《Fallen So Deep (Sidnaaz)》Caste & Prologue


(Sidharth Malik & Sana Sharma)

Sana's POV:-

Last Day at the college.

Thereafter, I will be free from this charade. I just don't wanna fuck with all this shit any more. Five years into something I hated to do yet I did just for my parents.

Being an Indian and in London with such strict parents has taught me to keep myself shut.

My parents are both from India, settled in London for work. I was born in London itself and have been to India only twice - for a cousin's wedding at the age of 10 and then when my paternal grandmother died, at the age of 15.

My dad's family is a huge one and they all are settled in Punjab, India.

We have no one in London except a few friends and colleagues.

My mother was an orphan.

She lived in India in an orphanage home and was never adopted.

My parents were arranged to get married by my grandmother when she went to a charity dance show in which my mum was the lead dancer.

They got married and dad shifted to London when he was appointed as an Economics professor in University of London after an year. My mother dropped her career as a dancer when they shifted here.

I was born after 4 years of their marriage.

She says I was a little doll when born, a fragile doll.

They have always been protective of me.

So protective, that I still live with them at the age of 24.

I'd never been out for late night parties with my friends. Never had sleep overs. Never drank alcohol except wines and that too only with my parents. Never smoke. Never been to a club.

On top of that, this masters in economics honors I am doing, is also my father's decision and not mine.

I'd always wanted to be a photographer but he wanted me to be a professor.

And from my past experience, I have learnt that its better to do as they say or else I would be grounded for weeks.

I know they love me to the moon and the back. I love them more than anything.

But seriously guys its so frustrating to follow them anymore.

I have followed their dreams rather than mine.

Be it in education or in any extra curricular activities at school, it has always been their decision.

I have been studying day and night for my father. Wishing if I will get good grades, he will let me follow my dreams.

For once, he will think of me before himself.

Its our last exam today and then I will be free of all this. I do not need a single penny from my parents. They have already been through a lot. I know how difficult it is for my father to pay for all these expenses being a professor himself.

My mother could never dance here in London. She has been a housewife since then. She has always been an amazing mother. She is my best friend and will always remain.

Our beautiful life is perfect together.

And now its time, for me, to get away from them. I want to explore the world. I want to be a photographer.

I love to click Nature and its Scenic beauty, models and capture the beautiful smiles of vaious people.

A photograph speaks a lot. It describes the person and the mood of the person in a very ecstatic manner.

So today I will think of myself, my dreams and my passion. I hate myself for being so selfish but I'd rather die than trying atleast once.


I never want to regret my life, ever.

And hence, I am going to explode the atom bomb of my job in New York to them today. They will be shattered and might be too upset to support me but I really want to do this.

Its my dream job. They liked my work a lot. They are offering me a shared appartment and a salary of $4500 per week. I am glad to start at such a high pay scale.

Ellie, my best friend, is also accompanying me. Her parents live there. I could always take their help if needed. I just need to explain all this to dad.

It's Ellie who forced me to apply there as she will be with me. She has applied as a High School Teacher in Regis High School, New York. Her internship starts this summer. She always wanted to be a teacher and has worked hard for that. She will be an excellent teacher and I am damn sure her students are gonna love her too.

"Sana, you need to explode the bomb, now." Ellie whispered when she saw my dad coming to pick me up.

"Yeah, I just hope he understands everthing" I whispered back.


"Sana, how was the exam, darling.?" dad asked with his astonishing eyes.

"Excellent Dad. I am getting good grades for sure. "

Ellie looked over my dad's shoulder begging me with her eyes probably for me to say the truth this time.

I eyed her back looking clueless what will happen to me.

I just hope he understands it.

It was an uncomfortable silence all through the drive back home. I was too worried about their final verdicts. I was not even smiling today. The day I have been waiting for so long.

Dad and I went home with donuts and wine for us to celebrate my last day of being a student.

I was panicking about his reaction and didn't even noticed that mum has decorated the whole house with balloons and flowers for me.

On seeing this, tears started burning at the back of my eyes. I am gonna miss them. Mum hugged me and congratulated me with a beautiful kiss on my cheeks.

We celebrated my day together with wine, donuts and cookies mum have prepared my favourite one this time.

And now, is the time, I tell them everything. Its now or never. I nervously glanced in their way. They were sitting on the lounge, me on the floor in front of them.

"Maa, I need to tell you guys something" I spoke nervously. Dad didn't seem to bother. Mum being the typical Indian Mum started her fret whether I was ok and whats the matter .

Why am I so nervous?.

Closing my eyes, I glanced over to them, now dad also looked a bit worried.

"I have got a job." I said. I was not even finished. When they both started the rant of questions.

"Where ? In our college? Or Some other college? Is it a school?" dad shot these questions in a go in a very ignorant tone.

They were not even surprised.

As if they knew I was going to have this conversation.

Oh God, let them support me.

Mum stood there with expectant eyes. Looking between me and dad. Her eyes were shining with purity and happiness. I have to break this happiness. I just don't want to but I need to think about my dreams for once atleast I have to try and become what I have always wished for.

I smiled sadly and continued, "Paa, its not what you are thinking. I have got my dream job" I paused when dad looked pissed with my words. "I will be a photographer. I will be shooting models. Dad. I will be doing what I'd always wanted to do."


Dad looked at Mum, she was beaming with tears. I then realised my eyes are too filled with tears.

"Maa, its my dream job, please. Maa."

"Dad, I want to please. Its based in New York. They are gonna provide me an appartment and Ellie's parents will always be there with me." I continued.

Dad looked at me smilingly and broke my heart into pieces ,"No. You are not going to New York, at least not yet "

"Dad, but.."

" Never again dare to think about saying a word about it" he shouted.

"I am not a child anymore. I am 24 Dad" I yelled back because of this frustration.

He looked surprised and filled with rage. I have never seen him this angry.

I looked down and realised I have been crying now.

"Dad, I really want to go and follow my dreams. " I whispered.

He looked at mum and spoke , "Speak to her. Give her some lessons about how to talk to their elders" , as if I was not standing right in front of him.

He smiled again. This time it was a calm smile. He looked differently happy now.

He looked into my eyes, "Yes, you are going to New York in a day or two."

Happiness flooded my mind. I jumped up and hugged him , "dad, thank you so much. I love you so much."

He shrugged but hugged me back. "Its a done deal then. Go follow your dreams, Sana. But don't ever forget where you belong to."

I smiled, " I won't break your trust ever, dad."

I smiled again. I was so happy. He finally agreed to let me free of all this.

But my life could never be that easy , can it be ? Na. It can never happen.

He has to break that little bubble of my happiness within the seconds.

"But you are not going until and unless You agree with my proposition", he said in an even tone.

I got suspicious by looking at his cruel smile. He looked over at me and then at my mum.

Maa knew my dad's next words. I could see in her eyes.

She seems happy about it.

They knew about my plans. They were prepared for all this. I could see in her eyes. Oh my God, have I been fooled ?

"just say it dad" I yelled.

He looked everywhere but me.

"You are going to live with my friend's family in New York City." my dad explained.

That was not bad until he continued.

"And you are getting married by the end of this week"

"What the fuck do you mean? " I yelled once again.

He smiled, "Yes you are getting married. And next time be careful while using your abusive vocabulary with me" he said calmly.

"Dad, I am just 24. Why would I marry so soon. ? And isn't it the 21st Century, where every woman has a right to choose her life partner. Moreover, I want my dream job. I don't want to tie myself with all this shi...stuff " I glanced at mum.

And she broke my heart, looking so satisfied with all this. She agree with him. She too wanted me to get married to a stranger.

They both have known all this time. I feel so stupid.

"You both knew about my plans , right?" I asked looking at maa.

She whispered, " you are my child, dear. I know everything you dream of. I saw your photographs earlier. I'd even seen your job application".

"You went through my room. My diaries, Maa. " I whispered.

"Enough," dad shouted. "Go pack your stuff we are leaving tomorrow for the wedding.

I'd already promised Malik to marry you with his son. It's better to be sooner than later."

"Dad , Maa but I don't even know the person you are tying me with" I started but paused when saw her icy glare my way begging me to stop talking any further.

"Invite Ellie if you wish to." Maa said with sad eyes.

"I may have a boyfriend. " I said.

They both started laughing hysterically.

Seriously guys. I think I am in the middle of a nightmare. What's the matter with my parents? Will someone gonna tell me?

Why are they acting so stubborn about it?

I am really pissed at both of them.

"Dad, I don't wanna marry..."

"Yes, you are getting married on 25th of February that is 7 days from now." dad yelled.

I couldn't believe them. They have been great parents till now. Why are they being so unreasonable?

I looked at the floor probably grabbing some courage to start again but stopped. I am left with no such energy any more.

I ran up to my room locking the god damned door behind.

I threw all my stuff at the floor. My laptop too. My everything. My room looked a mess in a matter of seconds. I threw myself at the bed and started crying for hours and hours.


Sid's PoV

"Morning Dad, " I glanced from the desk when dad barged into my room. He looked mad though. I never did anything yet. Let me guess. I might have been posted naked in the newspaper again but nope I am sure Renne was not up to cheap publicity when I fucked her last night.

"You want your shares back., right?" dad asked.

I smiled , "Then you must have realised I am good enough to handle the company now"

"You are the pain in my ass, of course not. I just wanna let you know if you want any sort of my wealth. You have to marry my friend's daughter".

"What the fuck do you mean?" I stood up from my chair leaning into the desk.

"Yes, you are getting married, Sidharth and that too, at the end of this week."

"No, I am not getting married at 28. I wanna live my life.

"You mean fuck around more." he cut me off.

"Dad, I am not fucking marrying any of the bitch any time soon." I yelled this time.

"My choice will never be a bitch, you dumb ass" dad shot back with furious eyes.

"Have some respect. She is going to be my daughter in law"

I started laughing hysterically. "Seriously? Dad. Do know you what you are saying? I think you need to meet Dr. Johnson soon".

"She is a beautiful innocent girl, Sid. You will love her " dad explained.

"I do not believe in love, I think you knew that?" I wondered why is he being unreasonable.

"You will start believing in love, once you fall in love, son. And she is very pretty."

"Is she fuck-able?" I smiled mischievously.

"Oh, fuck off , Sidharth. Get married to this girl and you will be the owner of the company. I will pass on my 50% shares to you alongwith your own shares" Dad spoke.

Nice one. Thats a deal done then. I can marry for this much wealth.

Satisfied with my smile, he said, "Do not fuck up in front of them. They will be coming tomorrow. Go pick them up. Do not abuse in front of them. And listen, they are living in your penthouse. "

"Dad, but my penthouse is my fuck place. You know this. "

"Shut up. Be there on time. " my dad glared angrily.

oh dad only if you knew what I plan to do with this situation.

Poor Dad, he thinks he is smart. I just need to know her nerves and pull those.


Hey Guys, I am sure you all are gonna love this romantic love story.

It's a fragile love story.

Be free to comment your views.

You may like, comment and recommend if you love Sid and Sana.

Looking forward to your comments (I am open to any suggestions and corrections)

PS : Please, don't be too blunt with your comments. I am a bit sensitive about my writings.


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