《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 35


"Mom, where is dad? He didn't like me? He left us again?" Saransh asked in a low voice. I halted in my tracks, turned around and my heart shuddered, his eyes were filled with unshed tears, my baby never cries, he is my strongest man.

"Saransh, your daddy loved you, trust me, he is just angry on me, for keeping you away from him. He wants to take you with him. Infact, he wants you to be with him, as your dad" I answered my six year old with all honesty. I won't lie to my baby ever again.

"Oh.. really? Will we be living with him now. ? Will he come to my football practices too? " He asked excitedly.

I smiled at my pretty boy, shoved my hands in his hair, he crunched a little, as usual but the glow remained intact on his face.

"Sar" I was interrupted by a loud ringing of the doorbell. I groaned, kissing my son's forehead softly, "be back my lil man"

"Sid?" I gasped, opening the door wide. He gave me an ignorant look walking in as if he owns the house. "Sid, wait." I whispered but he was out of the hearing range, entering Saransh's room with a happy grin on his face.

"Dad" I heard Saransh's happy grin, even though I was a few steps behind Sid. "Son" he whispered kissing him on his forehead lovingly. My eyes numbed on the beautiful sight in front of me. The contented look on either of their faces was everything that mattered, both looked so relaxed and in a playful grin. My heart swelled up, melting my soul. These two men were the most important part of my life, in fact they were my life. Their laughter echoed in the room, with glistening eyes I walked in making myself noticed by the duo. "Mom. See dad brought me a hot wheel set of cars, I always wanted it" Saransh said excitedly. I smiled, looking over at him for a second, his smile vanished when they fell on me.


" Pack your and his bag, we are leaving" his words were sharp, I gave him a confused look, "What? Where?"

"Sana, you both will be living with mw now." he snapped at me. I glanced at Saransh, his eyes gazing at his dad confusion purely written on his face. I smiled at him nervously, "Saransh, I will pack your bag, would you please get your toys packed till mom and dad talk about some errands" I asked, he simply nodded, but didn't smile.

I grabbed Sid's wrist pulling him out of our son's room.

"What the fuck do you mean by taking us to your place?" I whisper yelled at me. He groaned, angrily, shoved his hands in his hair, "What? I can't let my son live in this shithole when he deserves the world" he snapped at me. His words pierced my heart into pieces, he thinks I can't take care of my son all alone. He thinks I couldn't give my son the world, that we are miserable. But no, we are ecstatic, we live our lives to the fullest. I fucking own a business, my own business back in London. I purchased the smallest apartment here, as it was only for a few days, I have a huge mansion back home. We are well off. Saransh goes to the best school of London, all this was my hard work. I have put day and night in my business to reach these heights.

"We are here for only 10 more days, Sid. We are not here forever. Saransh is in the best school of London, my busin---"

"We? You mean my son and you?" Sid cut me off rudely.

"Yes Sid. We were here to meet you. I purchased this apartment for holidays. We are not gonna leave back our lives for---"

"Sana. My son will be living with me forever. I am not gonna be a holiday dad for my son. You already stole six years of him from me" he said, his voice cracking at the end that tightened my heart. I shouldn't have done that. But. I had no choice. How would I contacted him when I was restricted from any sort of contact by him.


"But you don't have any rights to claim him, I am not gonna leave London and you can't take him away from me." I said, trying to calm my throbbing heart a little.

He pushed me into the wall behind caging me between himself and the wall, I gulped nervously, his eyes raking at my face slowly moving down.

"Marry Me" he whispered ever so softly.

"What?" my eyes widening at his words, "Marry?"

"Yes, Marry Me again, for life time." he replied, his eyes were fixated on my eyes, I nervously gulped, he wants me as a wife, the bubble of happiness burst into air once the realisation hit me, he wants his son and so he wants to marry me. For his son, not for a wife, not because he loves me.

"Why? Why do you wanna marry me?" I asked expecting some miracle to happen and his reply to change but that never happened, he groaned in frustration pushing himself off me, "What, Why? You want Saransh to be raised by a single parent when actually both of his parents are alive. Living in two different continents? Why don't you understand he will need a father as well as mother at every point of life. Sana, think about this, as a mother. Please" he said finally pulling himself away and walking into his son's room, leaving me back behind in deep thoughts.

"Mom, we are ready to leave, are you ok mom?" my son asked, placing his hand gently on mine, pulling me out of my pool of thoughts.

"Yes, my lil man. I am fine, just give me five minutes, I will be back" I smiled. He gave me another skeptical look, "Mom, I know it isn't easy for you to live with dad. I know you both don't love each other. Its ok if you don't wanna go, I will talk to him, and we won't be going anywhere" my six year old said with tears in his eyes which he prevented from falling.

"Who told you all this?" I asked, smiling at him. My son is not just a baby, he is so different, so observant, he is not like any other six year old, this little thought scares me.

"No one mom. I know that. I just want you to be happy" he said, his hands tightening on me as if giving me re-assurance.

" I am very happy for us, Saransh. Believe me, my lil man, I love your dad, more than anything. I am happy that you are the reason we are back to normal. Just give your dad and mom sometime" I muttered glancing at the door to see Sid no where around us to hear our conversation.

He smiled excitedly clapping his hands in ecstasy.

I turned around to enter my room but halted in my tracks, when my eyes fell on Sid, he looked surprised, it was evident that he heard us. I nervously licked my lips, shaking my head lightly, to let him know to not to utter a word in front of our very observant son. "I will be back in a minute" I muttered and entered my room in a rush.

"Dad, mom loves you, do you love her?" I heard muffling sound of my son from the room outside.

I waited for his reply, and to my surprise, his answer gave me jitters, "A lot"


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