《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Chapter 2


Sana's POV:-

This Sidharth Malik is an Arrogant Playboy. He didn't even hid his lust from me. His piercing eyes roaming all over my body brought sparks in me in ways, I'd never felt before.

I hate him for agreeing to marry me.

Why did he agree to marry someone like me. ? I mean look at me. Why would anyone agree to marry me? It's probably his lust. Can't he see I am not that person. My chubby cheeks never brought any type of boy's attention in school or in college. I never had a boyfriend. I never wanted one. I hate men. They are selfish, stubborn and self-centered. They don't give a damn about us. What they want ,they get. Unlike, we, women, who have to sacrifice their dreams. Just like my mum did.

I hate Sidharth Malik. It's him, because of whom, I am here. In this hell of a situation. I hate him for being so attractive. His handsome face is making it difficult for me to not to get attracted towards him. I do not want to get anything right now. I just want my job my dream. I want him to hate me. He is making it more difficult for me now by looking God damn sexy.

We had a very frustrating conversation in the 10 minutes drive from JFK to his mansion.

Frustrated with his sarcastic tone, I jumped out of his car without even waiting for him to step out of it.

I glanced at his mansion and was surprised to see such a huge building ahead.

It was beautiful.

Sidharth stood by my side with his trade marked smile. Looking hot as hell. I glanced in his direction. He winked at me. I hate him . God! he is just so Frustrating.

"Ma'am, you are most welcome to our mansion" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and started towards the main gate. My mum and dad must have reached a few minutes earlier because they were standing at the huge gate of the mansion with an exact but an older version of Sid.

Mr. Malik smiled charmingly at me. I smiled back, touched his feet and greeted him with just a simple "Namastey".


He looked at me with a welcoming smile.

"I must say Sharma your daughter is very pretty" he smiled facing dad.

"Now she is your daughter too, Malik" dad replied.

" I always wanted a daughter, Sharma" he smirked at Sidharth

"I am glad to have you as one, Shehnaaz", Mr. Malik said looking at me now.

"Please call me Sana, sir" I smiled warmly.

"And please, call me dad" he replied.

I glanced at Sidharth. He was looking at his father in an amusing manner.

I smiled at him lovingly when he glanced at me. I couldn't let them all know, what are my plans.

Sidharth too, smiled lovingly at me. It didn't seem any of the fake one. For a second I thought, we were in love.

"Look at them, awe, they are looking so cute."

Mum's voice brought me back into reality and I broke our stance.

"Let's, go inside guys. Let them have rest". Mr. Malik said looking at Sidharth.

We stepped inside. It was the most beautiful house. It was build in an Indian Manner.

A glass house. The scenic beauty of it's interior itched me take out my camera and capture it.

We entered the hall and it was filled with beautiful Indian handicrafts.

"Sid take Sana to her room, I would like to talk to Sharma. We have met after so long." Mr. Malik said.

"May I Miss.? " Sidharth asked, asking for my hand. I rolled my eyes at him but held his hand without showing any tantrums.

"Ehem! Seems like you are afraid of your parents" Sidharth smirked at me when we reached the stairs.

I pulled my hand away. Glared at him.

I kept silent for rest of the way. They had around 6 rooms in that house at this floor.

At the end, he opened a room motioning me to enter. I entered the room and was astonished to see it's interiors. It was greatly designed.

At the mid of the room was a king sized bed.

It had two sofa seats near a door sized glass window which was hidden behind curtains. There were two other doors. I entered the one exactly in front of the bed which was the washroom. There was a pretty big shower area and a bath too.


Then I entered the other door which was next to this one. It was a walk-in-closet probably bigger than my own bedroom back at London. I looked around and noticed it was stocked up with stuff.

All manly stuff. I opened the cupboards and they were filled with Sid's stuff.

I turned around only to see Sidharth smirking at me.

"What the hell do you think ? " I yelled at him. "

"Take me to my room" I continued.

He smiled annoyingly and stepped further inside the closet.

I stepped back looking at his lustful eyes.

I don't know why I felt nervous.

He walked slowly towards me and I backed step by step.

I got lost in admiring the man before. He has the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. His smile makes me want to kiss him. I continued backing away when I felt a wall behind me and looked helplessly all around but at him.

He closed the distance locking his blue eyes with mine once again.

Oh God! I am in love with his eyes. His smile brings calm to my heart.

Oh Fuck off Sana, you are not supposed to think about him in these ways. Grow up. React. Push him. Go away.

My mind started giving me orders on which my couldn't react upon. I couldn't just push him. I need to get out of here.

He smirked at me, "enjoying the view, Ms. Sharma" . I wish I could slap him right now. I tried to push him but failed miserably. He was huge. He lifted my chin and forced me to look at his eyes once again.

"This is our room, darling" he started.

My eyes widen on its own accord.

"I am not sharing my room with you" I replied nervously looking elsewhere.

"You are not. But you will, soon baby." He smirked at me and stepped back.

Please remind me next time to hate his smile too.

I pushed him harder. He smirked again and let me out. I entered the room with quite warm cheeks.

"You look cute when you blush" he started but paused suddenly. I shot my eyes towards his. And again I saw that lust in his eyes.

He just couldn't control himself.

I smirked at him.

"I am leaving for my penthouse, for now. My dad wanted me to take you all there but you know what that is my personal play area. I hope you know what that is" He explained, winking at me, his lips upturned into a huge smirky grin.

I hate you, dumb ass.

I looked at him angrily. He has the guts to talk to me about his sex life. Like I care about whom he fucks or not.

I glared at him, " I don't give a fuck about your private life, Mr. Malik".

"Oh really Ms. Sharma, is this the jealousy I see on your face right now?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.

Of course, he will make fun of you. Idiot!

"Oh shut up and get lost." I replied coldly.

" I will see you tomorrow, darli...." He started but I cut him off mid sentence.

" I am not your darling, Mr. Malik."

" You will be soon, baby." He smirked at me and walked out of the room.

I rushed to the washroom and saw I was pretty angry, red in anger, or may its your blush darling! My mind started its nonsense chatting with me once again.

I changed myself into one of his t-shirts as my bags were still packed. I was not in any condition to unpack right now. I just wanted to sleep and forget about all this.

I laid down and was surrounded by his sexy smell.

I smiled and slept peacefully for the rest of the night.


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