《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 32





Having Gage and Hank sleep in the tent with us was proved awful as soon as we all laid down for the night. Gage and Hank argued like children for the first 15 minutes.

"Gage! Your elbow is in my side!"

I groan as Gage whines "they're are no sides"

Hank huffs "my side as in my body you idiot!"

I grunt "Hank go to sleep. Gage just move over!"

Gage rolls over so he's facing Will and I grinning "oh you just want me closer to you?"

I can't help the chuckle that leaves me and Will practically chokes "I don't want to be in the middle of that!"

Hank laughs "yeah Will get out while you can!"

Will tried to sit up, but I push him back down. I want him next to me.

"No, everyone go to sleep"

Gage chuckles lightly, but thankfully settles himself and everyone quiets down. I don't touch Will or pull him toward me knowing he's likely already anxious by the way his body is stiff as a board and unmoving.

When Gage finally falls asleep we all groan because his very loud snoring fills the tent. Hank rolls over and pulls a pillow over his head and Will sighs turning on his side, bur freezes when he meets my eye.

He tries to roll back over, but I put my hand on his waist and nod for him to calm down. We're not doing anything, we're only sleeping.

After an hour Hank has fallen asleep and Will looks like he's half way their himself, but doesn't let himself drift off. I sigh and carefully pull him toward me he stiffens at first and goes to protest, but I put a finger to his lips.


He lets me pull him to me and we lay like that him in my arms until eventually he falls asleep and I follow shortly after.


A couple hours later I wake up groggy and hot; too hot. I look down and Wills breathing is deep, I push him away from me lightly and cringe because he's practically sticking to me. I sit up and put mg wrist to his forehead he's burning up.

I bite my lip "Gage"

He doesn't stir and I cringe this isn't good. I clench my jaw because he's probably sick from falling in the fucking lake.

I lean over him and shove Gage hard "Gage!"

He groans and rolls over "what the fuck?"

He pauses looking at Will whose still partially on me "wow that's why Will didn't want me to join in last night? Trying to keep you all to himself?"

He pretends to pout and I roll my eyes wondering how he can continue to be this annoying even after just waking up.

"He's burning up, I think he has a fever"

Gage's face becomes serious "oh shit! Should we wake him?"

I shrug "I don't know, he needs to cool down"

Gage shakes his head "I'll go see if my parents have a thermometer, knowing my mom she doesn't she packs first aid like we're planning on getting hurt"

He rushes from the tent and Hank rolls over "what's going on?"

I sigh "Will is sick"

Hank sits up and looks over at Will "what? How?"


I shrug "Probably from falling in the lake"

Hank sighs "that sucks, poor Will"

Will groans at his name and buried his head further into my side before turning his head and blinking at us.

"Whats going on?" He pauses and runs at his hair that's sticking to his head "it's really hot in here"

I cringe and can't help brushing his hair off his forehead "I think your sick baby"

Hank looks at me before shaking his head and turning to Will.

"How do you feel?"

Will sits up slowly and groans "my body hurts"

I grimace that can't be good. Thankfully Gage comes back in with a thermometer and hands it to me.

"My mom said if it's high we should let her know"

I nod and turn the thermometer on looking at Will.


He puts it in his mouth and we all wait for the beep that sounds. I pull the thermometer from his mouth and read it cursing as I do.

"Fuck, 101°"

Gage's eyes widen "oh shit that's high right?!"

Hank nods "yeah"

I sigh and hand the thermometer to Gage "go tell your mom, Will drink some water you need to cool down"

He looks confused and frightened "Uh okay"

I hand him a water bottle from next to me and he gulps down a good amount before handing it back to me.

"T thanks"

I nod and put the cap on the bottle turning as Gage comes back in.

"Mom said to get out of your sleeping bag and I'm going to go get a cloth for you to put on your head"

I nod "good idea, Hank help Gage?"

Hank nods instantly getting up and moving to the opening of the tent. After Hank and Gage leave I turn to Will.

"C'mon you gotta get out of your sleeping bag"

He nods but his eyes look heavy and tired. I help maneuver him out of his sleeping bag with minimal effort on his part and he sighs.

"s sorry"

I roll my eyes "don't apologize, you can't control getting sick Will"

He bites his lip "I didn't...what if you get sick?!"

I scoff "who cares you're sick right now!"

He shakes his head "none of you should be with me...I should go outside or in Gage's tent!"

I roll my eyes "the tent filled with ants?"

He looks at me eyes wide "I don't know, but I don't want any of you getting sick!"

I grunt and put my hand on his face pressing my thumb over his lips to stop him from talking.

"I'm not leaving Will"

He pauses and his features soften, but only for a second before he drops his gaze.


The tent shuffles as Hank and Gage attempt to come back in, but Will jumps.

"No! Stay away so you don't get sick!"

Gage looks at me and lifts his brows before rolling his eyes and coming in, Hank following after him.

Will shakes his head "W what are you?"

Hank shrugs "we were literally just sleeping next to you Will, Mason was practically breathing your air and if he's sick, I'm sick we live together"

Gage nods "and same with you and I"

Will bites his lip "we have different floors"


Gage shrugs "we'll I'm in here now, here's the cloth"

He hands Will the cloth and lays down "I'm going back to sleep, Mase can you check his temp and see if it's gone down in a few?"

I nod "sure"

Gage thanks me and rolls on his side very quickly getting comfortable. I nod at Hank telling him he should follow suite and try to get some rest, I'll stay up with Will.

Will slumps against me laying the cloth on his face. I sigh and put my face into his hair kissing the top of his head.

He groans "don't."

I roll my eyes "I don't give a fuck if I get sick"

He sighs "that's not why"

His words sting the minute they register. He doesn't want me to kiss him because I keep fucking things up. I'm giving him mixed signals and it's not fair.

I pull my face away from him and bite my lip

"I'm sorry, I asked you not to make this harder for me, yet here I am.."

He shakes his head "Mason, just stop please, my head is pounding"

I wince I'm causing him more pain, when he's already sick.

I sigh and nod slowly "ok"

I take the cloth off his head and switch sides so it's cooler against his skin. We sit in silence for the next 15 minutes until I grab the thermometer and ask him to take his temperature again. Thankfully it comes back at a safe 98° and he's able to go back to bed.

I text Sandy his new temperature knowing she'll be up worried before sliding back down next to him. He moves into my side, but I bite my lip.

"Will..I don't want to make your tempt go up again?"

Hanks speaks for the first time surprising me, I didn't know he was still awake.

"Don't flatter yourself"

I roll my eyes "not what I meant"

Hank chuckles and Will snickers quietly burrowing himself deeper into me "goodnight Mason"

I sigh "goodnight Will"

Hank whines "wow thanks guys"

Simultaneously Will and I mumble a "goodnight Hank" although Will's ends up "hanky panky" of course.

Hank groans and rolls over going to sleep.


In the morning I wake up first, but don't move not wanting to wake Will knowing sleep is a good combat for sickness. Gage wakes up a while later and successfully stirs Hank awake with him.

"How's Will?"

I shrug "his fever went down last night, he's sleeping"

Gage looks at him and I don't bother to try snd hide the fact that Will is still cuddled into my side.

"Your body heat good for him?"

I nod "it's fine, I checked last night" it's true. I forced Will to wake up just enough for me to make sure he wasn't getting his fever back and thankfully it hadn't.

Gage nods "okay, should we wake him?"

I shrug "I wasn't going to, he probably needs to sleep"

Hank nods pulling a shirt over his head "yeah I'd say don't wake him"

Gage shrugs pulling on a hoodie himself "okay"

He moves toward the zipper and Hank follows. I move Will away from me lightly being extra cautious not to wake him before following suit In pulling on a top and heading out of the tent.

Sandy nods at us as she comes out of her tent "how's Will?"

Gage pours himself a glass of the coffee Adam has ready "he's okay, Mason said his temperature went down"

Sandy nods "yes he texted me, thank you for staying up with him"

I shake my head "no problem, I was worried"

She gives me a sympathetic smile and nods to Hank "we're you still able to get a good sleep sweetie?"

Hank nods "yes thank you"

She smiles again "well I hope you boys don't all end up sick!"

Adam chuckles from his spot by the fire "yes having both Will and Gage home sick would not be my ideal situation!"

We all laugh expect Gage who rolls his eyes "why not? I'd stay downstairs anyway"

Adam chuckles "touché"

A moment later we hear a zipper sound and all look fo watch as a very disgruntled Will emerges. He's wearing sweatpants and a sweater that he may have no realized, but I did, is mine.

"M morning" he looks embarrassed and sits slowly in a chair next to me.

"How do you feel honey?"

He looks to his mom shrugging "not good, I'm cold"

She sighs "it's a bit chilly, do you want something to eat?"

He shakes his head "not hungry"

I shift my jaw worried doesn't eating help when you're sick? Give you nutrients and all?

His mom however, just shakes her head and goes over patting his leg "okay sweetie, did you check your temperature this morning?"

Will shakes his head and I nod "it was at 97° at 4:30am"

Sandy nods "okay, let's check it one more time to be sure it's not coming back okay Will?"

Will nods and Hank jumps up "I'll get the thermometer!"

He's only gone a second or so before coming back and handing it to Will. We're all relieved to hear that his temperature is not rising and so far it seems the worst of it is over.

His mom sighs sitting back in her chair "I don't know what we should do, you can't come golfing like this!"

Gage chuckles "oh will you must be devastated!"

Will rolls his eyes, but the usual playful spark of attitude when he quarrels with Gage isn't there.

"I'll survive"

Sandy bites her lip "you shouldn't stay here alone, I guess I'll have to tell Linda I can't make it"

Adam shakes his head "no sweetie I can stay, Frank Will understand"

I grunt "I'll stay"

Sandy looks uncertain "oh Mason! That's so kind, but I don't want you to miss out"

I shake my head "don't worry, I don't find golf to be the most amusing sport"

Sandy laughs at that while Adam gives me a look "Mason! What? Your definitely staying here now after saying such unfortunate words"

I give him a smile and shrug playfully. Sandy claps her hands "well that's settled then, the rest of us, let's head out"

Hank and Gage take turns changing before they all pile into the van and wave goodbye to Will and I. I turn to Will once their gone and bite my lip, this isn't what I had planned for this weekend, but I can't complain.


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