《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 25


A loud thud of slamming of the door woke me up from my tiring sleep, I opened my eyes immediately, disoriented and sat upright. My heart was thumping faster due to the sudden impact, and a sudden unwanted, ache shot in my head. Probably, because of the suddenness of my waking up.

I rubbed my eyes, yawned but shut my mouth as soon as my eyes fell on the drunken piece of a shit I call husband. He was slurring, or muttering some incoherent swears and his eyes were bloody red. I could see that he didn't see me yet and once he does, I will be a dead person.

I quietly buried myself behind the headrest of the couch to be left unnoticed. "You don't need to hide from me, wifey. I am not in mood to see your fucking face as well" he slurred walking drunkenly into the kitchen.

I growled, hiding from the demons is not possible, of course they can smell their prey! I stood off the couch, and walked into the kitchen right in time. His hands raking his head and a frown was on his face. He drank the bottle of water in a huge gulp. I sensed something was not right, the way his eyes were glistening, the frown and the paleness of his face told me he wasn't feeling well.

I stepped forward, placing my hand on his forehead, "Shit! you are burning, Sid" I said, as if to tell him he wasn't well.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't need you to touch me." he whisper yelled, wincing in pain. He pushed me a little and started walking towards his room, he groaned holding his head in a tight grip.

"But Sid"

"Stop yelling woman. Do you wanna kill me?" he said wincing again.

Haaa...how I wish I could! I thought, chuckling softly. He ignored me and started walking again towards his room, taking slow steps, wincing lightly at every step.

I glanced at the clock and was shocked to see it was 8am, Shit he was out for all night!

I took some orange juice, a paracetamol and a glass of water with a bowl of nachos to his room. Once I reached there, I knocked lightly and entered without waiting for his answer, when my eyes fell on him on the coach, my heart constricted, he was holding his head in his hand, his eyes were glistening, and a his face ashen. I sat myself beside him, he whispered in a low and defeated tone, "Sana, I am really not in any mood, just leave me alone".

"I will go away but only after you've had your breakfast" I said, his eyes jerked open and found mine, I was pretty adamant about it. I thought he would just ignore me but instead he took the tray from my hand, a little to roughly and drank his juice in a gulp, his eyes never leaving mine, he then ate a few nachos with the cheesy dip, and moaned. a small smile appeared on my face, I knew he won't be able to ignore nachos and cheese, its his favourite junk food, what I observed so far.

"Now, get lost" he said as soon as his bowl emptied. I shook my head in a no, "First, have this paracetamol and take some rest. " I said, raising my eyebrows.

"You can cut this crap of being a caring wife, you are here for an year and more than that. I think you have forgotten about the divorce papers you signed?" his words were agonizing, I smiled sadly, "I know Sid, you don't need to remind me daily" I said and stood up to leave but turned around, "Take some rest. I will call your secretary and let him know you won't be coming today." I muttered and walked out of his room when I saw a slight nod from him.



Hours later I was in the library when I heard some moment outside of it, I shut my book and headed out to see who might be walking or pacing when Sid must be sleeping and no ones at home. I took off today for I couldn't leave Sid alone here. I walked and found Sid pacing up and down the corridor.

"I think I told you to take some rest" I said in a stern tone, trying to intimidate him. (Mark my words, to)

He glared at me, intimidating me rather, "Stop acting as if you care. Stop being my mom and lemme think"

I sighed, "You think while pacing up and down the corridor?" I said, chuckling. His icy cold ice met mine and he took a few steps forward, I took a few steps backward, colliding with the wall behind. "Its my house, I can do what the hell I like. Did you get that?" he said, his eyes fixed on my lips.


"WHAT?" he snapped that caused me to flinch and looked at the floor, nervously.

I shook my head and tried to push him but he closed the gap between us, making me flushed. a loud clearing of the throat broke us apart and he took a few steps backward. I blushed when I saw Sid's dad standing in the corridor, eyeing us, his eyes were shining joyously and as soon as my eyes met with his, I looked elsewhere.

"Dad?" Sid said, confusion embarking on his face.

"What? I can't come and meet my daughter and son now?" he said, raising his eyebrows, and pushed Sid from his way. I smiled once we was in front of me and touched his feet, he patted me lightly and hugged me from the my side, kissing my forehead. "God bless you, my girl" he muttered.

Sid shook his head rolling his eyes and walked into the hall. "I am here for a reason. I wanted to talk to you, guys. Come lets go into the hall" he strode off towards the hall and I followed him timidly.

I walked in hesitantly, I didn't wish to intrude and I wasn't sure how Sid would react. Hell, I didn't even know if dad knows anything about us. "Come, sit Sana. I am here for a really important reason." dad said as soon as his eyes fell on me. I smiled and sat on the couch across him Sid was sitting on the other side of the couch.

"So. Sana, I want something of you, its really important for me." I nodded, but my heart was beating faster as never before.

"Sid, I want you to let me complete and then only utter a word" he gave a terrifying look to Sidharth.

"Sana, your dad cheated me in the most heinous way ever. He leaked some very important information from my office to someone, who is an off limit for our family." after a huge sigh he continued, meanwhile I glanced at Sid and noticed him gritting his teeth and that his hand was forming a fist.

"He betrayed me. But I can't change what he did neither you can do anything about it. You are our daughter in law and his daughter we can't go back and punish him for what he did. I won't force you not to talk to him ever and that bullshit. I trust you, I have my full faith in you. So, here take this and sign it, I want you to take over 50% of my shares and I want an early retir---"


"WHAT?" Sid roared, and stood up, full of rage, his hands in a fist and he was growling at dad.

"Sid. I told you to let me complete" Mr. Malik said, but Sid ignored him, "You want to give your company in her hands" he said pointing at me, his eyes met mine and a terrifying shiver shook me from within.

"Bravo! You all won. You and your dad got the Company of millions of worth. I am amazed at this gold-digging talent of yours. Gosh, you were the best in the world.-"

"Sidharth. Just shut up and listen. I want her as the owner of the other half so that we could get back the other half from her dad" Mr. Malik explained. A frown formed on my face, who has the other half? From whom they want it back?

"FROM YOUR FATHER" I realised that I was thinking loudly when Sid roared menacingly.

"My Dad?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes your dad, Sana. He asked a million dollars and 50% partnership to give your hand to for Sid." Mr. Malik said, "but I am glad I got you as a daughter in law. I don't mind anything. I just couldn't tolerate being betrayed by another friend. I want that company to be of my grandchild. I want you both to own it"

"Dad, you are passing over your company to her. The daughter of that bastard of a friend who betrayed you" Sid yelled, staring at his dad.

"I trust her" he replied, his eyes briefly met mine, and I noticed the hollowness, of being cheated again and again. I couldn't control and my eyes filled with tears, streaming down my cheeks.

How could dad do that? He sold his only daughter. How could he betray Mr. Malik. He is one of the best person in the whole world.

"Come my child, just read and sign these documents. I want to take some rest. I want to have a tension free life now" Mr. Malik said, looking over at me.

"Dad. I don't think I can handle such a huge enterprise. I don't have any degree in business. I just"

"Cut that crap Sana. You always wanted this. We know. Atleast, I know. You got what you wanted. Stop your acting of being innocent" Sid said, glaring at me.

"Sidharth, just shut up!" Dad roared.

"Sana. I will teach you, you have Sid with you to help. Please do as you are told" Dad pleaded his eyes glistening with his tears.


"For me. Please Sana. I always wanted a daughter. I know if I had one, she wouldn't be half as you are" Dad said.

I nodded, with tear filled eyes I signed the documents with shaking hands.

A loud shuttering sound, make me jerk my eyes towards Sid, and I noticed his hand bleeding copiously. I gulped, standing in an instant I rushed towards him, I saw the glass smattered in his hand, his eyes blood shot red, fixed at his dad and the papers where I signed.

"Sid" I whispered, once I reached him, placed my hand on his arm, but he pushed me, I was got off guard and I fell on the floor next to his legs. Dad stood up and walked towards us, "How dare you? Don't forget your values?" Dad yelled at Sid. His eyes met mine and I shook my head in a No.

Sid stormed out of the penthouse, muttering a few swears, without glancing at me or dad. "Dad" I said, standing up carefully, but a bit of glass pierced my foot, and I winced inwardly.

"I will cook dinner for you, please have it here with us" I said with hopeful eyes. He smiled, "I would love to. But only if you will make dal roti."

I smiled and walked into the kitchen, preparing the dinner and dad sat across the kitchen island watching me, sipping his evening tea. "He will be mad at you later" Dad said.

"He is always mad at someone, dad. Tell me this dad, when he was a baby, did he hurt himself, like any serious injury to his head" I chuckled and dad laughed aloud.

"No. He was never hurt, atleast not physically. Emotionally, he broken into pieces many times. But the most agonising heartbreak was when Simona cheated on him. He was shattered, he loved her, he could have given her the world, only if she had asked him once" Dad said sadly.

"Simona? He never mentioned her to me" I said, setting the dinner for two of us.

"He doesn't now. Well, she was his fiancée, I mean until one day he found her in bed with her boss." I hitched a breathe, my hands trembled a little, that made the dal I was pouring, fall on the counter.

"She was gold-digger. She slept with her boss to get the modelling assignment from him. He was a casting director and billionaire. Sid wasn't the owner of the company by then. I wanted him to enjoy a carefree life until he was married. Anyways, that was years ago. He has moved on from her. He loves you, Sana. Just give him some time, my girl." I nodded and wiped my tears roughly.


After dinner, dad left. I packed some dinner for Joana and John too. Plated Sid's dinner and cleaned the mess the kitchen was in.

I sat in the hall waiting for him to return for too long. I was tired as hell. I blinked a few times, to remain awake but my eyes were shutting on its own accord. I didn't know when I fell in the deep slumber thinking about Sid and Simona, about the broken Sid who never let anyone in. Sid who has gone through a lot. Sid who was hurt as hell because of my family. He needs me to mend him, to bring him back to that joyous self, to love him as much as he deserves.


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