《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 38




I wake up the next morning; frustrated. Not only do I have a raging headache from drinking half a bottle of vodka when I came home, but I somehow ended up asleep on my futon instead of my bed and my back is killing me.

That being said I sit up groaning and decide a shower will help with both my current problems. I take a long shower, much longer then usual considering Shawn will have something to say about it if he notices, but I don't care. The warm water is soothing my aching muscles and thankfully taking my headache away. I get dressed and plan to head over to the bar and pick up a shift hoping I can ignore thinking about Will for the next little while, but fate has other plans.

I pull open the bathroom door just to meet Will's eyes staring at me from the end of the hall.

He jumps "oh! Hank let me in"

Hank turns from where he's standing with his back to me and shrugs "cat boy's here"

I nod stiffly "I see that"

Will bite his lip, but walks forward "I...I want to talk"

I shift my jaw, but nod once and head to my room not bothering to tell him to follow. He gets the message anyway and comes into my room fidgeting anxiously. As I close my door he tenses, but sucks in a breath and looks at me.


I lift a brow and cross my arms perching on the side of my futon waiting for him to talk. He looks at the floor before mumbling

"you're not being fair"

I lift a brow "I'm what?"

He sighs "you're not being fair Mason. You don't want to...or won't fuck me right?"

I nod once.

"Then how can you get mad that Kade will?"

I suck in a breath and clench my fists at my sides. He has a point, he's had points all along. I am being unfair and selfish.

I groan "you want me?"

His eyes widen and he watches me for a moment before nodding, just barely. I walk toward him slowly.

"The idea of Kade fucking Johnson or any other loser tasting you before I have makes me lose my god dammed mind"

His breath hitches and I'm face to face with him now; I continue lowly.

"You deserve bette then me Will"

He shakes his head his voice breathy "n no"

I lick my lips practically touching his forehead with my own "I want to replace his touch"

Will looks confused and I groan finally allowing my forehead to touch his before diving down and pressing a hard kiss onto his lips.

"Can I?"

He nods even before he knows what I'm asking, but the minute I sink to my knees his eyes widen and his body jerks involuntarily. I waste no time removing his pants and pulling his boxers down licking my lips when I come face to face with his erect member.

I take him in my hand first and rhythmically slide my hand up and down. His breath becomes quick and he whimpers before pressing his hand over his mouth. I move my hand back down pressing my thumb to the tip of him and he involuntarily thrusts forward a strangled moan erupting from his throat.


I can't help the way it fuels me further. Kade Johnson had his mouth on Will and all I can think about is erasing him.

This is mine. Will is mine.

I take him in my mouth while continuing to move my hand along the rest of his length. His head falls back and his hands land in my hair gripping lightly. I continue to lick and bob my head up and down his length until just moments later when his eyes snap shut and his mouth falls open. He lets out a strangled moan while cumming for me.

I swallow and only back off once he's calmed down and he breathing steadies.

He looks at me wide eyed "w wow"

I chuckle before tucking him back into his boxers, standing up and moving forward cupping his face in my hand.

"You cum in my mouth, not Kades"

His face flares brightly, but he nods quickly. I kiss him hard and he practically melts against me.

I pull back and rub my thumb over his bottom lip "if we do this. No one else, your mine Will"

He nods again looking dazed and shy. I chuckle and press another kiss to his mouth.

"You're cute baby"

He bites his lip pulling back "so..your...um"

I lift a brow stepping back and crossing my arms "I'm what?"

He looks at the floor and shuffles awkwardly where he's standing.

"just um...I'm yours?"

I nod once. There's no denying it, no matter how much I tell myself or I believe Will deserves better he's mine. Knowing someone else had their hands or worse their mouth on Will makes my blood boil.

Will looks unsure "does that mean you uh..are..m mine?"

I feel a swell of pride at his words and don't answer right away. Am I Wills? I want to be.

His eyes widen as if he regrets saying anything and he starts to ramble.

"I just uh...you've had..girls here and I don't really um"

I shake my head "Will."

He stops talking and looks up meeting my gaze.

"y yeah?"

I shake my head "no one else okay? If I had you and still had fucking girls over that'd only further prove you deserve better then me, so no. No one else"

I swallow and hold his gaze.

"I'm yours"

His eyes widen before a lustful glaze washes over them and I shift my jaw wanting to move forward and capture his lips with my own, but I don't. I can't move to fast as it is I wasn't planning on doing any of this. Saying yes to Will, committing to him. None of this was part of the fucking plan. The plan was to do the exact opposite, yet here we are.

Will shakes himself out of his daze and blushes "we uh..shouldn't um tell Gage right? Because we're not...together"

I lift a brow confused by his words "not together?"

He bites his lip hard "are we um...just dating?"

I shift my jaw "exclusively?"

He nods and I consider it for a moment Will isn't my boyfriend; not yet. Not when I can't show him off.


"Dating, exclusively"

He nods and shakes his head "so no Gage?"

I sigh "no Gage, not right now he'll flip his shit and I don't want to deal with that so soon"

Will laughs lightly at that and I can't help the grind that spreads over my face.

"Is Jenna going to keep it to herself?"

I ask because I have to know. Jenna's nice and I don't mind her company, but she can be loud and nosey. Will however nods.

"She will"

I don't fully believe that she won't, but I give him a smile "ok"

He watches me for a moment and I'm not sure what to do. I need time to process that in a matter of minutes I flipped my entire position and decided to let Will Jackson ruin his life on me.

I tense that nagging feeling of guilt starts to claw at me, but Will stands.

"Um...we're you going somewhere?"

I look up and the way he's looking at me has me completely distracted from any negative thoughts and I just nod slowly.

His eyes get wide "oh! Am I making you late?"

I shake my head and force myself to look away from Will finding a sweater.

"Nah just heading to the bar, I want to grab an extra shift"

Will nods "oh...okay um so bye?"

I roll my eyes grabbing his sleeve before he can walk out the door.

"No, come here"

I pull him to me and press my lips against his roughly. I grip his against me like once he's ripped away he'll be gone for good. He moves his hands slowly up on my shoulders and kisses me back feverishly.

I groan into the kiss "Will"

He mewls lightly at the sound and I use every once of restraint to force myself to say his name again, but this time as I pull away.

"Will, fuck, we can't get carried away"

He looks a little dopey and confused as I speak which is so fucking cute and incredibly tempting. The urge to just give up on going slow strong, but I don't let him move back toward me. Instead I shake my head and suck in a deep breath to calm myself down.

"We have to slow down, I have to go"

He looks reluctantly, but thankfully nods and moves away from me. I grab his chin at the last second and press another kiss to his lips not being able to resist just one more taste. I nod once signifying the fact that I'm now done and move toward my door.

When we get in the hallway Hank is leaning against his door frame.

"So? You to kiss and make up?"

Wills eyes widen and his cheeks then two shades darker while I shoot Hank the finger.

"Fuck off"

He rolls his eyes "just wanted to know how many more times I'd have to comfort cat boy when you act like an idiot"

I glare "oh piss off Hank, I'm trying not to be a fucking idiot anymore"

He looks surprised by my words and lifts a brow turning to Will as if he doesn't believe me. Will blushes and nods slowly.

Hanks laughs "no shit!"

I narrow my eyes "stop fucking swearing!"

He chuckles "oh yeah real effective"

With my head shaking I walk towards the stairs choosing to ignore him. Only calling out "I'm heading to the bar" as I descend the stairs. Will follows me, but walks quickly through the foyer and out the door. I make a face when I realize what his resistance to spending time in this area is about. Fucking Shawn.

I huff pulling the door shut behind me and follow him outside. I'm surprised to see Gage's car.

"you took the car?"

He nods "Gage has Austin and Jack over so he didn't need it, told him I was going to Jenna's to study"

I smirk "what a bad boy"

He blushes and laughs "you want a ride to work?"

I shake my head and his face falls, but I sigh

"I'll see you tonight"

His eyes light up at that and his cheeks darken, but he gives a nod with a small smile before heading to his car.

I myself head to the bar finding Gary leaning back on the counter as I walk in.

"Your early"

I nod "I am...can we talk?"

He lifts a brow surprised, but nods and stands up jerking his head toward his office. I follow him and he sits down nodding.


I bite my lip "I...I told Will that he's mine"

Gary's eyes widen "I thought you weren't sure about that"

I groan "I'm not.but, there's this other guy"

Gary behind to chuckle "I know that feeling"

I roll my eyes "I like Will, Gary"

He nods "I know you do, but you weren't sure about it and now you are?"

I shake my head "well no...I don't fucking know"

Gary rolls his eyes "mind your mouth Mason, just answer the question"

I let out a long breath "I still think I'm a shitty option for him, but I don't want him to pick anyone else"

Gary gives me half a smile "so you guys are what? Dating? Boyfriends?"

I shake my head "no, dating exclusively, not boyfriends...not yet anyway"

I grumble they last part because things would be so much easier if Will could just be my boyfriend and we didn't have to worry about anyone or anything else.

Gary sighs "I'm happy for you Mase, that's a step. Took you long enough to stop holding yourself back and get there"

I grimace because he's right, but even now I'm nervous. Did I do the right thing? Am I right for Will?

Gary shakes his head "nah now don't do that"

I lift a brow and he chuckles "don't second guess, just wait and see Mason. Things will pan out, they always do"



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