said sticking her tongue to Sophia and instead of walking out of the room she went and hugged Sophia.

"I am happy for you a lot. I am going to be an aunty" Bless mumbled in pure joy and Mitchell followed her hugging her and Sophia in one big bear hug " I am going to be an uncle yeyyyy" he cried making both girls erupt in laughter

"You idiots, I am going to be a grandmother." Olivia murmured as tears fell down her face " I am not forgiving you for the scare but still I am the happiest" she echoed and walked to join the hug. All were in one group hug but only Axel was not included

"I made the baby yet I am left out." he cried the walked to them joining their group hug

"Idiot" Bless, Mitchell and Olivia said at the same exact time making Sophia giggle

"My idiot" Sophia accorded enjoying their family moment. She going to be a mother soon.


hank you guys so much The story is moving too quick btn other books from idk what number to 500 to 240 to 100sth

Thank you so much ❤❤❤

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