《10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)》Old Feelings


After I left the parking lot of my office I headed right home. The events of the day had me exhausted and all I wanted was a hot bath and my nice comfy bed.

I pulled into the driveway of my modest little home in the suburbs of Boston and unlocked my front door.

I was instantly greeted by my every faithful companion Finn. Finn was a rescue pup I got over a year ago. He was supposed to be a mix of a poodle and a golden retriever. Great I thought a designer dog for $300 bucks, but I think the retriever genes won out and now a vacuum more than I would like too, but I love this little guy so much.

Picture of Finn:

I bend down and greet Finn like usual and let him out to run around in the backyard while I make us some dinner.

As I am making dinner I think back to the events that unfolded in my office and somehow Ryan turned the tables and now I am having dinner with him on Friday.

I put Finn's bowl down with some fresh water and sit down at the table.

As soon as I go to take a long overdue bite of food, my cell phone rings. I look at the caller ID and it's my best friend Maggie. I debate for a minute whether or not to send it to voicemail, but I answer.

"Hey Mags." I say with a smile.

"Hey girl, how was your day?" She asks like she already knows how it was.

"It was fine, tiring as usual, but better then when I have to cut someone open." I say, still waiting for her to spill what she thinks she knows.

"Consult with anyone interesting?" She pries.

"You know I cannot answer that question. Remember that little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality. Well I take it very seriously." I say not taking her bait.

"Oh come on, I know you consulted with that hottie Ryan Anderson." She says quickly.

"I am not confirming that at all, you know I can't". I say firmly.


"Well maybe then you should turn on the news and see that fine man leaving your office this afternoon. It's all over the news and they are speculating if he's really messed up his shoulder as bad as everyone thinks he has," she says.

I quickly head over to the tv and switch it on and sure enough, there he is in all his glory walking out of my office with that stupid smile that got me to say yes to dinner on his face.

"Well there you know he was at my office, but I can't let you know for what. I would get into serious trouble". I say hoping she'll just drop it.

"Okay Al, just one more question". She asks.

"Shoot Mags". I say just wanting to get off the phone and eat.

"Is he really as hot in person as he is on tv.? I think you can at least tell me that," she says.

I laugh and pause for a minute not quite sure how to answer that one. "Well let's just say my receptionist probably wouldn't have kicked him out of bed." I say with a smile.

We chat for a bit and finally I tell her I need to go and eat and to bed. She laughs and says girl's night this week and I let her know I am in, but not Friday. She asks me why and I try to be a vague as possible and tell her I am having dinner with an old friend and stop it there.

After I get off the phone, I finally eat my dinner. I finish up the dishes and head to my bedroom.

I walk right into the ensuite and start the bath.

I walk back into my room and strip down to my birthday suit. My whole body is acing, I don't deal with stress very well and today was no exception.

I slip into the nice hot water and start to relax. Feeling my tight muscles start to unwind. I close my eyes and start to think back to the events of today.

I think about seeing Ryan when I walked into my office and how he made all these feelings that I thought were gone appear in an instant.


When I touched his arm and felt his muscles tense, the fire that went through my body and how when we shook hands it was a jolt of electricity went through my body and brought it back to life.

Also how good it felt when he hugged me. Like I was his lifeline and he didn't want to let go.

Then my mind wanders to seeing him without his shirt on. In 6 years I didn't think it was possible to get even better looking.

His rock hard chest, those defined abs just screaming for me to touch them.

I find it getting even hotter in the bathroom as I think about the semi naked man, who I once loved and still probably do.

I get out of the tub and wrap a towel around myself. I throw on a tank top and some boy shorts and get into bed.

I toss and turn trying to get to sleep knowing it's useless. I keep thinking about that man in my office today. How I so badly wanted him to kiss me and take me to his place and just have his way with me.

I find my hand wandering down my chest. My nipples are now fully erect and begging to be sucked.

I palm my breasts a little getting more turned on thinking about Ryan. I squeeze my legs together as I start to feel myself getting somewhat wet.

My right hand trails down my stomach to where the waistband of my shorts is. I slip my hand inside and make my way further down.

Knowing that the only way I am going to sleep tonight is to scratch this itch.

I reach the spot that is acing the most and feel how wet I already am. I moan a little as I push one finger inside me. Searching for and finding my clit and starting to rub it.

I image it's Ryan's strong finger inside me. I slip another finger inside chasing that high and my orgasm. Thinking about how good Ryan's mouth and tongue would feel on my pussy and clit.

Moaning a little louder now and moving my fingers faster. Knowing that I am close, I throw my head back and moan Ryan's name as I come undone all over my fingers.

I lay there for a moment and try to compose myself and come down from my post orgasmic bliss.

Once I feel I can walk again, I head into the bathroom and wash up. On my way back to bed I stop at my closet and dig through the top and find the box I am looking for.

I take it with me back to my bed and sit down. I open the lid and see the 18 years of memories with Ryan all in the box.

There are photos of us when we were just kids and pictures of when we first learned to skate on the rink that his dad always made.

As I look through all the memories in the box, I feel my eyes prickling with tears. It has been 6 years since I boxed up all this stuff and vowed never to look at it again.

I should have gotten rid of it, but something always stopped me. This nagging feeling that I would miss all these good memories.

I grab the little teddy bear, that Ryan won for me at a carnival when we were 12 and hold it close to my chest.

I close up the box and take the bear with me to bed and lay down. I roll over onto my right side and my eyes slowly close.

I go to sleep thinking about how these old feelings are going to be the death of me.

Because no matter what Mer says, I am sure Ryan only thinks of me as a friend and nothing more.

I can only hope that this Ryan doesn't break my trust like 18 year old Ryan did. I don't think that I would be able to come back from that heart break a second time.

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