《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 35




I wake up pressed to Mason's chest and we're alone in the tent. I sit up slowly, but Mason's arm is still loosely around my waist. As I'm yawning Gage unzips the tent roughly and comes barrelling in.

"Damn! it's cold this morning"

My eyes widen and shoot down to Mason's arm and I try not to choke. Forcing myself to act natural and nod awkwardly. Gage rummages around in his bag before taking out a sweater and pulling it on over his head.

"You two gonna get up and help the rest of us pack this shit or what?"

I bite my lip my body tense from how close Gage is to us, if he takes one decent glance he'll spot Mason's arm in a heartbeat.

"Uh yeah"

He pulls his sweater down so his head pops out and nods.

"Good, get a move on"

The second he leaves the tent I let out a breath of relief, but the second I do Hank chuckles.

"Close call?!"

I yelp and nearly jump out of my skin waking Mason up who groans.


I blush moving his arm off me grumbling.

"it's nothing"

I stand while Hank smiles at me cheekily.


Rolling my eyes I move to my bag pulling on a hoodie not bothering to fully change clothes knowing I'm just going to end up sitting in a car anyway. Thankfully I feel a lot better this morning and I'm no longer worried about a fever.

Hank and I leave the tent just as Mason starts to fully wake up. I follow Hank over to wear my mom is directing Gage to go offer the new couple at the site next to us our leftover fire wood and my dad to pack up the camping chairs.

"Good morni..."

I'm interrupted by her hands clapping.

"Oh good! Will you're awake. You can help your father"

She turns heading to go pack up something else and I roll my eyes.

"Sure thing"

My dad laughs "don't worry about it she's just worried we won't have everything packed up in time"

I nod "I know, she's just so..."

Hank grins "loud?"

I laugh "sure, loud"

We pack up the chairs quickly and as we carry them to the car Mason comes out of the tent. He looks around before his eyes land on me and he walks over grabbing the two chairs from me and taking them to the car. I blink at him barely registering that he's taken the chars.

"I could have carried them"

He shrugs "so could I"

I make a face, but instead head to our tent to pack up my stuff. Mason and Hank follow with Gage joining us shortly after he returns from sharing our firewood.

The rest of the campsite takes about 20 minutes to pack up and then we're on the road home.

Somehow Mason and I end up sitting next to each other the whole ride and it's not good for me. For some reason I can't seem to keep my thoughts off of Mason and try my best to subtly slide away from him. Wanting to create some space, my leg where it's touching his feels like it's burning and being stuck with a very obvious boner next to Mason for this car ride would not be ideal.


Mason doesn't seem to understand that and the third time I attempt to slide away from him his hand clasps down on my thigh and I gasp loudly attracting everyone's attention.

"What?! Did you see something out the window Will?"

I swallow stiffly "um..yeah thought I saw a deer"

Everyone starts turning to look out the windows while I turn to Mason shoving his hand off my leg and glaring at his smirking face.

It's no use, Mason's hand on my leg and now his intense gaze on me makes me hot and bothered. I shift in my seat and awkwardly glance down my cheeks flushing when I note the tent in my pants becoming more and more obvious.

My eyes widen and I sit up "um I need to use the bathroom!"

My mom sighs while my dad looks up.

"Really Will? We've only been on the road for an hour"

I cringe "um yes"

Hank rolls his eyes while Gage groans.

"can we at least stop at a gas station I could go for some snacks"

Hank nods in agreement while my mom makes a face, but my dad smiles.

"Sure thing"

I grimace I hate gas station bathrooms, but I need to get out of this car and away from Mason. At least for a little while.

It only takes another ten minutes before my dad finds a gas station to pull into. I rush from the car going to the bathroom not bothering to pay attention to where anyone else goes. I stand in the bathroom cringing at how disgusting it is.

I glance down at my pants and lean against the sink happy that the tent in my pants is less noticeable now. Two seconds later the door is pulled open and Mason walks in looking at me.

"You good?"

I tense and look away my cheeks heating up, I'm embarrassed, but I'm also annoyed.

"Why do you do that if you don't want to have sex with me?"

Mason freezes "what?"

I cross my arms and lean against the bathroom counter.

"Why do you do stuff like...touch my leg if you don't want to sleep with me?"

Mason sighs "Will, you think I don't want to take you against this counter right now?"

I bite my lip whispering "then why don't you?"

Mason growls "I can't!"

He shakes his head and paces slightly.

"Don't you get it? You're a good one Will, I'm not. I'm fucked up"

I shake my head "you're not"

He scoffs "you just want me to fuck you"

I make a face. I do want Mason to fuck me, but that's not why I'm telling him this. Masons not fucked up...I just don't know how to make him realize that.


Mason shakes his head before I can even start.

"You want me to fuck you and leave? To break your heart? That's what will happen. I can't be with you Will not when it's not worth your pain. I'll ruin you and you could have someone so much better"

I shake my head unaware that tears of frustration and sadness are falling from my eyes.

"That's not true!"


Masons shakes his head letting out a humourless laugh.

"Do you hate me?"

I shake my head wiping my eyes quickly.

"no, I'm upset with you"

He shifts his jaw "you going to be any less upset if I give you what you want?"

I tilt my head "w what?"

He stalks toward me until we're chest to chest.

"Would you be any less upset with me if I were to drop to my knees for you right now?"

He starts bending down and my eyes widen shaking my head I grab his shoulders.


He scoffs standing "then stop asking"

With that he turns and leaves the bathroom making me cry frustrated. I hadn't meant for him to leave. I didn't mean no, I didn't mean yes either. I didn't understand and now Mason's angry with me. I shake my head and wipe at my eyes furiously wishing they would stop betraying me the way they do cascading tears down my face.

Mason's worried he'll ruin me and I don't know how to show him there's nothing to ruin. To show him that with or without him I'm just me. Will Jackson, 11th grade student, friend of Jenna Ryerson and baby brother of the infamous Gage Jackson. Nothing special.

I wipe my face and try my best to look as I did when I came in the bathroom before slowly moving out the door and to the car. When I get in the car Mason is still in his previous seat and I'm surprised. I expected him to have switched, made Hank sit with me.

Hank and Gage both grin at me as I climb in each holding a bag filled with junk.

"They had all the good stuff in there"

I force a smile and Hank grins "they even had slushies!"

I nod "nice..."

I'm thankful when we hit the road again and they both find some way to entertain themselves. I don't have the energy to fake a smile. Instead I stare out the window and wish I hadn't said anything to Mason. Wishing I had just been content with only sleeping.

I bite my lip at the thought, maybe I am content with only sleeping. Have I been fantasizing about the thought of Mason and I for years? Yes, but have gone without it for years? Also yes. Going without Mason in my bed at all...I don't want to do that. I decide then if Mason doesn't want to have me in that way it is what it is, but I need him in my bed even if all we ever do is sleep.

I shake my head leaning it back and closing my eyes. Jenna would have a field day with me.

When we get back to our house Mason and Hank help us unload everything before discussing if they'll stay for dinner. Mason as expected tries his best to subtly decline, but Hank and Gage don't even entertain the idea already heading inside to order pizza.

My parents laugh and follow after them and I look at Mason, this is my chance.


He looks up and honestly looks surprised I'm even talking to him. I bite my lip and continue.

"You don't..you don't have to uh...do that with me"

Mason looks confused and I sigh.

"If you only want to sleep that's okay...just p please don't stop um..."

Mason nods before I can finish.

"I don't like sleeping without you either Will"

I can't help the way my cheeks heat up and my lip quirks.


Mason looks sad, but happy at the same time and it makes my heart ache. I nod again awkwardly before turning and walking into the house.

Mason follows shortly after me, but we go out separate ways when I head upstairs to unpack and he goes downstairs to join Hank and Gage.

I'm not alone for long someone knocks at my door before walking in.


I turn and nod at Hank.

"What's up?"

He sits on my bed watching me unpack my bag.

"Are you okay?"

I make a face and turn away from him putting my clothes in my hamper.


He rolls his eyes when I turn around "Will. Mason is an ass"

I bite my lip "not always"

Not when he's holding me close and kissing my head.

Hank sighs "why do you let him treat you like shit?"

My mouth drops open and Hank throws his hands up in surrender.

"I'm not trying to be mean! I just mean, Mason cares about you sure, but he's got a fucked up way of showing it"

I glare "don't swear"

Hank groans flopping back onto my bed "your not my dad"

I roll my eyes "not the point"

I collect some clean clothes from my bag and move toward my closet putting them away before moving back toward my bed where Hank gives me a look.


I wince I was hoping he'd forget.

"I love him Hank"

Hank sits up "no you don't? You do?"

I blush lightly biting my lip before nodding slowly.

Hanks eyes widen "oh shit you do!"

I roll eyes "stop swearing!"

He chuckles "sorry, but I just...I knew you liked him I didn't realize you liked him THAT much"

I awkwardly fiddle with the shirt in my hands.

"I...I liked Mason for a long time"

Hank shakes his head "no way, you liked Mason!"

I glare "shhh! Shut up!"

He blushes bashfully "sorry! I just..I can't believe it I didn't even know"

I laugh rolling my eyes "you didn't know me"

He shrugs "even when I met you, I didn't realize not at first anyway"

I nod "we'll now you do...so don't tell anyone"

Hank gives me a look clearly offended "excuse me? I would never tell your secret cat boy"

I lift a brow and he grins smugly. I roll my eyes and grab the last of the clothes out of my bag tossing it in the bottom of my closet just as my mom calls out.

"Boys! Pizzas here!"

Hank jumps off my bed about to rush downstairs, but pauses in the doorway.


I look up and he gives me a sad look "loving someone doesn't can't always excuse their behaviour...I mean I love my dad and I still think he's a shitty ass human being"

With that he heads down the stairs, but I stay put wincing because his words sting.



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