《Goody Two Shoes #Wattys2017》Food and Harry


Once again, you guys are amazing. The goal was achieved :D. Seeing how you interact with the last chapter made me smile. Your comments made my endless, tiring day better so I must thank you endlessly.

Axel's Pov:

After hearing about the stupid clause, I had to run away from my house, my mum and my forced unwanted wife. I drove like a mad man not caring about my speed limit or the cars next to me or even the red lights. I didn't stop til I reached my destination , my true love's house , Liza's house. Hungry needy kisses were planted on her lips the moment she opened the door. She received me with the same passion but after an intense make out she stopped all questioning my sudden visit and clear anger.

I told her about the clause and begged for her not to get mad. She paced back and forth for a hundred times then her eyes shined as her hand reached for her glass vase. She held it tight and throw it on the wall near the sofa where I sat. Glass flew everywhere as she cursed my mum and Sophia. Liza's tempers are as bad and wild as some cartoon characters. She turns vicious and simply her mouth utters nothing but endless profanities. Who can blame after all she is being classified as side lover of a married man while I fell in love with her before I met Sophia.

I spent hours calming Liza and promising her that a kid with Sophia will mean nothing. Just like his mum, that future kid will stay unwanted and ignored. Liza doubted my words but I kept on promising her to divorce Sophia as soon as possible. I even promised her to take the custody of my future kid and bring him or her up with her. I know that I may sound selfish or crazy but I had to do anything to shut Liza up and to stop her crazy tantrums.


"Sophia, Open the freaking door." I angrily yelled for the thousand time after the latter stubbornly locked herself in my room.

"Sophia come on." I said lowly

"Phia, please you have to come down or else my mum won't allow me to eat too." I begged her, this time more politely.

"Sophia to you." She yelled clearly still angry with me but her comeback made me smile. I mean at least she is answering back, now.

"Mitchell calls you Phia, so I thought that I can too..." I explained to her

"Mitchy is my best friend but you are a mere stranger, a rude one." She fired back

"Well this rude stranger is hungry." I begged again because I already skipped lunch

"Then go eat with Liza or order a take out. Didn't you marry me to keep your money? Then go and use it..." Sophia grumbled at me

"My mum won't allow me to do any of those. She said that her daughter must eat too or else who angered her won't be allowed to eat too." I explained and sat on the floor, my back to the door while I rested my head in my hands.

"Then one day without food won't kill you and I am not her daughter. I am a machine to her. She wants to use me like a robot. If I only had Harry's invisibility cloak, I would have ran away the moment she announced the clause." Sophia whined like a kid but I couldn't blame her. Why would she carry a kid for nine months without falling in love?

"You should stop watching silly movies with Mitchell." I commented back smiling at her childish wish.

"Why? Should I watch only chick-flicks like Liza? " She fired back and I heard her light footsteps coming closer to the door.


"I hate those too." I truthfully commented

"You don't know Harry Potter and all eight movies. So do not judge them." Sophia argued with passion defending the movie

"What do you like in them?" I questioned not knowing how can a twenty somethings love such silly unbelievable movies.

"Their world is magical, full of adventure, colors, mysteries. When you watch a movie, you go through all the possible emotions, shock sadness, love and all. I can defend those eight movies for days the one thing that I don't like is the ending." She commented as her steps stopped near the door and I heard her taking a deep breath then silence took over and I didn't like that it was fun to hear her defending silly little things.

"Why is that?" I questioned hoping that she will continue to talk about anything

"Why do you care?" She fired her voice sounding louder as she stopped rooted in front of the door

"Just interested." I honestly told her

"The ending didn't fulfill my expectations. I wanted Harry to discover his feelings for Hermione. In my view, they fit perfectly together. He is kind and adventurous. She is hotheaded and clever. They stand by each other, side by side till the end. She is his better half but I guess pretty girls win it all. Ginny is okay but she is no Hermione. Ron is nice too but he is no Harry. He is too silly, too frightened and all to be Hermione's better half." she explained and without a warning opened the door surprising me.

"Ron sounds like Mitchell." I commented with a smile as I looked up to her and emerald met blue again

"I will go down to eat but from now on, I am taking the bed." she announced firmly and I continued to gaze at her features as I weighed my options. The woman who kept looking down at me looks young much more younger than my Liza. Liza looked classy but Sophia with simple natural features looked youthful and cute? She has bright emerald eyes and short black hair that reaches just below her ears. While Liza was also a model size, Sophia looked healthy and well shaped.

"What happened to I will never step a foot next to your bed?" I teased reminding her of her own words

"Your couch was brought from hell. It is rock solid and not comfortable at all. Blame who bought it for you." she explained with the smallest hint of a smile.

"Liza picked it." I defended

"That explains the whole extravagante appearance and poor quality." Sophia commented back as she found a way to escape my gaze and sitting figure and started walking to the stairs

"Hey that's rude." I yelled at her

"Well, you weren't polite earlier and I am just being honest." she declared and walked downstairs leaving me to think of how messed up my life is and how hungry I am...I have to go and eat with my unwanted wife.

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