《10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)》Chaos!


After that night at the bar things were a little rough for a little bit. Not between Alley and myself, we were doing great, but between her, myself and the media. My mistake went to whoever would talk with her and slandered Alley's name all over. Claiming that she was the victim and Alley was just the jealous girlfriend who couldn't stand her boyfriend getting attention from other women. This of course was not true, but when the media gets a piece of drama, they run with it without bothering to get the other side's version.

She was staying at my house as it was out of town and in a gated community. So no one that shouldn't be there was allowed inside. Alley was a trooper though she put on a smiling face and went into work every day and saved more lives. The hospital was not too happy about the fight, but they knew Alley and knew it was not her character to start the fight. So they had extra security on shift when she would be working to keep out any un wanted visitors.

I was on the last leg of a 4 day stretch of away games. I hated being away from Alley especially during this time. She told me to go and play amazing and not to let all this get to me. I was asked every night about what had happened by the reports and I declined comment every time. Letting them know that I was here to play and not put my private life out there for everyone.

The guys all razzed me about the fight and even asked if Alley was able to try out for the enforcer position on the Bruins. I laughed and told them that I had taught her how to channel that anger for other things, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Your a lucky man Anderson. She looks like a spitfire and I can only imagine what all that anger channeled into other things can do," our goalie Greg said patting me on the shoulder.

I smiled and said, "Normally I'm not cool with you talking about my girl that way, but all things considered I will let it slide".

Our game tonight was against the 2nd place Rangers. We were ahead of them in the standing by 2 points so this was a must win to stay at the top of the Eastern Conference. I heard my phone ping just as I was about to stick it in my suit pocket. I look down and I see Alley's name across my screen. I unlock my phone to read the message.

"Good Lucky Ry, I know you'll be great and here is what I will be watching the game in for a little motivation ;p, xo Doc."

"Fuck me," I say with a smile and a little louder then I probably should have. Next thing I know I have half the team looking at me asking if I am alright.

I quickly hit the lock button, not wanting the guys to get a look at Alley in that outfit. An outfit I am going to suggest she be wearing tomorrow night when I walk through the door.

"Yep all good here," I say unlocking my phone quickly and shooting her a text back.

"Damn, are you trying to ruin my focus on this game? Cause if so mission accomplished. That is sexy as fuck and you better be wearing that tomorrow night so I can see it in person and then rip it right off you, love you more xo."


She sends back a heart emoji and I lock up my phone, secretly wishing she would have sent another picture like that.

We head out on the ice and my motivation has never been higher. We line up for the anthem and I shake all the jitters out. The anthem ends and we line up for the opening face off. Immediately the trash talk starts with me and Clarkson on the other side of the face off circle. How I just want to punch that dick in the face, but I cool it and focus on the getting the puck after Jeff wins the draw. I skate with it up the ice and see that Jeff is covered so I pass it back to Townson on defense. Immediately skating for the net for the deflection. I plant myself in front of the goalie and wait for the shot. Townson shoots the puck and I tip it but the goalies stops it. Fortunately Jeff is right there to roof the rebound. Boom 1-0 good guys.

Skating over to the bench and patting Jeff on the head. "Way to be there Donaldson for the rebound".

"Nice tip Anderson," he yells back.

The game is back and forth from that point on. They scored with 2 minutes left in the first to tie, but we came back in the second strong and scored 2 right within the first 5 minutes. They tied it up in the third and with 3 minutes left to go in the game I picked the corner to win it.

I get showered and dressed quickly just wanting to get back to the hotel and call Alley. Mostly to see if she is still wearing that outfit. Knowing Donaldson takes forever to get back to the room I get changed into some sweats and facetimed Alley.

She answers smiling, "Hey Anderson great game. You were on fire tonight," she says.

"Well it had everything to do with that picture you sent me earlier. Are you still wearing it?" I ask her.

She laughs a little, "I changed, I'm sorry. It got a little cold watching the game with close to nothing on. So it's just leggings and a Boston t-shirt", she says moving the phone to show me.

"Well just so you know I want you in that and nothing else when I get home tomorrow night," I say smiling at watching Alley blush at my words.

"And if I don't?" she says, knowing how much I love it when she challenges me.

"You know what happens to bad girls", I say licking my lips as I watch her blush even more.

"I do Mr. Anderson and I have to say I really do like it", she says winking at me.

"Fuck, you are really turning me on over here and I don't have enough time to get off before Donaldson shows up", I say laughing and running my fingers through my hair and adjusting myself.

"Well good thing I don't have a roommate over here. Guess what I will be doing once we hang up?" she says giving me a wink.

"Ugh you are killing me over here Doc", I say.

Just as we are about to say goodnight I hear the door bell ring at my place.

"You expecting someone?" I ask smiling.

"No, but I'll bring you with me. Maybe it's Mer she is the only one who knows where I am staying and I told the gate she is okay to be let in," she says.

I see her walking towards the door and hear her open the door.


"Hey Mer, what are....what the hell are you doing here?" I hear her say.

"No he is not here, like fuck you are coming inside and how the hell did you get past the gate?" I hear her say, not being able to see anything as she put the phone down on the table.

"Alley, what is going on, who is there?" I say getting more concerned by the minute.

I can't really hear the other person too well, but I am trying to listen.

"Oh my god, please please, oww you are really hurting me stop," she says.

"Fuck Alley what is going on? You are really scaring me right now, I say.

Just then the phone gets picked up and I see it's clearly not Alley, it's Nikki, the girl I dated and I use that term loosely before Alley.

"Hey Ry baby," she says into Alley's phone.

"What the hell are you doing there Nikki?" I ask her.

"Well since you are so hell bent on trying to make me jealous by dating this pig, I thought I would come over and put her out of her misery. It worked, I am jealous and I tried to nicely ask her to step away, but apparently that doesn't work. So I have to get rid of this obstacle in our way," she says smiling.

"What are you talking about, please just leave Alley alone. I am so sorry if I hurt you and lead you to believe that we had anything more than just sex," I say just wanting her to leave.

"Oh Ry, you don't mean that. I know you are only saying this cause she is here, but don't worry I am going to fix that problem," she says showing me what looks like a small gun in her hand.

"Nikki, come on you don't need to do this. I promise once we get back we'll talk and clear this all up," I say begging her at this moment.

Just as I am begging her to not to do something stupid Donaldson walks into the room. I try to motion to him to call 911, but he doesn't get it.

He comes closer and and I scribble something down on a piece of paper for him. He picks it up and immediately leaves the room to make the call.

"We'll be so happy without this pig around," she says pulling on Alley's hair to lift her face. Which I can see has blood running down it from being hit with the end of the gun.

"Just let Alley go and you and I can talk about this okay. She has nothing to do with this," I say pleading with her.

"She has everything to do with this. Before her we were together for 4 years. Sure not all the time, but most of it. Then she came back into your life and you started to slum it," she says.

"Nik just please I am begging you let her go," I beg her just trying anything to stall until the cops get there.

Donaldson comes back in and hands me a note that says 5 minutes.

"You'll see how much you missed me and this body against you, when she is out of the picture," she says as I watch as she hits Alley again with the end of the gun.

Trying to stay calm and not get angry, mentally counting to 10.

"Nik if you do something stupid we can't be together. You'll end up in jail," I say trying anything to talk some sense into her.

"I'm the victim all over the news, they'll never believe this wasn't self defense," she says laughing.

"So say goodbye to Ryan," she says and I see her put the gun to the back of Alley's head and push her towards the phone.

I see Alley face and her crying and begging for her life. "Say goodbye pig," I hear Nikki say while kicking her in the back.

"Ry, I love you so much and I am sorry that we stopped talking for 6 years. Maybe things could have been different. Thank you for these last 6 months, they have been the best of my life," Alley says to me.

"No Alley this is not how it ends for us," I say.

"Nikki, please stop, I am begging you," I say pleading through the phone.

"Always the sweetheart Ryan, so I'll spare you what I am going to do to get rid of this problem and end this call, she says giving me a smile.

"No don't hang up, fuck please don't hang up", I yell into the phone.

I hear a muffled sound and a shot and I see the phone fall and hang up.

"Fuck, what happened?" I say frantically say calling Alley's phone back, but it going straight to voicemail.

"I have to go," I say to Donaldson, who has already got my bag packed.

"I'll take you to the airport man and let coach know what happened" he says grabbing my bag and heading downstairs.

"She's not dead Jeff, she can't be. I have to find out," I say just needing to get to Alley as fast as possible.

"I'm sure she is alive, the cops were close. It will be fine," he says trying to reassure me.

"Will it be fine, my fucked up past has hurt the one person who I needed to protect," I say.

We pull up to the airport and I get on the red eye to Boston. My leg bouncing the whole time. Preparing myself for the worst, but hoping that it didn't happen. The hour long flight it torture. I get off the plane and immediately turn my phone back on and there are 3 missed calls from 2 private numbers.

"Hello Mr. Anderson, this is Detective Sanders. I was just wondering if you could give me a call about the incident that happened at your house tonight. We are still here and will be for sometime collecting evidence. So please when you are free give me a call. My number is...." and he proceeded to give me his number.

I listened to the next message "Hello this message is for Mr. Anderson. It is Jennifer from St. Marcus Hospital. We have Doctor Alison Hudson here in the ICU and you were her contact in case of emergency. Please call us back when you get this message at...."

I run out of the terminal to my car and get in. Driving as fast as I can, I get to the hospital in record time. When I get into the hospital I see there are police there. I run up to the desk.

"I need to know where Allison Hudson's room is," I say in a loud voice.

"Sir are you family?" She asks

"Well I am her in case of emergency contact and her boyfriend, so does that qualify as family?" I ask.

I see the cops all turn their heads when I say that. One of them approaches me.

"Mr. Anderson, I am Detective Sanders," he says extending his hand. I take it and shake it.

"Can I see Alley or not?" I ask the nurse.

"We need to get a statement from you. We understand you witnessed the whole thing via facetime?" He asks me.

"Can we not do this later? I need to see my girlfriend and make sure she is okay"," I say looking at him and trying not to get angrier.

"She'll be okay Mr. Anderson. The doctors have attended to her head wounds and the gun shot was a through and through in her shoulder," he says.

"Shot, who the hell shot her?" I ask.

"The suspect we have in custody here. The suspect was shot, but managed to get one off into Ms. Hudson's shoulder," he says.

"Please just let me see Alley for 5 minutes and I will give you your statement. I just need to know she is okay," I beg him.

"5 minutes son and then I am coming in to get you. She is in room 304 down there" he says and points to where their is an officer standing outside of a room guarding it.

I make my way down the hallway and the detective nods to the officer to let me in. I walk in and see Alley laying down on her back a bandage around her head and one on her right shoulder.

She looks up and sees me. "I'm so sorry," I say breaking down into tears. All the emotions I was holding just coming out as I look at her.

"Ry, it's not your fault. She is clearly unstable and you didn't know," she says looking at me.

"Fuck, how can you not be mad at me. My fucked up past brought her into our lives," I say.

"I'm mad at her, you don't have any blame in this, except maybe poor taste in women" she says trying to make a joke, holding onto my hand.

"Well you are on that list," I say with a smirk.

"I meant your past choices," she says smiling.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"A little shook up and sore from being shot. Who would have thought a through and through would hurt so much," she says.

"How is Nikki? The officers said she got shot a couple of times," she asks.

"I'm not sure they didn't say anything to me and why would you care?" I ask her.

"She clearly needs help and as much as I want to hate her, I can't help but feel sorry for her. I guess that is the doctor in me who wants to help," she says.

"You are amazing you know that and I love you so much," I say kissing her on the forehead.

"I won't break, you can kiss me like you normally do," she says smiling.

"Alright son, I need to get your statement now and let this young lady get some rest", Detective Sanders says poking his head in.

"Alright I will be right there. I'll be right outside with the Detective, but I won't be gone for long. I love you so much Doc," I say kissing her forehead.

"I love you too and hurry back. They are letting you stay with me tonight. I guess being a doctor here has it's perks", she says smiling.

I close the door and walk down the hallway with the Detective to relive the worst night of my life all over again.

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