《The Teacher's Beta》Epilogue


Nine Months Later...


The rumbles of Finn's chest and him nuzzling my neck woke me on a beautiful spring day. The sun was already shining, meaning I slept much better than I had since I became the size of a whale.

"You smell so good, sweetheart." Finn murmurs in my ear, rubbing my large belly affectionately. I giggle as his stubble tickles my neck and try to pull away from him.

"What are you gonna do when I'm not pregnant anymore? Will you not like my scent anymore?" I say a little frustrated. All I've heard for the last nine months is how good I smell and I'm a little over it.

"Nah, I'll always love your smell. But I won't be upset when you get pregnant again and I get to smell this for another nine months." He says taking another deep whiff.

His hand sneaks down to cup my naked sex. I haven't worn pants to bed in months since nothing fits me. Even Finn's shirts, which I once drowned in, now barely cover the goods.

"God damm baby. You must have been having a hell of a dream to wake up this wet and ready for me." He says slicking his finger through my folds easily.

"I think extra mucous is a result of pregnancy." I say breathlessly, pushing myself against his finger. He groans and pulls away.

"Do you have to call it mucous?" He asks and I rub my ass against his growing bulge.

"You gonna fuck me or not?" I ask teasingly and he lifts my leg to position himself at my entrance.

"As long as you don't talk about mucous anymore." He says sliding his dick along my wet slit. I moan in pleasure and arch my back against him.

"I do love how horny you've been this whole time though." He says with a slight chuckle.

"Enjoy it because once that watermelon pops out of that tiny hole you won't be getting any for awhile." I say trying to put his cock inside me myself, but he continues his teasing motions.

"I'll survive." He says as he finally slips inside me. I moan at the familiar stretch and reach back to grip his hair.

He holds my hip and thrusts in and out of me at a lazy pace with gentle thrusts. He's been much more careful since I hit my third trimester and I have been enjoying his gentle lovemaking. It takes a little bit longer to make me come, but Finn doesn't mind the extra effort. His thrusts pick up a little speed and I feel my arousal leak out of me. He cups my breast and twirls my nipple causing me to moan out in pleasure.

"Does that feel good, baby?" He asks lowly in my ear. I seem to lose the ability to speak because all I can do is nod.

His hand leaves my nipple and travels down to my clit where he starts off with slow, gentle circles. He quickly increases the pace and pressure and I feel my orgasm build.


"I'm gonna come, Finn!" I yell out gripping his hair tighter between my fingers. He growls in my ear and I feel him stiffen inside me.

"Come for me, baby. Come." He says and my body let's lose around him, clenching him rhythmically as he spills his own release inside of me. He breathes deeply as do I trying to catch my breath when he makes a strange sound from behind me.

"Geez was that orgasm so good that you squirted?" He asks and I look at him confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you pee?" He asks and I scoff at him.

"Of course not." I say and he shrugs.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, sweetheart. I know it's harder to hold it with the baby being so big." He says pulling away from me. When he does I sense the moisture traveling down my legs and gasp.

"That's not pee, you idiot. My water broke!" Finn gags and pulls away from me further.

"Ugh! All over me! Gross!" He says and I go to sit up.

"Sure, you're cool with the mucous if that means you can fuck me but a little amniotic fluid is too much?" I scoff and he heads towards the bathroom.

"Just let me get cleaned up and we'll go to the hospital. I've already enacted 'Operation Baby Finn.'" He says and I hear the shower turn on.

"Baby Finn?" I call to him. "If I spent nine months working on this kid for it to come out looking like you, I'm gonna be pissed." I say and he pops his head out to smile at me.

"Pissed or blessed?" He asks and I look for something to throw at him.

"We don't need to go to the hospital yet." I say stripping off his shirt. "I'm not really having contractions but I do want a shower." I say and he nods before walking towards me.

"Here, let me carry you so you don't drip your gross juices all over the bedroom floor." He says. I accidentally put my hand in a wet spot on the sheet, but use it to my advantage and smear it all over his chest after he lifts me.

"Ugh, Calli. Fucking gross." He says as I cackle maniacally. He sets me down gently in the shower and washes us both before drying me off and carrying me to a bed in the spare room.

"I'll get a new mattress while you're in the hospital." He says and I roll my eyes until I feel a twinge of pain and a tightening around my abdomen.

"Oof." I say as I rub my belly. Finn is by my side in a flash and holding my hand.

"Are you ok? What do you need?" He asks and I shake my head.

"You better enact Operation Baby Finn now." I say and his eyes widen. He nods and I see him mind linking before he runs to get me and himself some clothes.


"Penny has our bags, Cam is calling my family, Layla is calling your family and Ian is calling the hospital to let them know we're coming and is on his way to drive us." He says obviously proud of his prep work.

He lifts me from the bed and carries me down the stairs where Ian opens the front door.

"It's baby time!" He says excitedly and I throw him a withering look. He sobers immediately and opens the car door for me.

"Just breathe, baby. Breathe." Finn says and I have to fight the urge to punch him.

"I'm not even having a contraction right now." I say through gritted teeth. He positions me in the car so that my back is to him and I'm spread across the backseat.

"What are you doing?" I ask him and his brow furrows in concentration.

"Just making sure if you need to give birth before we make it to the hospital, someone has access to your girl parts." He says and I really do smack him this time. I sit up and buckle my seatbelt and sit quietly until we get to the hospital, breathing through my contractions.

"I let the doctor know you're coming and the pack know in case they feel some of her emotions." Ian says and Finn nods at him.

"Can they really feel what I feel?" I ask and Ian shrugs.

"Maybe a little. It'll be worse when Layla gives birth in a few months." He says as he pulls up to entrance.

A nurse donning light blue scrubs is waiting with a wheelchair that Finn sets me in gently. I get rolled to the maternity ward where my doctor is waiting for me.

"Are you ready to meet your baby?" She asks me excitedly and I groan in pain as another contraction racks through me.

"Get me an epidural!" I yell and the doctor nods while Finn looks at me terrified.

They get me settled into a room and a very nice man sticks a needle in my spine and gives me lots of drugs so I can no longer feel anything. I breathe a sigh of relief as the numbness takes over. Finn fawns over me for an hour, bringing me water, ice chips and extra blankets when there's a light knock on the door. Penny walks in with our bags and Cam following behind her with his hand over his eyes.

"Relax, Cam. She's all covered up." Penny says with a hint of amusement as she gives me a hug.

Cam removes his hand and looks around the room like a caged animal looking for an escape. I can't help but giggle as Penny rolls her eyes.

"We're not staying for the whole thing. Just calm down." She tells him. He visibly relaxes and crosses the room to Finn and pulls him into a warm hug.

"Congrats bro. Let me know when the little sprout shows up. Love you sis!" He waves at me as he crosses the room and exits out the door. I can't help but giggle and Penny gives me another hug.

"Sorry about him." She says. "Let me know as soon as that baby pops out ok?" She points at Finn and he agrees before she hugs him too.

Another couple of hours of waiting goes by before the doctor comes back in.

"Shall we check and see how far along we are?" She asks, but doesn't wait for an answer before shoving her fingers in my hoo-ha.

"Hmmmm... I think you're ready to try some pushing." She says happily and Finn visibly pales.

"You alright dad?" She asks him and he nods before looking over at me.

"You got this sweetheart." He says with much more confidence than I'm feeling.

"Do you know what you're having?" A nurse asks as she brings in a baby warmer. I shake my head and cling to Finn's hand.

"Nope. It's a surprise." The nurse claps a little and smiles.

"Ooh I love the surprises." She says excitedly as the doctor puts my feet in the God forsaken stirrups

"Well, let's find out what the surprise is!" She says. She watches the monitor and when a contraction hits, she tells me to push. I give it my all, and Finn reassures me the whole time.

I breathe deeply in between pushes, trying to regain some strength. After three or four pushes I start to tire.

"I see a head of dark hair!" The doctor calls out and Finn's eyes sparkle as he sneaks a peek.

"You're almost done, baby. Just a little bit more." He encourages.

I take one more deep breath and push as hard as I can. I feel the baby slipping from me and in the next moment, a beautiful cry.

"It's a girl! You did it mama!" The doctor says and I cry in both relief and joy.

The nurse cleans up the baby and Finn looks at me with awe and adoration.

"You did it, Calli. I'm so proud of you." He says as one lone tear drips down his face.

"I love you." I say choking on a sob. He presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, too. So much." He whispers.

The nurse brings the baby to me and lays her gently on my chest. I stare down at the beautiful little life we created and can't help but be in awe.

"Hello, little Charlotte." I say. "It's so nice to meet you."

"One down, seven to go." Finn murmurs. I scowl at him and begin swinging at his smug face. He's too fast and able to dodge my blow.

Damn werewolves.


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