《10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)》Shit!


Before I even get a chance to move towards the door to shut it. I mean the whole office doesn't need to hear our conversation. Ryan slams the door.

"What the hell Alley? You made me go the whole exam and not mention that you know me?" he asks looking furious.

I don't really know how to answer that question, without looking like a) a total bitch, which would be justified, but very un professional or b) a total idiot.

I see that he is starting to get angrier as the time passes and I don't respond.

Ryan Anderson is famous in the NHL for 3 things: 1) his knack to be in the right spot at the right time to score that game wining goal; 2) his notorious womanizing ways; and 3) his anger.

Ever since he started playing there was this chip on his shoulder that has seemed to serve him well at first, but lately I heard it was getting worse with all the drinking.

I get up from my chair and put my hand on his arm to try and calm him down. He shrugs it off.

"I'm sorry," I say looking into his eyes pleading with him to calm down. "I didn't know how to bring it up. I guess I was just hoping you wouldn't remember me."

He looks at me hurt, like I just punched him in the gut.

"Why would you ever hope that. Am I that terrible of a person." He says looking at me and waiting for me to respond.

"I guess after 6 years I didn't know what to say." I say looking down at my feet, not wanting him to see how being this close to him is getting to me.

"Sorry Ryan, would have been a good start. For fuck sake, you left for University and that was the last I heard from you, till now." He says with such conviction.

"Why would I need to apologize." I say. "You seemed quite happy to not know me at your draft party with your buddies and bimbos hanging off you. I just made it easier for you by ending it in my driveway before I left. A fresh start for both of us." I say trying not to let my emotions take over.


"A fresh start is that what you think I wanted? You were my best fucking friend since we were 6 years old. I know what I said hurt you, but what you don't know and didn't give me the chance to say was sorry. You just up and left and cut off all communication," he says looking right at me and I see it in his eyes that he means what he says.

"I'm sorry Ryan. I was hurt by the one person I never thought would hurt me. So I did the one thing I knew how to and that was shut that person out," I say and trying so desperately not to break down in front of him.

I look at him to show him how sorry I really am.

He just stares at me for a minute, his breathing starting to calm down.

Mer pokes her head into room.

"Is everything alright in here? People are starting to ask about all the yelling," she says.

I nod yes and she gives me a smile and shuts the door.

"I just missed you," Ryan says leaning up against the exam table.

"I missed you too, if that is any consolation," I say as I walk over to him and stand beside the table.

"How long have you been in Boston?" He asks looking at me.

"Not too long." I say trying to hide the lie.

"You're still a shitty liar." He says smirking.

" 2 years." I say quietly hoping he didn't hear me.

"2 years, fuck. Where you ever going to reach out?" He asks, running his hand threw his hair.

"I thought about it, but I didn't have your number." I say looking into his eyes.

"Same number as before Doc, I never changed it hoping one day you would use it." He says with that boyish smile I knew when we were younger.

Something flutters in my stomach when I hear that he never changed his number in hopes that I would call.

"Fresh start?" I say extending my hand.


He looks down at my hand and back at me. He wraps me up in hug and whispers in my ear "Fresh start."

He lets me go and apologizes for just barging in on me and turns to go.

"Ah sorry about just barging in like that. I guess once again my emotions got the better of me," he says grabbing the door handle.

"No worries. Just sign a few autographs to the patients you scared out there and we'll call it even," I says smiling.

"Can do that Doc," he says giving me a big smile and opens the door to head out.

Before he leaves he looks at me and says "Hey did you want to grab dinner and catch up one night this week? Seeing as I am on the DL my nights have opened up."

I smile "What no girl of the week to spend it with?"

"No one as important as you." He says and I see a hint of something in his eyes, but as soon as I see it it's gone.

I blush a little and he laughs "I see I still have the affect on you. Pick you up Friday night, just text me you address?"

I smile and nod and watch as he closes the door.

"Shit." I thought to myself. All those feelings that I thought I had gotten over in the last 6 years have just shot up like I was a hormonal teenager all over again, but this time I could feel something different in Ryan embrace.

Like he feels something more for me than just reuniting with his best friend.

The way he hung onto me like I was his lifeline. That feeling stuck with me all day, till it was time to go home.

Meredith was logging off her computer as I was heading out. She stopped me and said "Oh no missy, you aren't getting away that easily. You are going to spill every last detail about that conversation with hockey boy. There is a lot more to this story."

I sigh, "We grew up together and were best friends, but I broke the cardinal rule. I fell in love with a boy who never saw me as anything more than a friend and it bit me in the ass."

She looked at me with those pity eyes, the ones that I saw from my dad the night I told him what happened. I hated being looked at that way.

"So why did he come storming back in then?" She asked.

"Well we haven't spoken in 6 years and I was hoping he wouldn't recognize me, but no such luck." I say with a half smile.

"So now we are having dinner Friday and catching up." I say using air quotes.

"Oh my god he's taking you out, we need to go shopping." She says all giddy.

"Mer, it's two friends catching up, nothing special. At least nothing that needs shopping for." I say pushing open the office door to head out.

She looks at me and smiles "Oh Alley dear, you didn't see the look in that man's eyes as he left. He looked like he just won the lottery. This is much more to him than friends catching up."

I scoff at the thought that this is anything more to Ryan that friends catching up. His words from that night 6 years ago come back, "Who Alley, no we are just friends. That's all we'll ever be. Don't you guys think I can do better?"

That little voice inside me tells me that is all I'll ever be. Can I really be friends with him again? Knowing how easy it is to fall for him.

I say good night to Mer and tell her I'll think about shopping and head home.


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