《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 42





I wake up and Will is gone which immediately annoys me. We're finally doing this together thing and he leaves before I wake up? I scoff and sit up rubbing a hand across my face before pulling on my pants and a t-shirt.

I cross the hall to the bathroom doing my business and gargling some mouthwash before heading downstairs and following the noise into the kitchen.

"What the fucks going on?"

Someone slaps my shoulder walking past me into the kitchen.

"Mason I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, we're making pancakes"

I blink at Sandy before rubbing the back on my neck awkwardly and nod.


My eyes drift to Will whose gaze is dropped to the ground and his cheeks are pink. I lick my lips smirking, but my look changes when I catch Hank in my peripheral making puking gestures. Sandy thankfully doesn't notice and just gently bumps Hank telling him to move over so she can help clean up the mess.

I let my gaze wander back to Will whose looking incredibly flustered. He's wearing a "kiss the cook" apron and it's covered in pancake batter. His hair is pushed back with a headband and his plaid pj pants are a little too long covering his feet.

He quickly gives the bowl he's holding to Hank and moves to take off the apron, but before he can Gage drops an arm around his shoulder stopping him and making me chuckle.

"Oh c'mon Will your not done yet Mason hasn't even had a chance to see your culinary talents"

Will glares at Gage and Sandy tsks.

"Gage leave your brother alone, he's right though Will I need you on flipping duty!"

Will bites his lip barely glancing at me before quickly moving to the stove taking the pan from Sandy.

Gage moves next to me and I grunt.

"what's his problem?"

Gage laughs "he's nervous"

I lift a brow nervous? Why? I thought we'd moved past that.

Gage rolls his eyes "oh c'mon Mason don't be an idiot..."

He pauses waiting for me to think of the answer, but I only stare at him blankly until he huffs spelling it out.

"Your D A T E"

My eyes immediately flicker to Will whose own are wide and he starts to fumble with the pan yelling as he realizes he's burning a pancake.

I can't help the chuckle that leaves my throat and Gage laughs out loud. Sandy however turns around and lifts a brow.

"You're going on a date tonight Mason?"

I tense slightly, but nod.

Sandy smiles "that's sweet whose the lucky girl"

She pauses before rushing out "or boy! I always forget your...um...versatile"

My lip twitches at that one and Hank snickers under his breath making me narrow my eyes.

Suddenly he gasps "Mason likes boys?!"

Sandy's eyes widen and fear takes over her face.

"Oh no"

I glare and wave my hand dismissing her concern.

"Don't worry. Hanks just being an ass"

Hank laughs and Sandy shakes her head.


"Hank! I nearly had a heart attack"

Hank looks away bashfully "sorry"

Sandy smiles and thankfully doesn't comment any further on my sexuality. Instead she continues on about my date.

"So this..individual where do you plan on taking them?"

I swallow stiffly. I hadn't wanted to tell Will where we were going because I was still second guessing if it was a good idea.

"Just a spot I know..."

Gage turns to me and narrows his eyes before he laughs.

"You're taking Wi.."

I quickly elbow him in the side, but Sandy lifts a brow.

"What was that?"

Gage looks like a deer caught in headlights and I curse under my breath.

Hank swoops in to save the day shrugging.

"Winnie his new girl friend"

He quickly winks at Will behind Sandy's back while Sandy gushes to me about how sweet of a name that is and how she hopes she's such a sweet girl.

After many attempts to deter the conversation from my date with Will, Sandy finally turns and notices the 10 pancakes Will has successfully burnt and gasps.

"Will! What?! Oh no I think I may need to take over"

Will doesn't try to protest practically tossing the flipper into her hands. He mumbled something about cleaning up and is gone.

Hank laughs "so much for culinary talents"

Gage chuckles "he seemed distracted"

Hank makes a face "ew"

Sandy turns from the stove "what?"

Hank awkwardly laughs "hate the smell of burnt pancake!"

I roll my eyes at his lame excuse and tilt my head toward the door letting Gage know I'm heading after Will. He winks dramatically making me roll my eyes.

When I get to Will's room he's standing in front of his mirror struggling to untie his apron and jumps when he sees me.

"Oh! Hi"

I lift a brow and lean against the door frame crossing my arms.

"You good?"

He smiles sheepishly "uh yeah..I'm great!"

I chuckle lowly and step into the room walking up behind him.

"You look like you're struggling"

His cheeks are bright red and he quickly drops his hands to his side no longer trying to unite the apron. I lick my lips and look at him through the mirror.

My hands find the knot on his apron and I pull it loose easily. The second the knot falls open he moves his hands to his side ready to pull it over his head, but I put my hands over his.

Leaning my face next to his I smirk meeting his eyes in the mirror before dropping mine own to scan his body.

I growl "I'd like to kiss the cook"

His breath hitches and I drop my face to his neck kissing the groove where his shoulder meets. He shivers and within seconds I have him turned around with his back against the closet.

Our lips meet quickly, needy. I move my hands from Will's waist to the back of his thighs and lift him so his legs around me and were pressed against each other. Will moans into my mouth and I swallow his sound. I move my mouth from his and kiss across his jaw and down his neck before nipping and sucking my mark onto his skin.


I only just move back to his lips when suddenly some grunts.

"Oh! I'm so sorry"

Will practically shoves me away from him nearly making himself fall and we both turn to find Adam staring at us.


He swallows and adjusts his glasses awkwardly.

"This is...a surprise"

Will winces and I worry he's going to have a break down, but Adam must sense the same because he sighs.


Will looks up at his dad slowly and Adams face falls when he meets Will's eyes.

"There's no reason to be anxious. I wasn't expecting to walk into that, but it would have been the same if Mason was a girl"

Will bites his lip and nods slowly listening to his dad reassure him.

Adam nods at me "I don't care that you're gay Will...or whatever you are, I just want you to be happy"

A soft cry leaves Will's throat and he moves forward hugging Adam tightly. When they pull back Adam looks at me before lifting a brow and looks towards Will again.

"I have to ask...does Gage know?"

Will nods his cheeks tingeing pink while I chuckle.

"He does"

Adam looks surprised "he doesn't mind?"

I shrug and am about to respond when Gage himself does.

"Mind? Of course not my little brother is just swooping in and stealing my best friend why would I mind?"

I roll my eyes crossing my arms.

"Will isn't stealing me away"

He chuckles "righttt and that's why you've been up here all morning?"

I smirk lightly remembering why I had been up.

Adam coughs bringing my attention back to the group.

"We'll I'm happy that...you've sorted it out. Now your mother sent me up here to get you for breakfast"

He pauses before looks between all of us and tilting his head.

"Does she..?"

Will quickly shakes his head "no I uh..."

He blushes and shifts awkwardly.

"I was going to tell you tonight"

Adam looks surprised before he laughs.

"Guess I jumped the gun on you huh?"

Will nods and Adam smiles.

"I'll act surprised"

Will gives his dad a smile and then everyone heads back downstairs. Hank let's Adam and Gage go before him turning to Will.

"A supportive dad huh? Must be nice"

He grins laughing while Will practically chokes and I roll my eyes pushing his shoulder lightly.

"Go downstairs you idiot!"

Hank laughs "what I'm just saying!"

I drop my face into my hands shaking my head.

Will laughs lightly next to me before quickly clamping his mouth shut and this only makes Hank laugh loudly.

"It's okay Will it was a joke...sort of"

Will laughs again and he shakes his head pushing Hank out of the way and heading into the kitchen.

Hank only chuckles following Will to the dining room pulling out the chair next to him. I only allow myself to be mildly annoyed that I'm sitting across from Will and not next to him, but Adam watches us and it's definitely not very subtle the way he tries to shoot us sneaky winks or laughs a little too loudly when my date is mentioned.

Sandy turned to him directly when talking about my date "Winnie" and tilts her head.

"What is so funny about Mason having a date with a nice girl Adam?"

Adam's face immediately changes to one of panic and he pauses stumbling over his words.

"Oh Um nothing honey"

Will looks worried and entertained by his fathers mishap at the same time. The entire table seems to have similar expressions and Sandy lifts a brow crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"What am I missing?"

Will gulps and I catch his Gage gives him a smile of encouragement. His eyes flicker to me a second and I nod if he's ready to tell Sandy nows as good as time as any.

Will bites his lip before he sucks in a breath.

"I'm gay"

Sandy pauses her eyes widening for half a second before she scrunches you her face.

"Okay honey...but I don't see what that has to do with Masons date with Wi..."

Her eyes widen and she looks at me quickly before turning back to Will as if she can't believe it.

"There's no Winnie?"

Hank stifles a laugh and I kick him under the table. Not the time to be giggling.

Sandy narrows her eyes slightly unfortunately she does so while they're on me.

"You're taking Will on a date?"

I nod "I am"

She looks uncertain and turns her gaze to Gage.

"You know about this?"

Gage nods a forkful of pancake in his mouth.


I roll my eyes at the way he continues to eat despite the tense atmosphere. Sandy nods again.

"We'll Ok...I wasn't expecting..you and Will, but I hope um this works out"

I nod and thank her as does Will before standing and walking around to hug her. Once they pull apart so looks at Adam whose started to cut his pancakes.

"Um excuse me..why aren't you surprised?"

Adam pauses and puts his cutlery down before shrugging.

"Will and Mason were just canoodling upstairs"

Will groans "daaad!"

Adam chuckles "what?! That's why I'm not surprised I just seen the news loud and clear"

Sandy gapes at him "you knew before me?!"

Adam pats her arm.

"We'll not that much before you honey"

She shakes her head turning to Will.

"Who else knows?!"

Will shrugs "um...Jenna, Hank obviously, Mason's boss"

Sandy shakes her head "I can't believe this I was the last to know?! Your own mother?!"

Will wicked "sorry...most of them found out on accident"

She sighs "it's fine sweetie, just a little disappointing that is all. I love you so much Will and I'm so proud of you for sharing this with us, even though we'd love you no matter what I'm sure it was difficult to do"

Will nods and thanks his mom again for understanding before Hank claps his hands

"Okay let's eat!"

And that's what we do.


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