《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 36




It's been two days since we got back from camping. A crisp Wednesday morning.

I've been...not avoiding Will, I mean I've been sleeping in his bed, but I've been limiting my time with him. I don't want to make things hard for him. We've finally come to a sort of neutral ground. All we're going to do is sleep. Because as much as I want all of him if I can't give him all of me I won't have him.

Will however, has been making that very hard to stick to. This past week he's been more friendly with me in that he's trying to keep things comfortable. Good mornings and good nights, the odd "how was your day", and he's been clinging to me every night. Not that I'm complaining.

That being said he's also been waking up with a certain situation every morning. Usually it's pressed against me and I notice before he does. I do my best to ignore it, but the restraint it takes is becoming tiring. On top of that he's been staring at me almost unintentionally recently. I'm trying not to notice because everything he does makes me want him more and now his attention is constantly on me.

I shake the thought away groaning as I do another rep. Gage and I are working out with the rest of the team and I can't seem to keep my mind from wandering to Will.

"You good?"

I look at Gage sitting up and nod.

"Fine, you're up"

I move so he can take his turn and try to focus on spotting him instead of the fact that in 4 minutes we're heading out and I'll get to endure a 15 minute car ride with Will.

Gage finishes up and wipes his forehead that's glistening with sweat.

"Dang, I'm voting we stop and get a new case of Gatorade on the way home I got none left in the car or the locker room. I'm fucking thirsty"

I shrug "sure man"

Gage nods standing "thank fuck"

I follow him out to the car and my eyes immediately land on Will whose laughing at something Jenna must have said or did. His laugh dies when he sees us his eyes trailing over me. The way his eyes automatically narrow and his lip slips between his teeth makes me groan.

Gage turns "you good?"

I clench my jaw "fine, just sore"

He chuckles "yeah worked you good in there! Gotta bulk up!"

I force a tight lipped smile and we head to the car. Jenna and Will get in right after us and Gage let's them know we're stopping at Walmart.

It's a short uneventful ride to our local Walmart and when we get there we all head inside. Thankfully it only takes Gage a few minutes to grab the case of Gatorade and we head to the register.

Will's eyes seem to travel to me incredibly often and I'm becoming increasingly turned on by it. I'm almost ready to ask him what the hell he's looking at, but I don't get a chance.

"Oh hey Will"

I look up at the cashier my entire body going ridged and face souring when I see it's none other then Kade Johnson.

"Kade, I uh..I didn't know you worked here"

Kade shrugs "just started, mom said I had to get a job"

Will blushes and makes small talk while I supervise intensely waiting to see where the conversation will go. Glaring when Will's tongue swipes out across his lips and he smiles at Kade who grins.


"You know your always welcome to stop by"

He grins at a blushing Will.

"I enjoy your company"

His wink does not go unnoticed by me and the urge to intervene is right there, but an elbow to my side interrupts me.


I look at Gage who shakes his head "he just hit on my brother, on Will"

I nod slowly not really paying attention to him, but he continues.

"What could he possibly see in Will?"

If I wasn't such a coward I may have said; an amazing guy with the most beautiful eyes and the softest fucking lips I've ever tasted, but I am so I say nothing. Instead I shrug.

We leave the store and head out everyone ending up at their respective homes. I go inside my mood still sour since watching Kade openly flirt with Will. Wanting Will Jackson is going to be the death of me and I know it.

I don't see Shawn and head upstairs finding Hank in his room.

"What's up?"

I shrug "nothing just got home"

He rolls his eyes "I realized that idiot"

I go to scold him, but he waves his hand.

"Yeah yeah don't swear I know, idiots not even a swear word and it's true"

I narrow my eyes "true?"

He chuckles "are you and Will together yet?"

I shake my head, he laughs "see"

I huff rolling my eyes "whatever"

He smirks "what did you need?"

I shrug "nothing, just came to bother you"

He hums a response "can I ask you something?"

I'm surprised and suspicious Hank is being serious?


He crosses his arms arms leaning back in his chair.

"Where have you been sleeping?"

I pause having not expected that to be his question.


The minute the word leaves my mouth he sighs and his face falls.


I clench my jaw just knowing I won't want to hear his next words "what?"

He shakes his head "don't you think your confusing Will?"

I shift on my feet "we..worked it out"

Hank shakes his head scoffing "what's that supposed to mean?"

I shake my head tossing a "none of your buisness" at him as I leave the room. I did not want to have Hank lecture me. I already know I fuck shit up, especially with Will and I.

I sit around my room for the next hour or so frustrated and annoyed, before I finally decide Hank was just trying to help because he cares and I shouldn't be such an ass. I head across the hall and knock on his doorframe lightly leaning into the room.

"You want to go get groceries?"

Hank looks up and lifts a brow.


I nod "yeah, I gotta go to work in a bit"

Hank shrugs standing "sure"

We head out to the car that is very rarely used. Shawn has had so many dui's and tickets he gets pulled over on sight. Not to mention all the fines he owes probably amount to jail time. Point being the car is an old, rust bucket that I only force myself and Hank to endure when we need groceries and even then sometimes I'll just ask Gage for a ride.

We head back to the same Walmart I was just at with Gage, Will, and Jenna and we head inside.

Of course the first section Hank heads towards us the frozen food.


"Don't just get junk"

Hank rolls his eyes as I watch him toss two boxes of bagel bites and a box of fish sticks into the cart.

"Its not junk"

I don't bother arguing with him and just tell him enough when he then tosses a box of pogos in as well.

He smiles at me cheekily "what?"

I roll my eyes and push the cart to the meat aisle grabbing a pack of ground beef and chicken breast planning to actually make Hank some decent meals this week. When I move to the snack aisle I direct Hank to find some decent snacks to pack in his lunch while I head over to get some fruit and vegetables.

I end up with a pack of strawberries, apples, oranges, and a salad kit. Along with an extra cucumber and some red peppers. When I meet back up with Hank his arms are full and of course majority of his lot consists of cookies and goldfish.

"I thought I said get decent snacks"

He looks at his pile in the cart before making a face.

"these are decent what were you expecting?"

I roll my eyes "something healthy"

His face changes to one of disgust.

"um...no thank you"

I just sigh and head to the checkout. When I get to the tills my face sours because the only till open is Kade's. I huff and walk up to it directing Hank to help put our items up to be scanned.

Kade smiles "hi, how are you?"

I grumble a "fine" and he smiles before tilting his head.

"Hey, you were just here with Will Jackson right?"

I tighten my jaw and only answer with a curt nod.

He doesn't seem to notice my aggravated state and grins "thought so, your Gage's friend right?"

I nod "yeah."

I pause and suddenly see an opportunity.

"Your Will's...?"

He shrugs "we're friends"

I shift my jaw. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, he's not out yet and neither is Will.


He looks confused for a moment, but just goes back to bagging our groceries while I glare at him. Kade is a good guy, but knowing he's done stuff with Will and not knowing what it was makes me jealous, even if it shouldn't.

Hank gives me a look before turning to Kade.

"You know Will?"

Kade smiles at him "yeah"

Hank grins "I didn't think he hung out with anyone besides his girlfriend"

I turn and glare at Hank.

"She's not his girlfriend."

Kade looks surprised, but pauses for only a second before his eyebrows lift as if he's had some kind of realization and he shakes his head looking down as if trying to hide a smile.

"He's right. Jenna's not his girlfriend, he's too busy for that"

He says it as if there's a hidden meaning and my eyes darken.

"Not that busy"

Kade shrugs smirking while Hank makes a face clearly confused.

"Busy? All Will does is study"

Kade grins looking at me "yeah, heard he's got himself a great study buddy"

My teeth gnash together at his hidden meaning and I glare "debt."

He chuckles turning the machine toward me and I angrily tap my card before practically ripping the receipt out of his hands.

Kade smiles as Hank and I walk away "have a good night, I know I will"

I have to force myself not to turn around and instead storm out of the Walmart seething.

"What a fucking ass!"

Hank looks surprised and turns looking back at the store before turning back to me.

"Was that Will's boyfriend or something?"

I freeze in the middle of the parking lot setting my icy glare on Hank.

"His what?"

Hanks eyes widen "ok so someone's jealous"

I narrow my eyes "he's not his boyfriend and I'm not jealous"

I am. I'm practically boiling over with jealousy. All because of some stupid words. Implications, nothing more and yet I want to go inside and rip him apart. Demand he stay away from Will and never think of him again.

I sigh starting the car, I'm angry and if I'm going to go to Will's tonight I need to calm down. It wouldn't be fair to show up like this.

I turn to Hank "sorry"

He lifts a brow and I scrub a hand down my face.

"I was jealous, I shouldn't have acted like that"

Hank nods "yeah"

I shake my head and pull out of my parking spot heading home.

Hank sits back in his seat "so that Kade guy and Will are together or what?"

I tighten my hands on the steering wheel until my knuckles are white, but just shake my head grunting "no"

Hank lifts a brow "so what's his deal?"

I sigh "I don't know, he was just being an ass I guess"

Hank shrugs "maybe he's interested in Will"

I shift my jaw "maybe"

Hank leans forward "that doesn't...annoy you?"

I glare "we'll it doesn't make me fucking happy"

Hank chuckles "oh"

I shake my head "what the fuck do you want me to say Hank? I don't fucking want anyone else to even breath near Will let alone be with him"

Hank sighs as if I've said something dumb.

"Then why don't you just date him already?"

I pull into our driveway and turn off the car.


I pause considering my answer.

"I don't know...I don't deserve him"

Hank looks confused "what?"

I shrug "Hank, Look at me, our life. You think Will wants to be dragged into any of this? He came over one fucking time and Shawn fucking.."

I glare at the memory "Will's a good guy. Why should he settle for me? For the bottom of the barrel? I can't do that to him"

Hank shakes his head "you wouldn't be doing it to him Mason, he wants you"

I scoff "Will wants me to fuck him"

Hank makes a face "um gross, but I don't see the problem for you?"

I shake my head "he doesn't realize what being with me means, what baggage comes with it. He's just attracted to me"

Hank sighs "I don't think that's true, Will...likes you"

I shrug not feeling like I want to have this conversation anymore.


I get out of the car and only a moment later Hank follows me. He must sense I'm no longer in the mood to talk because we carry and put away the groceries in silence.

When we finish I nod at Hank.

"I'm going to work, I won't be back tonight"

He gives me a tight lipped smile and nods retreating to his room. I on the other hand turn and head out to my bike heading to the bar so I can work and try to forget the fact that Kade implied he'd see Will tonight and if he was telling the truth there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.



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