《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 33


Sana's PoV

"Sid. I.."

"Why? Why Sana? You hid my son from me, Why the fuck you did this to me?" he whisper-yelled at me, his eyes stormy red, anger flaring off his body. I gulped afraid of his reaction, his anger, I stepped backwards, "Sana answer me, damn it" he yelled, taking a step forward, grabbing my upper arms, he pulled me towards himself, his grip tightening, almost making me yelp.

"Sid, I tried. I really tried, trust me" I whimpered, "You tried what Sana? You tried taking him away from me. He is 6 years old, in these 6 years, you didn't tell me about my son. You were marrying Sushant before he died, you actually wanted him as my son's father?" he yelled, his rage filled eyes shooting daggers at me. "Sid Sana, Saransh is awake" Ridz' voice broke the ice between us.

Sidharth walked faster than me and rushed back into the hospital. It's been a few days since Sid get to know about his son.

After he gave his blood, he left the hospital that day without a word, he would come daily to check upon Saransh but would never talk to me or anyone else. He remained calm maybe waiting for Saransh's recovery. Today, when doctors said it's getting really dangerous for Saransh's survival as it's been three days that he was not in conscious, it was not safe. I saw Sid crying, walking out of the hospital, into the parking lot. I followed him out, confronted him.

I rushed in, and when I saw Sid standing at the foot of the bed, I stopped. Sid was staring at Saransh lovingly, his eyes were wet with tears, crying inwardly. Hiding Saransh from Sid, was my biggest mistake!

My eyes travelled towards my son, who was gazing at his dad, as he has seen his super hero, his eyes were misty, and he was lovingly smiling at his dad. My eyes filled with unshed tears, myself, I looked down wiping a few tears that left my eyes, sighing loudly, I walked in.


"My lil man, how are you?" I muttered, Saransh flicked his eyes towards me smiled a little, "Mom, is..that my dad?" he asked softly, his voice barely audile.

I nodded, looking at him cautiously, he again traced back his way towards his dad, smiled, "Dad" he whispered, his eyes filled with tears. Sid's eyes were instantly tear filled, red raged, hand fisted tightly. He turned around, facing be sharply, "Can we talk?" he whispered, frustration clearly visible on his face. I nodded nervously, glancing at my son who was giving me confused and sad look. He was really hurt of his father's behaviour. I smiled, trying to give him a reassurance, but his eyes were gazing at me and his dad, he was expecting something from us, as if was expecting some miracle to happen. Sid walked out of the room, I followed him timidly, as soon as we were out of the hearing range, he stormed, turning around, he grabbed my shoulders roughly, that will definitely cause a bruise by tomorrow. "MY SON, SANA, HE IS MY SON. YOU HID HIM FROM ME. I WANT HIM. I FUCKING AM TAKING HIM WITH ME" he roared, my eyes widened at his words, my heart thumping fastest as ever before. He want his son! He is our son, ofcourse we can raise him together!

"Sid, we can set days, whenever you want him you can spend time with him. We will--"

"I want his full custody. He will be with me, at my home, everything is done, his room, a nanny, his cook" he cut me off breaking my heart into pieces, instantly my eyes turned wet, my heart started beating faster. "NO SID, DON'T DO THIS TO ME, PLEASE" I cried, my heart skipping its beat. panicking at his words. How could he even think of taking my son from me. I will never let him take my son from me. NO.


"Why?" he snapped, sharply.

"Firstly, he needs me and secondly, I am his mother. You can't take him away from me" I said, rather rudely. "Mother? AND I AM HIS FATHER, SANA. YOU HID HIM FROM HIS FATHER" he yelled, people were now gathered all around us, my mom, Ridz & Karan, gaping at his raised voice.

"Sid. We---"

"My lawyer will contact you with the legalities. If you'll excuse me now" he cut me off buttoning his court. My hands balled up, I was on the edge of slapping him, anger filled in my bossom, but instead I took a deep calming breathe. "I won't let you do that. You can't do that. I am his mother, he needs a mother"

"A mother who was whoring around when her son fell off the stairs? A mother who was dressed up all slutty to be able to be get layed by the end of the night? You--" before any other filth could leave his mouth I slapped him loud, loud enough to be echoed in the corridor.

"You can't judge me when you were already in someone's arms. You are a playboy Sid. What will you teach my son, your playboy skills?" I snapped stopping him from walking inside.

"Atleast I won't teach him to become a gold digger" he yelled, almost making me flinch away, his eyes were stormy red and filled with utmost hatred. I tried to say something, anything but couldn't.

"I will not allow you near my son, ever Sana. Go out of his life like you were never there" he said with finality.

"No... I won't let you take him away from me. Sid" I yelled at his back but he was already out of the hearing range as he entered the sound proof room where our son was waiting for a better news.

I shook my head, wiped the tears roughly, "Sana, tell him the truth please" Ridz said, calmly. I shook my head in a no and turned around, facing everyone, "I am sorry for his rudeness" I muttered.

"Sana, he is hurting, you need to fix him first" Karan said.

I nodded lightly, but it was such a difficult tax to tame him.


Finally I am done with this update.

However, I will try to be quick..

Anyways, only a few more chapters left...

Soon this baby of mine will be completed.

I am gonna miss writing about my hot headed Sid and soft & cold Sana...🥺🥺

I hope you are loving this book😍🎉🎂

Moreover, I have decided to perform a Giveaway, for the most helpful comments on my book.

Any suggestions???

Please help🙈🥺🙏🏻


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