《Clove baby》Fourteen


Clove pov

"W-What is a submissive?" I ask becky looking to the men looking at me with admiration. Ty spoke up "little one a submissive is someone who gives themselves to their dominant. it doesn't always have to be just sex, they can have a relationship outside of the bedroom which involves both the dom and the sub to trust each other fully" the other two grinned but I was confused.

Did they want me to submit to them?

Did they want to own me?

How long have they wanted this?

Questions rushed through my head as i stared at them in awe. "That sounds kind of scary though" i curled back against Jax who was now behind me holding me. He felt so warm and I felt to safe. "It can be baby but it's so much more than just sex, we don't want you for just sex Clove. We feel something with you that we have never felt. We're happy and content for the first time in years. All because of you little one" Ty said and I realized he was opening up to me. He was vulnerable. Do I really mean that much to them?

I looked over to Four and saw him smiling at me with almost tears in his eyes. "Just think about it Clove we don't want to push you into anything but know we will take care of you, give you pleasure, and protect you with our lives" I look over to Four after he speaks and I can tell he's being honest. Would they actually give there lives for me, we haven't known each other that long.

After I tell them I'll think about it and talk to them, I get out of bed and take a hot shower thinking about the choice I have to make.


It's been a couple of hours since i've seen the guys and I have made my decision. I walk downstairs and see them all shirtless and in the couch. Jax is reading, Four is on his phone and Ty is just staring out the window. As soon as they notice i'm there they stop what there doing and look at me with curiosity. "I've made my decision and I-I I want to do it I'll be your sub" I say as I look away from them but they get up and wrap me in a giant hug, kissing my fore head and neck. That's when I realizr I made the right decision.

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