《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 27


"It really means a lot Sushant. Thank You so much. What did you lose in against of this deal?" I asked, of course his dad would have asked for some repayments in against of the deal, their relation is not that good.

"Nothing much. You don't need to worry about it, Sweetheart. Tell me about Sidharth, is he still mad at you?" his words created a havoc in my heart. What should I say now? That he will always remain mad at me. That he will always hate me, no matter what happens, anyways it wasn't a love marriage.

I kept quiet for another second, "Well. It's kind of complicated right now, Sush" I replied what best I could think of because presently, I, myself, was not aware of the complexities of our relation.

"Ok. I hope---" he was interrupted from saying further and in the background I could hear loud yelling of some woman, I tried listening but only could make a few words "You are leaving? You can't leave us, everything you built, for which you-----" and the line went dead. I texted him to call me back soon and started doing my pending work of selecting the best clicks of the day. I was at THE PHOTOHOLICS, and after the shoot I was asked to email the selected clicks to Ryan.

"Sana, Ryan needs you immediately in his office. He asked me to select the clicks" my assistant photographer, Leo , came in huffing and sitting on the chair across me.


"Immediately he said" Leo said turning my laptop towards himself. "Ok" I muttered and went to meet my not so bossy boss.

Once, I reached his floor, I nodded at his assistance and she simply gestured me to rush in. I knocked and entered his office, "You asked for me---" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw Mr. Grey turning around and giving me a disgusting look, his eyes dancing lustfully. I gritted my teeth, fake smiled at him, and waited for either of them to speak.

"Sana. Meet my business partner" Ryan's gleeful voice broke the tension in the air. My eyes widened at the mention of that name, I gulped and of course the cruel, Mr. Grey, smiled at my astonishment.


"50%" Ryan replied, winking at me. I smiled at his enthusiasm, but soon a crease occurred on my forehead, why was I called here?

As if hearing my query, Ryan answered my unasked question with a glint of happiness, "we called you, because our company will be shooting the charity event of The New York that will be held this weekend and you will the head of the event. Everything related to the photoshoots, interviews, media, and all will be under you. You will choose your own team. However, our event organisers will be there for your assistance, but you will be the head" Ryan smiled proudly. I nodded, afraid of the huge responsibility I was given.


"I know you will do your best, Mrs. Malik" Mr. Grey said, giving me a cringe from his stare. I simply nodded, congratulated them and left as soon as possible.


"You can't be serious Leo, you should have checked it yourself. Do you even know we have 3 hours left and still that stage is not decorated, see there , what the fuck are you guys doing? Get out of there, you are not paid to have your gala time over here?" I yelled seeing a few of them talking instead of completing the task in hand.


"You, yes you, go get that those stupid equipments here and set the cameras. You Leo, I want you to take care of the press, the can't pass this boundary. Did you get that?" I ordered, turning around and collided with a wall, shit! But it's not a wall, its muscular!

I upturned my face and my eyes fell on a handsome man, his eyes were shining with a glint amusement, and his lips were turned in a smirk smile. I nervously freed myself when I felt his grip on my waist and a small smile left me.

"I am so sorry I didn't see you" I muttered distancing myself from him even more. "Go get ready, I am here to look after the management from here" he said, and a frown fell on my forehead. "Why? Who are you?" I smirked giving him an eyebrow raised look, skeptically trying to know his motives.

"You don't know me?" he asked amusingly. I shook my head negatively. "Well, you will know me soon, Ms Sana" he replied, I didn't miss the smirky smile he gave me. I nodded and ran out of that place, looking back once again to find me giving me a creepy look. I immediately turned around and saw Ridz waving at me. Ridz, is the event manager who is handling the situation really well, it's just the assistants who are not capable enough to organise one thing properly.

"Sana, stop frowning, we are doing great. Look around, it's the best" I nodded and turned around looking at the things perfectly decorated, everything spoke, Richness.. Elegant !

"Sana, you are just panicking, come Evan and Trish are waiting for us. They want to doll us up" she said quoting their words of course. I laughed aloud, finally the stress of my work leaving my body.

After an hour I was dressed in a simple yet elegant knee length gown, which I bought a few days ago for the event. It was perfectly floral, black and most importantly it was really comfortable to work in. Ridz on the other hand wore a simple black jeans and top pairing it with a red coat. She looked professional, comfortable and beautiful.

"You look stunning Ridz" I said, she smiled, "Not more than you beautiful" she replied in an instant and with a genuine smile on.


"Ok, so lets go and check on the preparations before the guests arrives" I said and dragged her out of the room with Trish and Evan following us.

I was awestruck to see the work before my eyes, it looked blissfully awesome to know that we worked, planned and arranged everything. A proud grin plastered on our face and we turned around to see the media lining up in the allotted area. We shared a nod and I took my place near the camera set up. Ridz waved me a goodbye as she was going to fetch for the manager here, one last time. In no time, a gust of billionaires walked in with their ever so elegant modal like wives or escorts or girlfriends. Whatever!

I was looking at the entrance when I saw a familiar figure appeared, my mind shut and my heart started thumping ever so loudly at his handsomeness of my husband. My eyes widened when I saw Kate at his side, his hands gracing the witch. I stomped my foot childlishly and turned around to ignore the sudden pang of hurt. I busied myself in work checking upon the clicks and clearing any doubts of the media.

An hour or so later, a light tap on my shoulder made me turn around to find my best friend grinning at me. "Shit. How come you are here, Mr. Rajput" I asked embracing him in a bear hug.

"You are here with?" he asked ignoring my question.

"I am here working, head photographer and manager of the day" I said smiling proudly and bowing in an act of flaunting. He chuckled, and I saw Kriti come and stood beside him, ignoring me completely, "we need to be at the table. Your dad's waiting" she said glancing at icily. I smiled timidly, nervousness endured me when her eyes narrowed at me.

He nodded, smiled his charming smile, and kissed my cheeks to bid me a goodbye. I saw him, whispering something into Kriti's ears. He then went and sat on the table with his family, the old version of him, probably his dad, shooting daggers at me making hell more uneasy.

I took a sigh, and saw Ryan and Chris, grinning at me. I waved at them, smiling, and gesturing Chris that she looked awesome.

A clearing of throat on a microphone brought my eyes back to the stage and my eyes fell on the same person whom I met earlier. His eyes met mine and a huge grin spread on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled on the stage. freaky!

"Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen. We all know that the charity gala, this year, is the most special one. We have been conducting it since years now and being the host, Noah Grey, welcome you to be my special guest. Enjoy your party time until the actual cause begins in an hour." my eyes widened, on seeing him giving me cruel look. Shit! He is my boss's younger brother!

I know this because, Ryan mentioned that Mr. Grey's brother is gonna conduct the gala.

"Lastly, I wanna thank my team for being such a considerable perfection and doing this in a week's time" I gulped when he gestured his hands towards me and our team. Ridz gulped beside me, she was grinning though but I...Well I was shocked to even open my mouth, smile or even nod.

I stood transfixed and felt stares penetrating my way. Soon, the music started and everything became normal except the thumping of my heart. "Go and enjoy. Your heels must be killing you, we will call you if need be" Leo said. Ridz thanked him dragged me towards the bar. "No I can't drink" I said. "Why are you pregnant?" she said and my eyes widened, "no" I semi yelled at her.

"Oh Gosh! I was just kidding. Have some juice if you don't wanna drink" she said.


"Oops. I didn't see you I guess" I growled loudly when the wine fell on me ruining my dress. "Kate. You did that on purpose" Ridz said, my hands fisted ready to punch the bitchiness of that slut, taking a step forward I grabbed the wine glass from Ridz hand and threw it across Kate's face, "oops.. I didn't see your slutty face" I mimicked her tone and smirked. "You Bitc--"

"ENOUGH" a loud roar echoed behind me, and a shiver escaped me on hearing that voice, I waited for him to yell at me and insult me, but his eyes scanned me, for any injuries rather.

"Babe, she---"

"Shut up, Kate." Sid's pissed voice gave me a trembling shiver which I tried to pass.

Kate looked at me and then around herself and stormed out of the hall, pissed as hell.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sid whisper-yelled at me.

"Job" I answered.

"You are here as a photographer. Do you even know here are so many billionaires and you, being my wife wanna tell people that I can't afford your expenses and so you work hard enough to earn your living. " he said, no, actually he whisper yelled at me.

When I didn't answer he dragged me in the corridor, his hands gripping my arms tightly. His eyes fell on my cleavage and his teeth gritted, "What the hell are you wearing? What do you want? Men's attention" he spoke venom, it was my turn to get mad and I pushed him away from me.

"Just---" but I was cut off by a shrilly and screechy voice from behind him.

"Married this slut" a feminine voice that caused a sudden change in Sid's posture came. His shoulders jerked, his muscles tensing up, his eyes turning blood red.

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