《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 33




Being left alone at the campsite while my family took Gage and Hank golfing was not ideal, for many reasons.

The obvious being Mason hating me again, or maybe not hating me again. I'm honestly not sure, and that's the problem. I don't want to make small talk and spend time with him when I don't know what any of this means. What any of this is.

Mason doesn't seem to have the same thoughts and sits down next to me.

"How are you feeling?"

I bite my lip and mumble "okay"

I know he's trying to be nice, helpful even, but playing with my feelings doesn't feel helpful or nice. Even if he doesn't mean it.

He sighs and takes a deep breath. That's when I know he's about to start a conversation I don't want to get into. A conversation I don't know if my sick brain can handle.

"Will. I don't...I don't want you to be hurt. I didn't mean to hurt you, I know I'm being confusing. I just I like you, but I can't.."

I turn and glare because if this cold is doing anything it's pissing me off. I don't want to be stuck here listening to Mason tell me he's sorry again and I let him know it.

"Fuck me?"

He pauses and his mouth goes slack the words dying in his throat. I stare at him as he swallows stiffly and blinks.


I nod "it's fine Mason, you're not interested anymore...or maybe you weren't ever I get it"

I get up and walk away barely hearing him mumble "I was.." as I walk away, but I don't turn around; I'm too tired. Instead I unzip the tent and go inside dropping my exhausted body down onto the air mattress and closing my eyes.


I wake up a couple hours later to Mason saying my name


I blink and the light blinds me for a moment as I peel my eyelids apart.


Mason sighs "did you want to get up and try to eat something? I warmed up a can of soup"

I blink confused "my mom brought soup?"

Mason shakes his head "no, I walked up to the park store and got it"

I bite my lip "oh"

That's the Mason that makes my stomach flutter with butterflies. The one who cares and makes me feel like I'm special to him. I sit up slowly and rub my hand down my face before getting out of the tent.


Mason just shrugs in response making me grimace uncomfortably. I don't like this. It feels like we don't know how to act around each other. I move toward the fire and sit down watching as Mason pours me a bowl of soup.

He hands it to me and my fingers graze his lightly making me unintentionally gasp. His eyes meet mine and narrow making me squirm in my seat and pull the bowl away from his hands. He clenches them into fists at his side and moves across the fire sitting down. He doesn't move to get himself a bowl and instead watches me.

I eat my soup slowly keeping my eyes mostly trained on the contents floating in my bowl only occasionally looking up to glance at Mason. He watches me with a hard look, it's not a glare, but it's not happy either. As if he's having an internal debate.

I finish my soup and he stands immediately, taking my bowl and putting it away before walking to the tent.


He comes back out grunting "you need to check your temperature"

I nod and take the thermometer from him, doing as he asked. My temperature comes back a little raised, but nothing to worry about. Mason nods and I bite my lip watching as he takes the thermometer back to the tent.

I do love him.

He comes back out and my cheeks heat as if he's going to read my thoughts and somehow know about my feelings for him. If Mason doesn't already hate me he definitely would after finding out I love him. We're not even dating, we're barely even friends.

Mason gives me a look and I duck my head staring at the ground.

He walks over and crosses his arms "what are you thinking about?"

I panic slightly, but just shrug my shoulders "nothing"

He narrows his eyes "Will."

I bite my lip "just...you i guess"

I don't know why I'm honest. As if his super man whore ego wasn't big enough.

He doesn't say anything for a moment before dropping into the chair next to me and leaning back "what about me?"

My cheeks are burning, I fidget with my sweater glancing at him "y you confuse me"

He nods as if agreeing "I'm sorry"

I don't know what to say to that and so I don't say anything. Mason grunts and sits up looking at me

"Will If I could change it I never would have slept in your bed.."

At first I'm hurt and my lip pouts on its own, but he reaches up and runs his thumb along it continuing.

"Fuck I wouldn't have gotten close to you, because the way you look at me now. I can't fucking stand it"

I blink at him sad and confused, not used to Mason sharing the way he is.

He shakes his head scoffing "that face makes me want to tear myself apart and it's all because of me. I'm sorry I ever slept with you Will Jackson"

My lips part and without thinking I move forward pressing them against his.

I don't want to hear anymore.

I move my lips frantically as if I could kiss his words away. It only takes a second for Mason to respond and I'm suffocating in his kiss. It's like he's drinking me in and I'm just here for his taking.

My hands grip his shirt and I pull fistfuls toward me wanting him close, closer. Mason's hands find my waist and he pulls me forward lifting me so instead of sitting in my own chair I'm straddling his lap.

His hands run up my sides and he caresses me eagerly and yet he takes his time. He pulls away and I whimper, but his lips press to my neck making my head go back. He kisses down my neck before nipping and sucking at my collarbone. I tighten my hands and can't help the small cries that leave me as he marks my skin.

When he pulls away again his mouth finds my own kissing hard once, twice, before he can place a third kiss I pull back and breathlessly whisper "tent"

I shouldn't have said anything.

The moment the word leaves my mouth Mason stops and it's like he's crashing back into a harsh reality. He shakes his head and his hands let go of my waist only hovering.


I blink confused, embarrassed. My face flushing with colour.

He grunts and moves to help me climb off him and sit back in my own chair.

"I'm not fucking you Will"


I bite my lip hard, hard enough to leave a mark hoping the pain is enough to distract me from the tears threatening to come.

Mason takes one look at my face and curses.


He turns and he's gone. He leaves just like that and I'm left alone wondering what makes me so unfuckable to a sex fein like Mason Moore?

I don't register the tears dripping down my face right away until one drops on my hand and I huff wiping my cheeks furiously. I stand and rush to the tent not wanting anyone to see me.

I zip myself in and lay on the air mattress cocooning myself in my sleeping bag wishing I'll never have to come out. I silently hope it muffles the sounds of my cries, because I cry hard.

I cry because I'm confused, and angry, and frustrated. I cry because Mason looked hurt. I cry because I love him and he doesn't love me. I cry because nothing in this life is fair, but loving Mason is cruel. I cry because I'm sad.

I cry myself to sleep.


When I wake up it's to the sound of the tent unzipping and voices speaking around me.

"Hey Will you feeling better?"

I cringe and lift my head enough to respond, but not come out of my sleeping bag.


Gage grunts calling back to my mom that I'm okay.

"Where Mason?"

That gets me up. I sit up and look at Hank and Gage wide eyed.

"What time is it?"

Hank takes one look at me and his face falls. He gives me a sympathetic smile, but I just turn to Gage who shrugs.


I bite my lip it must have been around 2:00 when Mason left.

"He went for a walk, he's not back yet?"

Hank shakes his head slowly "wasn't here when we got here"

I can't help the way my body stiffens, I'm worried. Mason was angry.

Gage makes a face "why would he go on a walk? Wasn't he supposed to be watching you?"

I shrug "I was napping" and we argued about him fucking me so I doubt he was eager to stay with me.

Hanks looks worried "when did he leave?"

I stand and gesture for them to get out of the tent "2:00..I think"

Gage pauses "2:00? I doubt Mason's going for a 3 hour walk, that's a long ass time"

My mom gasps "Gage!"

He winces "sorry, but it is. Why would Mason go that long?"

I wrap my arms around myself, maybe because I tried to make a move on him again.

I don't say that, instead I just shrug and listen to my mom read off the trails with 2 and 3 hour lengths.

"Maybe he's doing the Mossy Woods trail it's a 3 hour hike...would have been nice for him to tell someone though"

She turns to me and I freeze.

"Will he didn't say anything to you?"

I shake my head "no"

I drop my gaze to the ground and hope she doesn't ask anymore questions. If I knew where Mason was we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Hank looks like he's starting to worry and my stomach starts to sour. I hope he's okay.

My mom sighs "okay, we'll why don't we try giving him a call and a text. If he doesn't answer in the next little while we'll go check some of the trails for him. Most have check points connecting to the road so we can drive along and see if maybe he's just enjoying a nice walk"

I bite my lip wanting to argue and demand that we go now to look for him, but I know it would just cause more suspicion.

Gage tries calling him and doesn't get an answer. He sends a text and we all sit down around the fire for the next couple minutes while we wait.

It's only 7 minutes later when my dad claps his hands together, but it feels like so much longer. My leg bounces with anxiety.

"Okay well you guys know what we say, we come together, we go together so we better go look for Mason"

I stand quickly and everyone looks at me before slowly standing themselves.

My mom looks at me and shakes her head "Will honey, it's probably best you stay here."

My mouth drops and I'm about to argue when she puts her hand up "Mason might come back and you're sick honey"

I shift my jaw and cross my arms "we can leave him a note or something, I'm not staying here"

She looks surprised and sighs "Will, I think it's best"

I shake my head not willing to budge. I'm the reason he left (not that she knows that) I should be the one to help find him.

"Please. Mom I don't want to just sit here and do nothing, I feel much better"

My mom looks uncertain, but reluctantly nods "fine, but the minute you feel sick you are coming back to camp!"

I nod and we all pile into the car heading toward the start of the Mossy Woods trail. I watch out my window intently the longer Mason is gone the worse I feel. My stomach rolls every time I see someone or something that looks like it could be him, but ultimately is not.

After searching for half an hour we drive past the third check point and don't find him. Everyone seems to be pretty worried and the atmosphere in the car is intense until we drive past a campsite and Hank yells.

"There he is!"

We all turn to look where Hank is pointing and my dad pulls off the road allowing us all to get out and walk over to the campsite where Mason is helping put up a tent.

Gage yells "hey! Asshat! What the fuck?!"

Mason looks up as my mom gasps "Gage Anthony!"

Gage freezes mid-step and swallows "um sorry mom"

My mom shakes her head "you're on thin ice"

We make it to Mason who looks surprised, but also embarrassed.


Hank crosses his arms "yeah? We thought you got eaten by a bear"

Gage nods "or got yourself lost"

Mason pulls his phone out and curses "oh shit!...sorry Sandy!"

He shakes his head and pockets his phone "I didn't realize how long I was gone"

A guy comes out from behind the car parked at the site and my breath stops. He's pretty. He has brown whispy hair that's effortlessly messy. He's not fit like Mason, but although he's small like me he's not scrawny he's tastefully slender and dresses in a way that's both inviting and sophisticated.

I bite my lip hard, did Mason get distracted with this guy? Did they hook up? I don't get to think about it for long, the guy jogs over and smiles.

"Sorry guys! I didn't mean to steal Mason"

Mason's eyes flicker to mine at that second and he swallows stiffly. I look away quickly not wanting to know.

The guy continues "I'm Jeremy, Mason here actually was lending me a hand putting our tent up"

Gage crosses his arms and doesn't look convinced "for three hours?"

Mason shakes his head "oh..no, I did go for a walk, but then Fawn ran up to me and I figured she was lost.."

Hank makes a face "fawn?"

Jeremy laughs "my dog, she's a wild one and she was eager to get out of the car after the long drive up here, didn't expect her to run off the way she did!"

Mason nods "once I found Jeremy we brought her back to the campsite"

Jeremy nods continuing the story "Mason was kind enough to offer to help me set up the rest of the tent"

I feel my throat tighten with jealousy as they tell the story together like they've known each other a long time.

Mason glances at me, but I drop my gaze toward the ground. Why wouldn't he like Jeremy? He's a beautiful man.

I keep my eyes trained on my shoes until Jeremy claps his hands "ahh here he is now"

I look up my eyes landing on a man with a dog.

"This is my boyfriend Ray and the trouble maker Fawn"

My eyes widen, boyfriend. Mason coughs and I look at him as a smirk dances across his face. My cheeks tinge slightly and bite my lip feeling embarrassed. I was jealous.

Jeremy introduces everyone to Ray and my dad offers to help them finish setting up.

Mason hangs back as everyone walks over to the tent and mumbles "he's not my type" In my ear as I walk by him.

I bite my lip and blush wishing I didn't feel so satisfied with his words. With all of us helping it only takes a couple minutes to set up their tent and after many thank you's we finally head back to our own site.



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