《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 41





We leave the bar and Mason drops me off at Jenna's taking the car to hear back to my house with Hank. I almost want to tell Jenna I'll just see her tomorrow and go home with him, but I know I can't do that.

Jenna grins when she opens the door.


I smile "what's up?"

She shrugs pulling the door open so I can step inside.

"Not much trying to learn new choreography for dance, did Mason drop you off?"

I nod "he's taking Hank to my place"

She lifts a brow and I bite my lip "there dad..."

I let the implication of my words settle and Jenna's face sours.

"I feel bad for them I wish they could live somewhere else"

I nod "me to, but Mason is doing his best"

Jenna agrees and shakes her head.

"speaking of Mason....you guys going to become official yet?"

My cheeks heat with colour "I uh..I don't know Jenna I want to...I don't want to rush Mason though"

She rolls her eyes "Will, Mason likes you a lot your not going to scare him away"

I play with my sleeve "you don't know that, besides he hasn't said anything and if we're being honest how can we become official when nobody even knows I'm gay?"

Jenna lifts a brow "you planning on coming out?"

I shrug walking around her room distracting myself with her dance medals.

"I've been thinking about it...I mean why not?"

Jenna nods "you're right if you're ready there's no reason not to, everyone loves and will support you"

I smile "thanks Jenna"

My phone dings pulling my attention from our conversation and my eyes widen when I read the text.

Dinner tomorrow?

I look up at Jenna a concerned look on her face


I lick my lips and shake my head once

"Mason wants to go...to dinner tomorrow"

The disbelief is clear in my voice, but Jenna only squeals

"Oh my god Will! A date!!"

I'm still processing that Mason wants to go on a date with me when Jenna grins.

"You know what this means?"

I shake my head "um n no..."

Jenna laughs "we're going to make you look hot! Irresistibly hot"

I blush because that would be nice.

"O ok"

Jenna looks thrilled when I agree and immediately claps her hands together.

"Let's go!"

I blink "go where?"

She rolls her eyes.

"the mall Will time to get you a new outfit"

I smile back at her eagerness and nod allowing her to run downstairs and ask to borrow her parents car before following her out the door. It doesn't take us long to get to the mall and when we do Jenna drags me right to American Eagle.

"I've been waiting for this day for ages"

I make a face "what?"


Jenna laughs at my expression and starts pulling a pair of skinny jeans off the shelf.

"Picking your first date outfit, I have something in mind"

I gesture to the clothes in her hand "clearly"

She only winks at me before walking around the store and pulling a few other things off the shelves and leading me to the change rooms.

"Okay try this on, I think it's going to look amazing, but if you don't like it we can find something else"

I nod and turn to the girl monitoring the change rooms.

She smiles "how many items?"

I blush and nervously fumble around counting the items Jenna handed me.

"Uh three"

She smiles sweetly again "okay number 2 is open"

I move to the empty change room and quickly change into the outfit Jenna picked out. Pausing once I'm dressed to look it over I'm surprised. It's simple, but also different then my usual clothes and it's nice. I run my hand down the brown jacket and bite my lip, would Mason like this?

Jenna interrupts my thoughts loudly "Will come out and show me!"

I jump and open the door quickly stepping out and standing awkwardly in front of my change room.

Jenna's eyes widen and she pauses looking at me inquisitively. I shuffle back into the room slightly, but the girl working in the change rooms smiles.

"Wow an eye for style"

I force an awkward smile back gesturing to Jenna.

"It's all her.."

Jenna smiles clapping her hands together "I love it! I'm really working wonders with you Will Jackson"

I blush again and the worker laughs "it's a good look"

I thank her quietly and Jenna crosses her arms "you don't like it?"

I shake my head "no! I do! It's just different"

Jenna lifts a brow and I continue.

"A good different"

She smiles "ok..I'm happy to hear that"

I smile back and retreat into my change room putting my own clothes back on and taking Jenna's pick up front to cash out. We leave the store shortly after and Jenna asks if I want to grab food before we go. We agree to grab something from Thai Express and once we're seated with our food she nods.

"So where's Mason want to take you?"

My eyes widen and I almost choke on my food making Jenna jump up.

"Oh my god! Will! What?!"

I shake my head waving my hand at her to sit down and stop attracting attention. I drink my water quickly before coughing.

"I never texted Mason back"

I frantically search for my phone well Jenna starts laughing.

"Jeez I thought you were going to choke to death for that?"

I laugh "I was stressed okay!"

She shakes her head "just text him back"

I take her advice and text him back quickly.

Sure ;)

I turn my phone to Jenna who grins at me slyly.


"Oooh Will"

My eyes widen "what?!"

I turn the phone back to myself and shake my head.

"Ah! Oh no! I meant to put a smiley face!"

I start texting Mason again hurriedly my fingers fumbling over the letters.

S sorry I meant :) not ;) just uh ignore that please!

Masons text back is simple, but somehow I just know he's smirking.

All good baby

Jenna laughs at my horrified expression.


I sink into my seat "nope"

She laughs at my pouting "c'mon eat your food and I'll take you home to sleep it off"

I give her a smile and follow her lead scooping a bite into my mouth.

We're not at the mall much longer and Jenna brings me home as soon as we're done. When we pull into my driveway she sighs.


I let go of the door handle turning to face her.


She gives me a soft smile.

"I'm happy for you..you know that right?"

I nod and she bite her lip.

"Okay because we'll...I know I pushed you to go out with Danny...I just wanted you to be happy and we'll Mason makes you happy I support that.."

I reach over pulling Jenna into a hug.

"I know Jenna...thank you"

She pulls back and smiles "you're my best friend Will Jackson I'm always going to be here for you"

I bite my lip feeling emotional and nod "me to Jenna"

She laughs breaking the sentimental moment "okay enough I'm feeling too emotional! I'll see you later"

I laugh loudly along with her "see you later!"

I head inside nearly getting my eye taken out by a nerf bullet.

"Get down!!"

All of sudden I'm shoved to the ground Gage yelling on top of me.

"Stay down! Can you see we're under attack?!"

My eyes drift to the other side of the living room where a fort of couch cushions is, Austin and Hank shooting bullets towards the dining room where Mason is ducked under the table reloading.

"Gage a little help!"

Gage finally gets off of me and stands calling a timeout.

"Ceasefire! A civilian has been caught in the crossfire"

I stand up from the floor rolling my eyes.

"Did you need to tackle me so hard you idiot?"

Gage grins "I didn't want you to get hit"

I rub my back where I'm sure a bruise is forming.

"Nerf bullet would have hurt less"

Gage rolls his eyes "whatever I saved your life just walking into a battle zone like that"

I sigh turning to Austin and Hank "thanks I'll get out of the way"

Hank makes a face "catboy! your not going to play?!"

I pause "oh..uh teams wouldn't be even"

Gage scoffs behind me "you think we couldn't take you guys!"

I shake my head and Austin laughs holding up an extra gun "c'mon Will it'll be fun!"

I cave and move towards the stairs "let me just put my stuff down"

Hank cheers and Gage reloads his gun "oh things are about to get real!"

I come back downstairs and we end up playing for another hour before the front door opens and my parents walk in.

"Ah! Oh my goodness what is going on?!"

Gage of course pops up demanding a ceasefire for the "helpless civilians"

My dad makes a face.

"Helpless civilians?! I'll show you helpless!"

Without second thought he takes the gun from Gages hands and turns it on him releasing a bullet right into Gages chest.

Everyone goes quiet and Gages eyes widen. His hand comes up gripping where the bullet hit and we all watch as he yells and dramatically drops to the floor.

"I've been hit!"

Mason suddenly flies forward and grabs Gage's arms dragging him toward the dining room.

"Man down! Man down!"

My dad immediately jumps into action keeping Gages gun and ducking behind the cushions with Austin, Hank, and I.

Gage magically heals and yells out that we need to send someone else to their side.

Austin shrugs and switches to join Gage and Mason bringing one of our extra guns with him for Gage.

As soon as he's safe on their side the ceasefire is off and we're all once again running around the living room and dinging room bullets flying.

It isn't until my dad pulls his back half an hour later that my mom tells us enough is enough.

"I better not find a single bullet on my floor!"

We all groan, but reluctantly begin picking up all the bullets. Austin heads home once we've finished cleaning up and Hank heads downstairs to get ready for bed.

Gage looks at Mason and I rolling his eyes "I'll take a hint"

He turns to go downstairs, but I glance towards our parents room and bite my lip.

"Gage wait"

He lifts a brow and I bite my lip.

"Um...I think I want to tell mom and dad tomorrow"

His eyes widen "really?!"

I nod "y yeah"

He grins "nice bro!"

I make a face "can you be here?"

Gage gives me a genuine smile and claps a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course Will! What are the best big brothers in the world for?"

I roll my eyes at that, but thank him again and head upstairs with Mason following behind me.

When we get upstairs I get ready for bed and Mason drops his clothes climbing in beside me.

"You seem happy"

I smile lightly looking up at my ceiling. Masons in my bed...as mine, Jenna's happy for me, we're going on a date, Gage is happy for me, I'm going to come out to my parents.

I sigh "I am happy"

Masons hand finds mine and he squeezes it lightly.


I bite my lip "are you...happy?"

Masons silence is deafening before he finally mumbles.

"Not yet...but I will be"


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