《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 3


I asked him to get the hell out of there. His eyes were shining brightly, mischievously planning for the next move.

He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. I tried to push him but he didn't even shifted a little bit.

"I hate you " I yelled at him, my heart beating ever so fast.

"You love me" he said softly, pulling me into himself.

"No, you are an arrogant, self centred , a scoundrel. You are so full of yourself" I replied, irritated at his smirky, confident face.

"Listen Sana, don't give me these tantrums or else you'll regret each and every day of your life." He pushed me against the wall, inching towards me. He then did the worst, he raked his eyes, towards my lips, licking his own, appreciatively.

I was surprised because of his reaction, he never looked at me with adoration before.

His mood swings gives me headaches now. Unbelievable!

I hate him.

He inched towards me, now my heart lept a hunch higher.

His lips licked my earlobe and.....

Someone knocked...

No I want him to kiss me. I want him to kiss me. Please go away.

I ignored the knocking and inched my lips towards his..

"Kiss me already, Sid" I whispered softly, frustrated of his foreplay.

"I wouldn't have mind kissing you , Ms. Sharma. You just needed to tell me about your wish" ...

I woke up disoriented. Sitting straighter at his voice near to my ears.

I looked towards his eyes. He was staring at my appearance lustfully.

Oh! Great.

"My eyes are up, here, Mr. Malik." I smirked.

His eyes suddenly shot up to mine. His cheeks warmed up.

Was he blushing? Oh my my Mr. Arrogant can blush.

"I kn--knocked twice." He stuttered a little.

Suddenly, I was brought back to my dream by my mind. Oh my God. I wanted him to kiss me in that dream. Like a desperate bimbo, fuck. My cheeks warmed up on its own accord.

He smirked at me.

"I really want to make your dream come true, sweetheart but you know what, you were supposed to meet our wedding planner an hour ago. I think you are pretty late for that" he said.


I looked at him trying to act ignorant about it. He didn't tell me about this meeting. Last night I saw a message informing about it by my mum where I guess he should be the one informing me about such errands.

He leaned into my bed. My breath caught up. I closed my eyes instantly.

I don't know why. But I wanted him to close this distance and kiss me.

I could feel his hot breath near my lips. He smelled like mint. When I thought he was going to kiss me , I opened my mouth slightly..and

He started laughing. My eyes shot up to him annoyingly.

He smirked. "I knew you wanted me Sana. But I didn't know you were so eager."

" You.." I started...

"I know I know I am hot" he replied.

"No. You are a Jerk" I yelled at him.

He laughed and started to head out of the room.

"Asshole" I shouted when he exited the room and threw a pillow on the door wishing it was him.


Dad told me about the meeting with the wedding planner at 1 in the afternoon. I groaned and wished I could just escape all this. But I know my dad. If he wants me to do something I have to do that. He won't give me this Company's shares at any cost if I won't follow his commands. I had have marry Sana, keep her happy and then only he'd let me have my shares. Thinking about her brings a sudden electric current in my body. I know that it can't be only lust. I want her. But I want to have things with her I never had with anyone. I like to annoy her. I love seeing her red in anger.

She looks pretty hot when she is pissed at me.

I glanced at my watch and saw that its already 1. I rushed out of my study and went down.

There was a pretty cute lady with two of her assistants I guess.

"Hi, I am Jenny. Your wedding planner . Mr. Malik" she said offering her hand.


I took that hand for the handshake and smiled back. Usually I would have kissed her hand to flirt with her and probably bed her at least once.

But I don't feel like thinking about any other woman except my would be wife lately.

I offered her to head into the living area where dad and Sana's parents were having tea.

We sat there waiting for Sana to arrive.

"Does she know about this meeting?" I asked particularly to anyone who'd know about her whereabouts.

"Yes, I texted about it to her last night" her mum intervened.

I smiled at her . We waited for a fucking hour. And she was no where to be seen. I can't take this type of a behaviour any more. I stood up and stormed out of the living room.

What does she think of herself. She thinks she is a princess or what. I hate late comers.

I Knocked at her door but there was no reply.

I knocked once again a bit louder this time.

Still no reply.

I barged into the room and saw a petite figure sleeping in the centre of the bed.

My anger melted. She looked so cute. She was facing the door so I could see she was pouting at something in her dream.

I smiled and sat at the corner of the bed.

She licked her lips as if someone was going to kiss her.

I felt jealous whom she wanted to kiss when she was getting married to me.

And she whispered something I wouldn't have understood that if it wasn't my name.

"Kiss me already, Sid" she whispered dreamily, pouting like a three year old.

Oh. So little Ms. Sharma wants to be kissed my me. I see.

I closed the distance. Resisting myself from kissing her plump lips.

Instead I head towards her ears and said,

"I wouldn't have mind kissing you , Ms. Sharma. You just needed to tell me about your wish" ... I stopped when she woke up and sat disoriented.

Was that my t-shirt. She looked hot in my clothes. Damn. I want her too badly.

My eyes travelled down her body. She wasn't wearing her bra. I could see her nipples. My little baby wanted more of her now. I wanted this God damn girl.

"My eyes are up, here, Mr. Malik." She smirked.

I felt myself intruding her privacy.

My face turning red nervously probably because she caught me lusting at her.

"I kn--knocked twice." What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I stuttering now?

Grow up ,Sid.

I saw her blushing. Probably thinking about her dream again.

Oh I like her blush. Red colour suits her more.

"I really want to make your dream come true, sweetheart but you know what you were supposed to meet our planner an hour ago. I think you are pretty late now" I smirked.

She looked at me once again.

I leaned into her. I wanted to just have a taste of those sexy mouth of hers. I was an inch away from kissing her when I glanced at her eyes. She looked naive. A doll. Her hair all messy. I wanted to kiss her mouth which slightly opened for me.

I could kiss her instead I started laughing. I didn't know if I started with this, would I be able to stop? I guess no.

Her eyes shot to me annoyingly.

I smirked. "I knew you wanted me, Sana. But I didn't know you were so eager."

" You.." she started...

"I know I know I am hot" I replied.

"No. You are a Jerk" she yelled at me.

I laughed and started to head out of the room.

"Asshole" she shouted when I exited the room.

I wanted out of that room. I was unable to think of anything but she under me. I couldn't control myself any further. So I decided to just strode away from her.


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