《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 44





With everything seeming so perfect I wasn't prepared for the other shoe to drop, but it did. Mason and I briefly discussed school and despite having now come out to both our families and Jenna we still felt it was best to keep it on the down low at school. If people find out then they find out, but no need to broadcast it. As it is is I'm already worried Kyle will have said something to someone.

What I wasn't prepared for was Tony to approach me in the boys bathroom standing in front of the door so I couldn't go out.

"So you and Mason?"

I blink at him my legs shaking.


He scoffs shaking his head.

"Don't bullshit me Will, I'm not an idiot"

I bite my lip and he glares.

"You know when I knew?"

I shake my head slowly.

"N no"

He crosses his arms leaning back.

"When I told him you got me off...he was pissed I said it to rile him up and Damn did it work"

I don't know how to respond so instead I mumble a quiet "ok"

Tony shrugs "so what I'm trying to figure out is how the fuck you and Mason started"

He stand up straight no longer leaning on the door and I step back instinctively.

"I mean let's be real Masons a decent guy, but you..your nothing but a pathetic loser"

I wince at his words not because they hurt me, but because that's his intention. He wants to hurt me.

He chuckles "I mean look at you cowering away from me and I've barely done anything...what's wrong Will?! We're just fucking talking!"

I jump slightly wishing I didn't, but Tony only glares.

"You really think you and Mason are going to last? That he's not going to find someone better any second?...I almost feel sorry for you"

I cross my arms over my body in a way of protection and Tony shakes his head.

"You're scared, I haven't even done anything and your frightened. You know Mason's going to get tired of coming to your rescue all the time"

He shrugs "no one wants to be stuck with some scared little loser that won't defend himself"

I attempt to step around him, but the second I do he shoves me back and I stumble tripping on my feet and landing hard on the ground.

Tony scoffs "see what I mean? You just let me fucking knock you over your weak"

I feel my eyes start to burn and won't meet his eyes knowing it'll only fuel him, but the longer I'm in here the more I worry about getting out.

Tony lifts his foot and kicks my leg, not too had, but hard enough for me to wince.


"You just going to take it?"

I don't know how to respond to him, does he want me to fight him? Will he leave me alone if I try?

He kicks me against this time a little harder.


I scoot away from him and that only angers him more. He steps forward reaching down and grabbing the front of my shirt lifting me up and shoving me against the wall. His face merry inches from mine as he yells.

"Do you not fucking realize how stupid you are? You're lucky I didn't break your ribs because I could have, and you'd let me.."

He scoffs at the thought walking away from me slightly and mumbling "pathetic" under his breath.

"You make yourself an easy fucking target Will, you really do"

I bite my lip and suck in a breath so utterly confused, but feeling bold.

I swallow stiffly "is that...is that why you do this to me?"

He swings his head around and tilts it before glaring.


He pauses as if to think for a moment before stepping forward.

"I do it because you piss me off"

I bite my lip "uh..I'm sorry"

He shakes his head and laughs a deep humourless laugh.

"Sorry?! Will you make me hate myself, your like a fucking disease. A stupid fucking pathetic disease"

He grips his hair and shakes his head violently for a moment before letting go and looking up at the ceiling sucking in a long breath.

"A disease that's made me so sick of myself. To actually think that a disgusting loser like you could make me weak is unfathomable"

His eyes start to look conflicted, he looks angry and yet when he looks at me he's not yelling. His words confuse me to, but I'm too scared to say the wrong thing so I just watch him intensely and let him talk.

"My insides boil and burn because of you. You know that, when I see you in the hall I have to physically restrain myself from hitting you..."

He fists hit the wall hard on either side of my face and I flinch closing my eyes, but seconds later when I finally open them again he's still never hurt me. Instead he's staring at me intensely his eyes hard. Flickering along my face before he finally rips them away looking at the mirror above the sink.

"but the alternative option is so much fucking worse..."

Before he can say anything else the door to the bathroom is pulled open and the next thing I know Tony is pulled off of me and thrown to the floor Mason hitting him hard and Gage watching looking between Tony and I as if he can't believe what he's seeing.

My eyes widen and when I finally feel like I'm back in reality I jump away from the wall shouting at Gage.


"Gage! Stop him. Mason!"

Gage looks at me before it finally sinks in and his eyes widen jumping forward and pulling Mason off of Tony who only smiles weakly at me.

"Feels good to be punished"

Mason shoves Gage off of him and grabs my arm yanking me out of the bathroom and into the hallway. Gage follows behind us going on and on about what just happened?! And how long has Tony been bullying me, why didn't he know, etc. i barely listen to him too busy trying to piece together Tony's words. What was any of this about? Suddenly things with Tony seem a lot more complicated then they once did.

I don't really realize what's going on around me until we get outside and I feel the air on my skin and hear Jenna's voice.

"Will! Are you okay?!"

I look around until my eyes land on her sitting on the bottom bleacher with Austin and Jack.

I nod slowly "yeah...I'm fine"

She shakes her head coming forward and wrapping her arms around me.

"Of course your not find Tony just attacked you"

I bite my lip because I almost feel the need to argue that no he didn't, but did he? I groan because I feel a headache coming on.

"He...didn't hurt me"

Jenna scoffs "doesn't matter he's an asshole and a bully I don't even understand why he picks on you in the first place!"

I only shrug and the next thing I know Gage is glaring at me.

"Want to tell me what the hells been going on?!"

I cringe "not really"

Gage gapes his mouth at me "your fucking kidding?! Tony was my friend and you didn't think to tell me that he was bullying you?!"

He shakes his head "I would have settled it right then and there! He wouldn't have fucking played at all this season he'll be lucky if he ever plays on my team again!"

I sigh "that's exactly why I didn't want to tell you Gage, it wasn't a big deal"

Jenna gives me a look and Mason scoffs crossing his arms and looking away from me likely trying to keep himself from saying anything.

Gage throws his hands up annoyed.

"Wasn't a big deal?! Anyone messing with you is a big deal! Besides it's so fucking uncalled for"

I shake my head "Gage, it's dealt with I doubt he's going to bother me again so you can just leave it alone"

Gage shakes his head "we'll see about that"

I'm not satisfied with his answer, but know there's no use for arguing and just sit down on the bleachers wishing this day was over.

Austin leans knocking his shoulder into mine and gives me a small smile.

"Glad your okay"

I force a smile back "thanks I appreciate that"

Mason grunts drawing my attention to him.

"Let's go"

I lift a brow "where?"

He huffs "we're leaving"

I stand slowly "why?"

He rolls his eyes "because I'm not trying to get into any shit and you could do with her afternoon off after dealing with some crazy son of a bitch"

I wince when he says that, but nod slowly anyway.


Jenna quickly pulls me in for another hug.

"Okay I'll see you later"

I tilt my head "you're not coming?"

She shakes her head "I would, but my project is due in fourth period today"

I blink "oh.."

I turn looking at Gage who rolls his eyes standing up.

"Obviously I'm coming, who am I to miss a perfectly good opportunity to skip class?"

I roll my eyes at that and turn back to Mason who only grunts "let's go"

I say my finally goodbyes to Jenna, Jack , and Austin before following Mason to the car. As soon as we get in the car Mason looks at me.

"What happened?"

I lift a brow confused "what?"

He glares "I want to know what happened in that bathroom."

I bite my lip, and Gage pipes up "yeah how long were you in there anyway?"

I blink "wait..how did you know I was even in there?"

Gage shrugs "Jenna said you left class and had been gone a while, she also said she saw Tony walk by your class shortly after you left so she was worried and asked me to go check on you"

I nod "we'll that was nice of"

Gage shrugs "so what the fuck happened like what's Tony fucking problem with you?"

I drop my eyes down looking at my feet "um..I don't really know..he just doesn't like me I guess"

Mason scoffs "bull shit"

I cringe and Gage gives me a look "be serious Will"

I throw my hands up "I am! He doesn't like me"

Mason grunts grumbling "that's a load of shit" under his breath.

I shake my head "fine you want to know what happened?! Tony told me I was a pathetic loser and he didn't understand how Mason and I were together and that Mason is going to find someone better, happy"

I cringe because the words feel so much more real being said out loud and I can't help the way my eyes fill slightly. I blink quickly trying to blink away the years and Gage is quiet for a second before making a sound.


I only mumble a "mhmm" and then looking out the window and asking myself the same question; What did Tony's words mean?



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