《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 34




When we get back to our own campsite I watch Will, leaving the site was maybe not the right choice, but it definitely helped me clear my head. Meeting Jeremy and Ray was nice as well. They're both such kind and chill people they really helped me to relax and genuinely think.

I thought about Will. A lot. Pretty much the whole time. At first all I could think about was how frustrated I was. How annoyed I was that he didn't understand, but then I thought about his face and his voice. The way he kissed me first this time.

The only downfall to being with Jeremy and Ray was that every time they did something together I thought about doing it with Will. Holding his hand, or laughing with him. All the stuff we don't do because we can't...because I shouldn't.

Back at our site everyone sits around the fire for dinner and Sandy looks at me.

"Mason, it was nice of you to help Jeremy and Ray, but please don't leave like that again without telling someone"

I nod and rub the back of my neck awkwardly feeling guilty, I hadn't meant to be gone so long. I didn't mean to worry everyone.

"I'm sorry Sandy, next time I'll be sure to tell someone where I'm going"

Sandy thanks me and turns back to her meal while I turn to Hank and Gage.

"So how was golfing?"

Hank's eyes widen and Gage snickers behind him making my eyes narrow.

"What happened?"

Adam chuckles leaning back in his chair.

"Hank. Go ahead and tell your brother what happened"

Hank sinks deeper into his chair and grumbles "I cras...cart"

I lift a brow "you what?"

He sighs and sits up "I crashed a golf cart"

Will snorts next to me, but my body tenses and my gaze immediately lands on Gage "you let him drive a golf cart?!"

Gage shakes his head putting his hands up "wasn't me!"

I lift a brow not convinced, but turn back to Hank who chuckles anxiously.

"Um...Sammy and I may have..borrowed one"

Will's laugh rings out and I force myself to ignore the warmth it sparks inside me. Instead I push my tongue against my inner lip sighing.

"you stole a golf cart!? What the hel...heck Hank?"

Sandy nods at me for not swearing and Hank bites his lip.

"We we're bored...we didn't mean to crash! We just wanted to go for one little spin and Gage wouldn't let me drive!"

I shake my head "I can't believe you"

Hank pouts crossing his arms "it was an accident"

I shake my head "what if you had gotten hurt or you broke something!"

Hank rolls his eyes "I only crashed because Sammy wouldn't wait his turn"

I huff "Sammy's like 8"

Hank glares "he's 10"

I clench my jaw, but suddenly Will sits up.


I look at him and he bites his lip as if regretting speaking, but after a second continues.

"He's okay right? Your acting like you and Gage never did stupid stuff"


I huff "we never crashed a golf cart"

Adam chuckles "maybe not, but you did crash your bikes into my truck denting the side"

Sandy turns from where she's prepping food "you also crashed Mrs.Glendon's lawnmower into her shed"

Will laughs "I remember that, ran over all her flowers on the way too"

My lip tips up slightly and I meet Gage's eye as he laughs remembering all of the trouble we used to get into.

"Fine. You're off the hook"

Sandy laughs "he's not off the hook, he knows he's volunteering at the community centre for the rest of the month"

Hank pouts "yeah"

I chuckle "Sammy going with you?"

Hank rolls his eyes "Sammy lives three hours away from us"

I shrug "oh we'll ask...Pope to go with you"

Hank shrugs "maybe"

Sandy announces dinner is ready and we all make plates before sitting around and enjoying our meal.

After dinner Sandy makes everyone help load up anything we don't need because we're heading home in the morning. I don't let Will carry anything heavy worried he's still sick and instead hand him a small bag with chips in it.

He rolls his eyes "I can carry something else"

I give him a look "you're sick"

He huffs "so?"

I shift my jaw, why was he being difficult?

"Are you trying to punish me?"

He pauses "for what?"

I roll my eyes "leaving you here and ending up with Jeremy, I already told you he isn't my.."

"I'm not...I wasn't trying to"

I nod "okay. I don't like him Will"

I hope my reassurance makes him feel better because when I get jealous it helps me, but he doesn't look any happier.

"Would you fuck him?"

My mouth drops open surprised, but I don't get a chance to answer.

"Woah didn't need to hear that"

Hank turns and starts to walk the other way, but Will shakes his head "ah! sorry Hank!"

Just as he says that Gage comes over "what are we apologizing for?"

Will blushes and coughs awkwardly "uhhh"

I step forward and hand Hank a bag "he grabbed the bag Hank was going for, but it's fine he can just take this one, right Hank?"

Hank rolls his eyes taking the bag from me "yeah thanks"

I give Gage a nod and he just shrugs "okay weirdos let's just finish this up, Frank and his family are coming over to roast marshmallows"

Will sighs "they don't have their own fire?"

I'm surprised by his attitude, but it's quickly shut dow when Sandy puts her hand on her hip.

"Will! That is so rude! I know your sick, but that is no way to talk about people who have been nothing but kind"

Will blushes furiously and his attitude disappears "I'm sorry mom, you're right"

She laughs "of course I am, I'm always right"

Adam shakes his head mouthing "nooo" behind her before plastering a smile on his face when she turns around.

I chuckle and we finish loading the rest of our stuff into the car. Shortly after Frank arrives with the rest of his family in tow.


Will looks about ready to run, but opts for ducking behind me instead. I can't help the swell of pride I feel that he feels I'm safe to stand behind. It doesn't last long though.

Sandy notices Will's action and tsks walking over and grabbing Will's sleeve. She drags him to his chair and gestures for him to sit before calling out.

"Oh Katrina here's a spot next to Will!"

Katrina blushes, but smiles and hurries to drop down in the chair Sandy gestures to. Will's eyes widen and land on his mom in panic, but she just chuckles and walks away. I quickly move to sit on the other side of Will and he pins me with a look of relief.

That doesn't stop Katrina from diving into a conversation "so Will..."

Eventually everyone has a seat and starts to sit around talking. Katrina doesn't stop yapping to Will and he's tense. She's put her hand on his arm at least five times now and the giggles she's forcing make him flinch every time. I become more annoyed the longer I have to entertain Gage knowing Will is uncomfortable next to me.

Gage finally sighs after I've glanced at Will for the 10th time and shakes his head "she really is persistent, gotta give her that"

I roll my eyes because I disagree, I don't have to give her anything.

I huff "can she not take a hint?"

Gage laughs "She probably doesn't even notice how awkward Will is, she's crushing hard"

I grimace at that "whatever"

Gage shakes his head "too bad she's putting so much work in...she'll probably never see him again"

I nod "too bad"

I don't think it's too bad, I don't think that's too bad at all.

Gage chuckles "maybe I can help"

I lift a brow, but before I can ask what "helping" means he's yelling.

"Hey Katrina! If you want to get Will talking you should ask him about his girlfriend"

My entire body tenses and Will's eyes widen in shock while Katrina blushes bright red and Hank's face scrunches up in confusion.

Sandy, however turns slowly from her conversation "what was that Gage?"

Gage realizes his mistake quickly and chuckles awkwardly "oh nothing...just making a joke"

Sandy turns to Will "Will. Your girlfriend?"

Will shoots Gage a nasty glare and bites his lip turning to him mom "um..uh"

He looks at Katrina who looks hopeful before swallowing and nodding stiffly "y yeah"

I scoff subconsciously and shake my head standing up "pardon me"

I walk away before anyone can ask anything and go over to where the car is parked leaning against it. I stand there wishing I wasn't so annoyed hearing Will admit he has a girlfriend knowing he doesn't, but I can't make the nagging feeling of hurt go away.

It's stupid. He's not doing anything wrong and yet I feel disappointed. What did I want him to say? No girlfriend, but Mason sleeps in my bed? I scoff at my own stupidity, shake my head, and close my eyes leaning back and bask underneath the moon.

I don't open my eyes again until Gage wanders over "you good?"

I shrug "fine"

He lifts a brow "you don't seem fine"

I laugh humourlessly "I'm fucking peachy man"

Gage sighs "you ever going to tell me what's going on with you?"

I'm honest in my answer "I don't know"

He nods "fair enough"

More footsteps approach, but pause once they're close.


It's Will.

Gage lifts a brow "trying to escape Katrina?"

Will nods his cheeks pink with colour "y yeah"

Gage chuckles before sighing "I'm sorry I said you had a girlfriend I was trying to help...I didn't want to out you..again"

Will rolls his eyes "I get it..just don't know how I'm going to explain this all to mom now"

Gage grimaces "shit I didn't mean to make things harder"

Wills eyes flicker to mine "it's hard either way"

Gage sighs "Still wasn't cool sometimes I just don't think"

Will laughs "we know"

Gage rolls his eyes shaking his head "I'll go entertain Katrina so you can catch a break"

Will smiles genuinely "thanks"

Once Gage is far enough Will walks closer to me "hey"

I lift a brow "hey?"

He bites his lip "I didn't mean to get jealous. I think Jeremys beautiful"

I nod "oh"

Will sighs "I'm upset with you, but if we're nothing like you want, I shouldn't get jealous either"

I don't like the sound of that "if we're nothing", but I don't correct him.

I just nod "you're good Will" I lick my lips "you're always good"

I walk back to the fire leaving him standing there, but it isn't long after that he follows behind me.

I watch the fire and try to ignore the boy sitting next to me, but is isn't easy. Not when the fire makes me think of the burning in my veins. The heat that consumes me when I think about being nothing with Will. I curse shaking my head trying to think about anything else.

I'm happy when Frank's family leaves because our group becomes smaller and conversation starts back up. Of course talking again about Will's "girlfriend" is not what I had in mind.

Sandy however takes over the conversation "so Will, when we're you going to tell us about this girlfriend?"

Will looks caught off guard and Gage immediately looks guilty, but claps his hands "actually mom, that was a joke"

Sandy lifts a brow and Gage laughs "I was trying to help Will out because Katrina wouldn't leave him alone"

Sandy blinks turning to Will and back to Gage as she speaks "so there is no girlfriend?"

Will shakes his head "no"

Adam chuckles "I could have told you that Sandy, you think we wouldn't know if Will had a girlfriend?"

Will chuckles awkwardly and I hold back a smirk. Perhaps Adam isn't as perceptive as he thinks he is considering I've been sneaking past his room to Will's every night and he's yet to notice.

Sandy shakes his head disappointedly "I thought I was finally going to get that daughter I never had"

Will laughs a forceful laugh before standing "well...I'm ready for bed"

Sandy yawns nodding and Adam chuckles "us too, it's been a long day"

With that all of us get ready and head to our tent falling asleep shortly after.


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