《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 19


Sana' s PoV

I was done preparing for the shoot, everything set in perfection.


pparently, it was a tiring day which was yet to start.

I was deep in my work when I heard a loud and oh so familiar laughter.

I turned around and my eyes fell on a very handsome, and my favourite face on Earth.

"Sushant Singh Rajput" I yelped in surprise.

"Oh my Gosh. Sana. Is that you?" He engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Where have you been?" He asked, looking me over, "and you look so beautiful" he whispered, lovingly.

"Sush. You are same as sweet as sugar. I always watch your movies. You know how proud I feel when I see you following your dreams. I never in my wildest dreams thought you wanted to become an actor. You never told us. " I asked, smiling at his heartful smile.

"I never told anyone, cause I never wanted to be one. My dreams were same Sana. I just didn't get time to follow those" he said, with a bit of lost smile.

"So how come, someone dreaming about Universe became a model/actor. I mean you did Aeronautical Engineering right?" I asked.

"Yeah. I did, it's a story for later. For now you should know that I am happy being an actor." He looked over nervously at someone.

"Kriti" he called his co-actor over to him.

"Kriti, she is Sana, my best friend from school" he introduced me, smiling brightly.

"And Sana, she is my girl friend" he winked watching her reaction which turned into a disgusting one.

"Shut up Sush. We are just friends, Sana. Although he wants to be in my pants so badly" Kriti explained laughing and offering her hand for me to take.

I shook her hand delightfully.

"So are you guys ready for the shoot?" I asked.

"No shit. You are the head photographer here. Wow. I mean you followed your dreams, finally your hitler daddy allowed you to do what you wanted?" He asked, astonished.

"I.. that's a story for later, Sush. But now that you're in California and then in New York. You are not going back until we are gonna go everywhere. Breaking all laws. I met Alex too we need to catch up like old times, please." I exclaimed excitedly.

"Sure. Why not?"

I smiled at my artwork, it was just another perfect shot. A perfect capture, the models were truly appreciative of my work. Ofcourse the models were my friends.

But they were happy with the entire team. Even the so called tough Director appreciated us, with a simple nod and a short smile, he said, "Good" and left.

But I was happy with this. People say he never smiles. Infact our team was being appreciated for the whole portfolios by everyone.

It's our first day at work, tiring as hell but everything seemed out to be so wonderful. All tardiness vanished in thin air, meeting Sush was another achievement. The most important thing was that he will be in New York with Kriti for the next three months, for a movie called Raabta.


I am so glad, for he promised me every weekend we would catch up for the lost times.

Kriti was also a great actress and a very wonderful personality. She was not all fake and shit, she was real, fun loving, cheerful and most important I saw love in her eyes for my Sush. She loved him but something was stopping her from confessing her love. I could see that restrainment in her.

We all were excited, and even Evan and Trish became friends with Sush and Kriti. They were not like other actors. Generally everyone seems arrogant, proudy but they were not that skinned.

Evan and Trish insisted on celebrating the first day success which I ignored deligently. I was in no mood to celebrate, right now. Trish was really persistent but I was not an easy nut to crack either. I promised her a girls night out once we are back in NY and a movie night.

I was glad she agreed after a few promises. We reached the hotel at around 8pm and decided to have our dinner at the hotel's restaurant.

We ordered Chinese and we were presently munching on our dinner, talking about some ad shoot that was a recent hit of our company, headed by another team. I checked my phone and found a multiple number of missed calls from my dad, mom, Ellie and Sid.

I got so frightened, I dialled Sid's number which went directly to his voice mail.

I started dialling dad, when I heard a Yelp from beside me, I turned around to see Trish and Evan looking over at a post on IG of someone, their eyes were popping out of their sockets, "Sana?" Trish whispered, followed by a look of hurt, anguish and concern.

I grabbed her phone and my hands started trembling, when the picture came into my view. It was Sid in bed, in a steamy sex scene, with Kate in his arms. It seemed they had sex a few minutes ago. The picture was captioned,

"Morning like these are rare but special. "

"What the fuck is this?" Evan yelled, from beside me making me jump. My eyes were filled with tears, hurt and a frightening shiver ran down my body.

I couldn't help it, a sob escaped me, and Sush came around to hug me. From my peripheral vision I saw Kriti confused from all the fuss, looking over at Trish asking for some explanations.

I didn't tell Sush about us and so he was as confused as her. I pushed myself away from him, trying to form words, but nothing came out. I felt a sudden sort of piercing in my heart, and not wanting to break down in front of them and making a fool of me, I rather ran into my room as swiftly as I could.

Once I was in my room, I yelled loudly, snuggled into myself, sobbing pathetically, lying on the floor.


I love you, Sid. I loved you with all my heart. You shattered it into pieces. I fell for a playboy and that's my biggest mistake. I wasn't meant to fall for him. I wasn't meant to be crying over this.


Four days later I was heading back to home with my luggage. I felt the constriction in my heart when I saw our penthouse.

It was a really hectic schedule till now. We would work all day and party all night at the hotel. No sleep and exhausted as hell, I dreaded going back home.

Sid tried reaching me but I ignored him completely. Even mom and dad tried calling me but I wasn't answering any of their calls.

I messaged them that I was at work and very busy, asked them to be at ease for a few days. I wanted my peace at that time. But now I couldn't remain off for too long. I had to face the truth of deceitful life.

Sushant has been a perfect distraction , a true friend. He came to know about Sid and I told him everything about us, even that it wasn't a real marriage, a contract marriage rather. He was fuming with anger when he got to know about that. He was mad at my dad and mom, on the first place for being that difficult with me. He blamed them for everything.

But when I told him that I actually loved Sid, his eyes were teared up. "You can't love him" he said, gritting his teeth.

"But I can't unlove him all of a sudden. I love him still. It's my fault that I fell for a playboy. It's my fault that I thought he would love me back. He made sure at the very beginning that he was not ready to leave his life style and hence he married me for his share, for money I married him to follow my dreams. We bith were selfish" I told him plainly.

Sushant then told me about how he left his parents' house when they forced him into their family business. He explained everything that happened with him, how he left them? How they made it difficult for him to become an aeronautical engineer, how he was on road searching for job, how he used to dance on streets for money and there some director picked him up and turned him into an actor.

I felt numb thinking about his dad, Mr. Singh was one of my idol fathers. Ofcourse I knew him, he was our neighbour for too long. He even shared a keen interest with my dad. They both were good friends until one night everything changed. They broke into a fight and Mr. Singh left for India taking away my then bestie with him.

I asked dad and mom but no one answered me. They were adamant about the fight. They ignored it and asked me to shut up too.

I was a teenager, not confident and too meagre to fight my parents for answer. I accepted the fact that they just left for good.

I don't know if Sushant even knew about the real reason it was some parent to parent thing which we both tend to loose.

I heard a loud laughter coming from within the hall startling me and taking me by surprise. I walked further in, saw Sid and a few of his friends drinking casually. They were all Indians and I knew no one. I could say they were all drunk, I entered without acknowledging them and walked directly towards our room.

I was halfway through when I heart a loud screech of Sid, "here she is. My wife Shehnaaz Sharma oops my mistake she is Mrs. Shehnaaz Malik." Sid slide his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him.

I sniffed, and coughed when I smelt hard liquor and cigrette. It was foul!

"Wife... You know what she is? Guys... She is a photographer, a photographer" he slurred.

I entangled myself from him pushing him away, "and see how mad she is. At me. Imagine. "

"Sid. I think you're not in your senses. Let go of me" I whisper yelled at him but smiling for we had audience.

"Oho wife. Why? Let me introduce you to my friends" he slurred, pulling me roughly into the hall.

"Hi" I smiled awkwardly, smiling at all. They were four in number, all guys. I saw a plastered gruesome smile on each of them except one who was smiling guiltily at me.

"He is Jay" Sid said pointing at the guiltily smiling man.

I nodded and he smiled tight lipped nodding back at me.

"That's Karan, that's Kartik and that's Vicks" he introduced everyone.

"And guys she is my Wife. The one I told you about. The one who apparently is a Gold- Digger. " My eyes snapped at him. I gulped loudly, I saw him giving me a look of hatred.

"Oh...and she is a whore" he continued insulting me.

My eyes were filled with unshed tears and shock.

They all laughed, a loud and hefty laughter except Jay who gave me stranger look. A look of guilt and regret.


Well Why???

Why did Sid changed into a person like this?

What happened in the past week that turned him into a monster?

Wanna know???

Keep Reading 😘🙂😍🤗


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