《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 26


"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE" I sat upright disoriented, falling off the couch because of the suddenness and loud roaring of my husband. I grabbed my head in my hands, as a sudden ache started to develop.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT? GET UP AND GET LOST!" I trembled, his eyes were fixated on me and he was giving me a disgusted look, the hatred, the pain and the hurt was evident in his eyes but he tried to hide all his emotions failing miserably.

"Sid, just listen to me for once. I really don't want anything from you, please. I don't want this company, in fact I want you to---"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" he yelled right in my face, frustrated of me. I gulped, nodded, and moved away from me, my eyes were filled with tears and within seconds a sob escaped me. He groaned watching me cry pathetically, but remained as stoic as possible. "Stop with the waterworks Sana. Stop being a baby. You are really a great actor. Now, get out of my house" he roared, once again. I know he wasn't drunk and whatever he just said he meant it.

"Where will I go?" I asked in between of my sobs. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. BUT. I. CAN'T. SEE. YOUR. FUCKING. FACE. AROUND. ME" he yelled pointing his pointer after it syllable.

I pushed him away from me, giving myself some air to breathe in. Taking huge gulps of air in, I shook my head in a NO. His eyes creased and a frown appeared on his face. He took a step forward and held me roughly on my upper arms on either side. His grip on me tightened, that will definitely turn into a bruise by tomorrow.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" he yelled, intimidating me causing me to cry even more. I however, took a deep breathe and smiled with teary eyes, with fake confidence, I said, "I am not leaving you until the year is over. Once, I will give you back your company and everything I will leave you and everyone else". A small chuckle left him, I looked into his eyes that locked with me for a mini-second. "You will give me back my company, right the wrong done.?" he asked sarcastically. I nodded, and he broke into a hysterical laughter, loosening his hold on me.



"FUCK YOU SANA. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU, AND BELIEVE ME I CAN. JUST GET OUT OF MY VIEW. DON'T YOU DARE CROSS MY PATHS" he roared and stormed out of the hall. A few seconds later I could hear a loud slamming of door.

I wiped my tears roughly, and walked into my room timidly. It was 11pm and I was hell tired. But sleep evaded me, I couldn't fall asleep again. Thinking about how and what to do now, all night. I had a view way outs in my mind and I immediately jotted those possible way outs in a diary, thinking about the best plan and the best way out.


I reached THE PHOTOHOLICS exactly on time and utilised my precious time to sip my morning latte in my office. I even bought a sandwich and bite it thinking about the consequences of my next planned step. Finally, giving up on it, I called dad, ofcourse it went into his voicemail directly. Plan B then, I called, my bestie, Sushant. Lets do this, Sid. I am gonna prove you that all girls are not Simona. Not every woman is a Gold-Digger.


"Sir, Mr. Akimitsu wants to see you now" Sarah said surprised on hearing his name, I waited for a few more seconds.

"Sir?" when I heard her voice again, I cleared my throat, "Please send him in and after a minute, some refreshments" I said, sitting straighter.

After a while, he entered after knocking at the door, I stood up and bowed as a hello, its in the Japanese custom like all other Asian countries they have different greeting customs just like India.

He smiled brightly and I gestured him to take his seat. "I got know about the deceive young man. I am so sorry you have to go throw all that distress. I breached their contract and filed a complaint of forgery against them. Emm.. would you like to accept my offer?" he said in his broken English.


"I am glad you took this decision, Mr. Akimitsu. I will gladly accept your partnership" I said, offering my hand to him for a handshake.

Soon, there was a knock followed by Ms. Sarah carrying the refreshments as I asked for. I gave her a slight nod, appreciating her choice of cuisine, it was all Japanese cuisine. I saw a bright and appreciative smile on Mr. Akimitsu's face.

I am definitely giving her a raise for her presence of mind!


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