《Clove baby》Seventeen


Four pov

I circled the man in front of me as the crowd boomed. Fighting helped me to cope. As his tall figured went for me I easily dodged and pinned him in the gut pretty fucking hard. Sure he was big but he was also slow. I only had a slight split in my eye brow as he was covered in blood and you could see the purple welling on his ribs from how many times he had been socked. I was winning and I wanted to put him down for good. At the final blow I knocked hard against his cheek the giant fell and the ref walked toward me and lifted my hand. I competed in so called illegal fights. Technically it was illegal but I had never been caught so who gives a fuck. As i changed into my clothes and headed home my mind went to her. Only to her.

How she smiled and giggled. How she held onto me when we watched scary movies. How she saw the good in everything even when me and the guys thought the world was hell. Her body and how pretty it would look with a handprint on her ass. How her voice sounded when she moaned. All of it made me fall deeper.

As i pulled into the house and walked inside I saw her in Tyson's arms on the couch asleep. It was past 12 so I could see why. Jax looked to me when I walked in and shook his head a little at the small cut I had on my brow. As I moved closer and looked at Clove, her breathing was steady and her body was nestled into Ty's. "You better clean that fucker before she sees it and has a heart attack man" Jax said as he gestured to my face and I grunted. I didn't want to scare or upset her but at the same time I wanted her to see me. The real me.


After I had cleaned the cut I walked back downstairs and the scene was the same as before. I sat on the other side of the couch taking off my shirt and taking out my phone scrolling through. Jax was also on his phone but Tyson was completely still with Clove in his arms. We all fell asleep not long after and my body was at peace.

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