《10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)》The Invitation


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I hit the off button and dragged my butt out of bed. To say I slept well would be an under statement. I slept very well and I can't remember when I had that good of a sleep. My little release of all the pressures of the day might have had a little to do with it.

I got dressed in a grey form fitting pencil skirt and paired with a peach blouse. Brushed my hair and teeth and decided to see what I had for breakfast.

I went out into the kitchen and made myself an omelet and some toast as I knew today was a surgery day. so I probably wouldn't be eating again till much later.

I was in the middle of eating when I remembered that I still needed to text Ryan my address.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts and found his name. I never had the nerve to delete him from my contacts. Maybe in someway I was hoping he wouldn't have given up so easily in trying to contact me. I pushed those thoughts away and texted him.

"My address is 453 Middleton Road. I am the grey/blue house with the big tree in the front. Don't be late Anderson." I smiled to myself as I put down my phone and went back to my breakfast. As soon as my phone was down I got a pinging sound and looked at the response.

"Change of plans Doc. You are coming to me and I am going to cook you a great dinner. I figured with all the press that usually follows me this would be a better idea."

"You mean a cheaper option. I remember how you always sat on that wallet of yours. lol ;)." I sent back with a cheeky smile.


"Now there is the feisty girl I remember from 6 years ago, but seriously I know you are a private person and probably don't want our dinner splashed all across the gossip papers and tv shows."

I smiled at that reply as he remembered how I didn't like to be the centre of attention and being out with him we probably would be.

"Alright, where is that I have to drive too." I replied

"It's a little out of town, about a 45 minute drive. Address is 86 Avondale Street. I am the blue house on the end with the bad ass car in the driveway. I promise it will be worth the drive. 😉"

I smiled at the reply and hit the thumbs up emoji.

I looked at the time and I was running late. I let Finn in and gave him some breakfast and fresh water. I gave him a pet and a kiss and headed out for the day.

I got to the hospital and passed by the nurse's station and waved to a couple of my favorite nurses.

"Looking good Alley, you getting some girl?" I hear Sandy say.

"Nope, just in a good mood and ready to help out some people," I say with a smile and a wave.

I head into the locker room and start to change into my scrubs. As I am changing I over hear two nurses talking about Ryan's up coming surgery.

Nurse 1: "Did you hear that Ryan Anderson is going to be a patient here?" She says to the other nurse.

Nurse 2: "No shit, that man is a friggin Adonis of a man. I wouldn't mind getting assigned to his room afterwards," she says smiling.

Nurse 1: "Well we will have to suck up to Dr. Hudson and hope she assigns us to his room. Apparently she has taken a personal interest in his case," she says using air quotes.


Nurse 2: "Why is that? It's not like she could get a man like him to give her a second look. I have seen the women he is seen with and lets just say she is not his body type," she says giggling.

I try hard not to let this locker room talk get to me and I try my best to sneak out without letting them know I had over heard them.

My plan almost works, but then my resident comes into change for surgery.

"Hey Dr. Hudson. Already for today's surgery," he says smiling.

I see the two nurse's heads snap around to where I am now standing and their faces redden.

"Hi Dr. Hudson. How long have you been standing there?" She asks.

"Long enough to hear your enlightening conversation about how I could never get a man like Ryan Anderson," I say back to her.

She goes to try to explain what I overheard, but at this point I don't care and walk out and over to the operating room.

With my patient all prepped and ready to go. I start the surgery as soon as my resident enters the operating room.

I get back home around 10:00 pm after a long day of work. My feet hurt, my back hurts and everything else hurts, but I did save the life of a man who probably wouldn't have survive much longer had I not operated.

I throw my purse on the couch and thank god that tomorrow is my day off. It also happened to be the day I was having dinner with Ryan.

I slipped into my favorite pjs and grab a PB and J sandwich and it was off to bed.

As I was just settling for the night my phone pinged. I looked over and it was Ryan.

"Hope you had a great day and saved some lives today Doc. I am so glad you agreed to dinner with me. I really did miss you and I have a confession."

I read this and replied "Oh yeah, what is it that you have to confession?" I replied and waited for the ping. The ping came within seconds.

"I kept my old phone number just so you would have a way to reach out to me when you were ready. I literally carried two phones around with me. I always hoped that my old one would come to life with your name across it."

I got butterflies in my stomach every time I re-read that text. He kept that number just for me. Maybe Mer was right, that there was something more that he wanted out of this.

I really hoped for that because reading that text it was so hard for me not to drive right over there and do everything I thought about the previous night to him.

"Well, good things come to those who wait. It may have taken me a little longer to reach out, but here we are." I sent that message and smiled.

"Here we are is right and I am not letting you leave my life ever again. You can count on that. Good night Alley and see you tomorrow."

I smiled and put my phone on my night table and fell asleep. Thinking about what tomorrow has in store for me and Ryan.

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