《Goody Two Shoes #Wattys2017》Red Suits You Very Well


Going out with my family ended with a fight. Ava was starting to enjoy Axel's company and all the other kids started to fall for his easy going personality. His laughs mingled with those of the youngsters of my family. He kept on playing hide and seek and football with them. After half an hour, Bree wouldn't let go of him and that made me smile. Axel's approchable nature made the studying doubting gazes fade. Even Elisabeth and Harper's doubting glares seemed to soften and that made me smile.

At some point, all of the grown ups faded from our gathering and little by little most of them went on walks. I , on the other hand, kept on sitting under the oak tree watching Axel playing with the kids. I didn't seem to notice who really stayed or went away. My attention at that moment was captured by Axel and his laughs made me feel all sort of warm and happy. He no more looked like a snobbish millionaire. He just looked like a kind handsome man.

Not noticing the figure beside me, I nearly gasped when a hand circled my waist and drew me closer. I then became rigid. My heart started beating at an insane rate. I struggled against the hold of the man but he only drew me closer. I wanted to yell but feared that I will make a scene. We were outside in front of Axel and the kids so I doubted that Ezra will make a move.

He crept down and started hushing in my ear. His vibes made my eyes teary and I just wanted to yell at him. He kept on saying how he missed me for two years and that nothing was the same without me there. Hearing half of what he said made me freak and yell. The only word that came out of my mouth was "Axel"

As if knowing exactly what was happening, Axel's usually blue eyes darkened and rage shined clearly in them. He walked to us or ran. Ezra pushed away from me a little but Axel wouldn't let his action pass. Reaching us, Axel helped me up and hid me behind his back. He then looked down at Ezra and started yelling and shouting. When Ezra didn't respond and just stood uncaring, Axel did what surprised us all he punched Ezra again and again till Ezra was on the ground with a bleeding nose and a blue eye. Axel then guided me back home.


Ezra was soon thrown out of our household. He was shamed by my mum and forbidden to visit my house or go near me. My cousins felt bad and started apologizing for him but I told them that it is not their fault. Adam , on the other hand, didn't speak a word. His gaze studied me over and over again as if to make sure that I am fine and still okay.

After a harsh day, Axel and I went to sleep. Sharing a bed with him became the usual. Sleeping in his hands especially for that day made me feel safe. I still felt his anger throughout the day but to make it easier for me he would smile down at me.

Waking up at five thirty at the morning is not easy. Escaping Axel's tighter grip is way harder. I woke up early planing to prepare a special breakfast in bed as a thanks for Axel. I kept on yawning as I planed what to cook exactly. I knew that he prefers dark coffee and dark chocolate pancakes , adding to those some toast, a cheese omelette and a fresh cup of juice should be enough right?

"A thank you meal, how typical of you." Adam's voice disturbed the silence of the house surprising me

"He deserves way more." I murmured honestly

"He is your new prince in shinning armors right?" Adam questioned as he came and sat on the table

"You can say that." I announced with a smile because Axel does deserve such title

"He is possessive of you. Is that why you cut me out of your life?" Adam bluntly asked

"I have a husband now. My life became busier. I live away and I don't want to mix old fading feelings with new ones." I admitted

"So I am just an old fading feeling now?" Adam questioned using my exact words

"I am married that should answer your question." I denied any lingering feelings I have for Adam

"That does not answer a thing as you were forcefully arranged." Adam argued as his voice got deeper

"Were." I repeated and started looking for the proper things to prepare Axel's breakfast


"I don't see the spark between you two." Adam said in a mocking tone

"That is not our problem." I answered back

"Yeah, Gem you are right. It is not our problem that he cannot see our spark but we can give him a little show." Axel appeared out of nowhere and a smirk of mischief decorated his face.

"Axel?" I questioned shocked by his arrival and his words.

"Be a sweetheart and show him our sparks, Gem." Axel dangerously said as he neared me. A smirk decorated his face. Yet as soon as he was one a foot away from me, his eyes connected with mine. His deep blue orbs shined and sparked in some new gained feelings. They kept on studying me and his smirk soon turned soft, warm, comforting and toe curling?

"Gem" Axel hushed as his hands found their way around my waist and drew me close to him. Not just close, we were glued, waist to waist, chest to chest. My heart danced and flipped as Axel's eyed moved to my lips.

I knew exactly what was going to happen but I found no will in me to stop it. Axel waited for a moment but as soon as I closed my eyes surrendering to him I felt him moving closer again. Adam and every other idea faded to mere nothing. All that mattered to me now was the guy holding me near. I don't love Axel. I don't think that I am in love with him but my body seems to react to his touch differently. It is like I am naturally and rightfully allowed to be with him.

Warm breaths soon mingled with mine and then hot smooth lips connected with mine and every idea I was having was shut down. My mind went blank and I started to react to my husband's urgent but passionate kiss. He seemed to like it and soon he started deepening it. He wanted to show sparks and sparks is what I felt. In minutes his strong arms lifted me and sat me on the table that's when I remembered Adam. How awkward must this be for him. Pushing away from Axel, took strength especially when he grumbled in refusal.

"That was grosse." the sleepy figure of Ava commented surprising us and that made my already deep blush deepened more if possible. I did the only logical thing at that moment and hid my face away from Ava, Adam and mostly from Axel. The latter reacted instantly to me and hugged me closer to his chest.Did he feel anything out of this kiss?

"That's the best way to put it Ava." Adam agreed and I heard him pushing away his chair and walking away

"You can stop hiding your face now. They are both gone." the husky sound of Axel announced and I shook my head against his hard chest in refusal.

"Come on Gem." Axel teased a bit more

"Why did you kiss me?" I managed to ask as I reluctantly pushed a little bit away from Axel so I can look him in the eye

"He wanted sparks and he got them." Axel pointed easily and smirked as he saw my red cheeks " Now where is my thank you breakfast?" Axel continued with the same tone as his hand moved to place my hair behind my ear

"I will make it." I promised lowly like a kid

"Gem, red suits you very well." Axel commented as his finger gazed at my cheek and my eyes nearly popped in shame.

"Stop being a tease." I murmured at him

"Sorry for not noticing this earlier, but you are a very cute gem especially when blushing." Axel said as he kissed my cheek and looked at me apologetically

"Go I will call you, when your breakfast is ready." I demanded offering him a smile and he mirrored it back and let me off the table. What a crazy morning, I thought but a smile never left my face.

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