《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 37




After getting home from Walmart I spent the rest of the day catching up on The 100 with Jenna and then a quick family game after dinner. Of course when I say quick I mean I've been sat at the table playing monopoly for the last 3 and a half hours. As soon as the table had cleared from dinner my dad pulled out the board and none of us have been able to get away from the table since.

Currently I own 6 properties and my cash is running out. Unfortunately for me my moms properties are like landmines and somehow I always land on them. Most of her properties are at the very least $50 each time. Gage has 10 properties, but he's one of those people that just buys random stuff so he's low on cash and not very well planned out. My dad on the other hand is as per usual crushing us all.

"Pay up Gage"

Gage pouts "what?! How can you even own the railroad?!"

My dad rolls his eyes "because I bought it, now my $100 please"

Gage grumbles under his breath, but reluctantly hands an $100 to my dad who adds it to his growing pile. It's my turn and I move quickly landing myself safely in the "just visiting" spot of the jail. I take the opportunity to check my phone. Lifting a brow when I see a text from Kade.

Want to come over? ;)

I bite my lip...a wink could just be friendly right? I know Kade is not opposed to a quick hook up here and there, I mean I used to entertain that sort of relationship with him, but is he trying to start it up again? Do I want that?

Mason and I are only sleeping now so I could..I have to get over my crush one way or another right? I'm unsure, but hit send on the "sure" I typed out and jump when my dad calls my name.

"Will! It's your turn seriously get your head in the game"

I chuckle awkwardly "actually I'm going to uh...get my head out of the game. Can I go out for a little while?"

My mom lifts a brow and is about to seriously inquire where I want to go when both my dad and Gage throw a fit.

"What?! You can't just leave!"

"We're in the middle of a game here!"

I roll my eyes "guys..we've been playing for 3 hours no one is ever going to win...not anytime soon"

Gage cracks his knuckles and narrows his eyes.

"I've got all night"

My mom laughs and starts to collect the pieces.

"well I don't, help me clean up would you?"

Gage doesn't look happy and my dad pouts, but they both assist us in putting everything away.

"I can't believe your bailing on your own father"

I sigh "dad, I'm not bailing I played for over 3 hours"

He shakes his head "psssh 3 hours is nothing, I was going to win"


I nod "I'm sure you were dad"

Gage makes a stink of his own.

"Where could you possibly have to go anyway? Your always here and suddenly when I'm better then you at something you leave?!"

I groan running a hand down my face "Gage, it has nothing to do with you and besides your better then me at loads of things"

He smirks at that "we'll you're not wrong there"

I don't bother flattering him and roll my eyes before turning and heading up to my room. I grab a hoodie pulling it on before heading downstairs and asking Gage if I can borrow his keys.

He looks up lazily from his tv "why hot date?"

I shift on my feet "something like that"

Gage looks surprised before grinning and tossing the keys at me.

"Go get that dick!"

My face immediately flames.

"Gage! I'm not..don't. That's not what's happening!"

He laughs "it's Kade Johnson right? I knew he was into you!"

I sigh "yes I'm going to Kade's, but it's not like that"

Gage grins "righhht"

He winks as if we're both in on the same secret and I sigh.

"Bye Gage"

He laughs turning back to his video game. I on the other hand head to Kade's.

When I get there he opens the door grinning.

"Wasn't sure you'd come"

I lift a brow "why not?"

He shrugs "didn't think you wanted to do that anymore"

I pause "oh....um...oh"

I bite my lip; the wink wasn't friendly. Or maybe it was...a little too friendly.

Kade nods "ahh you don't want to"

I shake my head "no! I mean..maybe?"

He chuckles jerking his head toward the stairs.

"C'mon let's go upstairs"

Once we're in his room he perches himself on the edge of his desk.

"You know why I asked you to come over?"

I nod "I had an idea"

He chuckles "you seemed to have some pent up tension earlier at the store"

My cheeks flood with colour. I did have pent up tension because all week I've been only sleeping with Mason and for someone reason our mutual agreement to do nothing except sleep has only increased my want to do everything but sleep. My dick stirs just thinking about Mason and I shift awkwardly.

"Kade..I...you're right"

He nods smiling "I know...you have a crush on Mason yeah?"

My eyes widen, but I can't deny it.


He shrugs "you look at him like you want him to jump your bones, but all the time. You only ever looked at me like that in the heat of the moment"

My face falls for a second is Kade upset?

Kade holds his hands up quickly as if reading my mind "I'm not jealous! I promise. You know me; I'm here for a good time not a long one"

I smile "okay"

He nods continuing "my point is if your interested I like to think we enjoyed ourselves and if you ever need to relieve some of that tension..."


He trails off, but we both know what he's implying. All this talk of Mason and sex has me flustered and sporting a semi.

I bite my lip and barely nod just a small movement. Do I want Kade? I want Mason, but I can't have him and Kade is right here.

He lifts a brow "yeah?"

I nod again barely whispering "please"

Kade grins and is on me in seconds. Like usual he knows exactly what to do and doesn't try to kiss me. Instead he gets right to buisness and pushes me so my back is against his wall. He slides down to the floor and begins to unbutton my pants wasting no time in pulling me out.

I gasp as he grips me and starts to move his hand up and down my length repeatedly. I throw my head back and squeeze my eyes shut the second his lips open taking me inside.

Without wanting images of Mason flood my thoughts, but I can't be bothered to do anything besides moan deeply at the thought of Mason. Kade works wonders and it's only a few minutes later that I'm wiping myself off with a Kleenex and zipping my pants.

"W wow"

He grins wiping his mouth "you good?"

I nod once and push myself off the wall moving toward Kade assuming it's my turn to return the favour, but he shakes his head.

"Nah don't worry about it, my moms going to be home any time"

I pause "you sure?"

He shrugs "you needed it more then I did"

I bite my lip considering his words. I feel bad not returning the favour, but as I'm considering my options the front door opens and Kade's mom calls up her hello.

I give Kade a shy smile and he chuckles watching as I collect my things.

"For what it's worth Will, I think he likes you to"

I practically choke on my spit not prepared to hear the words I just did.

"w what?"

Kade only shrugs and casually comments "I'll see you later"

I take that as my cue to leave and head home still confused and unsure. I'm sated and I spent my night with a friend, but yet my mind is racing with thoughts of Mason. Will he be there when I get there? Will he show up later?

I get my answer the second I open my bedroom door and find my room empty. No Mason. I bite my lip because I'm washed with disappointment, but also anxiousness. Getting with Kade and coming home to Mason was one thing, but letting Kade get me off and coming home to my bed alone feels...lonely or wrong. I change and get in my bed quietly trying not to let my thoughts drift any deeper then the mundane task of pulling back my blankets and climbing into bed. Despite my best efforts they do and I end up looking at my ceiling trying to make sense of my feelings for the next two hours.

I hear movement downstairs a while late and turn my eyes landing on the bright red number 1:30am glaring at me. My door opens a second later and Mason walks in. He seems hesitant and tense making my bite my lip, does he know?

I don't make a sound or greet him instead I pretend to be asleep. I keep my eyes shut as his clothes hit the floor and the weight of his body dips the mattress. I keep them closed even when he sucks in deep breath before signing loudly.


That's when I open my eyes "yeah?"

He shifts his jaw as if debating his question.

"You good to talk?"

I turn and sit up slightly "what?"

He shrugs looking away "I just..did you go to Kade's tonight?"

I clench my teeth together. Did Gage tell him?! My silence is answer enough and he grits his teeth sitting up and shifting away from me.

"You did?"

I nod once and he glares at the wall behind me.


I hope he'll drop the subject, but instead he shift his jaw and grunts.


I bite my lip hard "um...he asked me to"

His response is simple and same as before "oh"

I lick my lips and sigh "I...I'm allowed to do stuff Mason"

I don't want him to be mad at me. I shouldn't feel bad for something I enjoyed. Even if Mason gets upset over it.

Mason looks angry, but the way his fists are clenched tells me he's trying to hold it together.

"What happened?"

I meet his eyes for only a second, but it's enough to make me drop my gaze to my bed and not look up again.


Mason grunts "did you fuck?"

I shake my head quickly and he looks to my ceiling as if relived, but it doesn't last long.

"But he fucking touched you?"

I nod slowly feeling bad. I wanted Kade to do it and I enjoyed it, him, but why do I feel like I did something wrong? I didn't mean to upset Mason. He's just had me so frustrated the whole week I needed something and Kade offered.

Mason shakes his head "what did he do?"

His face doesn't look like it wasn't to know while his mouth is asking so I'm conflicted, but reluctantly whisper.

"He uh...b blow job"

Mason curses and stands from the bed making me wince.

He shakes his head "He..his mouth?!"

He shifts his jaw and looks right at me "he had you in his mouth?"

I whimper because I don't want to admit it knowing it'll hurt Mason more, but I nod half an inch.

He lets out a frustrated breath "you cum for him?"

My cheeks flame and he doesn't bother waiting for a verbal answer. Instead he reads what my cheeks say and shakes his head before swearing and stalking out my door.

I jump from my bed quickly to follow him, but by the time I get to the bottom of the stairs he's gone and I'm two steps to pulling the front door open when my dad speaks.

"Will? What are you doing?"

My entire body goes ridged and I turn slowly.

"um....getting a glass of water"


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