《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 44


6 Months Later....


"God fucking damnit!" I hear Calli scream from just outside the door.

I slip in to the house and find her in the kitchen frantically opening cabinet doors.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask her and she spins around to glare at me with murder in her eyes.

"Did you eat the last of my peanut butter?" My brows furrow in confusion.

"Um... no. I don't even remember the last time I ate peanut butter to be honest with you." I shrug and eye her warily as she scrutinizes me as if trying to discern if I'm lying.

"Well then where did the peanut butter go?" She asks, still seething.

'The fuck is up with this?' I ask Titan and even he is a little scared of her.

"Maybe Cam took it. You know how he is." Her eyes widen in realization and she bounds towards the front door.

I follow her as she stomps to Cam and Penny's house. I try to carry her, but her righteous indignation is too much to control.

"I need to storm in. He'll never take me seriously if you carry me in like a princess." She huffs with her hands balled at her sides.

I link Cam to warn him of the tiny tornado headed straight in his direction.

'Calli is on her way and she is pissed.'

'How pissed are we talkin here?'

'Like leaving the country won't protect you from her wrath pissed.' I hear him sigh.

'Well shit. Guess I should put some pants on. I doubt her walking in to me boning her best friend would improve her mood.' I cringe and cut the link.

"Hold up a minute, babe." I say to Calli and grasp her elbow.

"Why?" She asks narrowing her eyes.

"He needs to uh... finish something." I say and her eyes widen before she shudders.

"How long should we give him?" She asks.

"Eh, five minutes should be plenty." I say and she cackles.

"No. Don't make me laugh. I need to hold on to this fury." She says before continuing her quest.

She marches up their steps and crashes in through the front door. I follow behind her and my nose crinkles at the smell of my brother having sex.

Fucking gross.

"CAMDEN STOP DEFILING MY FRIEND AND GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Calli yells and I hear a thud as Cam trips down the stairs. He curses under his breath and stands in front of her in only a pair of shorts.


"I know what you did." Calli growls at him and pokes him in the chest. He scowls and rubs the spot she poked before looking at me for help. I shrug and fold my arms in front of me.

There's no saving him now.

"I'm sorry. It was just a joke. I'll buy you some new deoderant. Geez." He says and Calli looks confused.

"Deodorant? What are you talking about?" She asks and now Cam looks confused.

"This isn't about the itching powder I put on your deoderant?" I gasp and stalk towards him.

"That was you?! I thought I was allergic to that shit and threw it away!" I say and Calli looks at me.

"Why did you use my deoderant?" She asks and I shrug.

"Mine was out and yours smells like lavender. It's very pleasant." She giggles before rounding back on Cam.

"What did you do with my peanut butter?" She asks and he shakes his head.

"I didn't touch your peanut butter I swear." He says, his hands up in defeat.

"Well, where the hell did it go then? A giant jar of peanut butter doesn't just up and walk away!" She asks, stepping closer to him forcing him to step back until his back hits the wall.

"I don't know! This is that damn flea shampoo thing all over again!" Cam shouts in frustration.

"If I find out you're lying, you'll have worse than a week of early patrols to look forward to, I can guarantee you that." Calli whispers, which is honestly more terrifying than her yelling.

"Calli, you finished that jar of peanut butter yesterday remember? You stomped your foot and pouted for like fifteen minutes afterwards." Penny says as she descends the stairs.

Calli stands in quiet contemplation for a minute before her memory clicks into place and she throws an apologetic smile at Cam.

"Sorry about that." She says sheepishly and goes to hug him but I stop her making her look at me.

"If you hug him now you'll smell like him and Penny's sex for the rest of the night and I just can't deal with that." I say and she laughs before Cam grabs her and rubs himself all over her. I scowl at him as Penny smacks his arm.

"You're gonna pay for that deoderant stunt." I tell him narrowing my eyes at him and balling my fists.


He takes a step back and positions Penny in between us like a human shield. She rolls her eyes and stomps on his foot making him howl in pain.

"Baby, how did you eat that much peanut butter already? We just bought that jar like two days ago. You would have needed to eat like fifty peanut butter sandwiches." I say and Calli averts her gaze.

"Who says I ate it on bread?" She says and I continue to look at her.

"I may have eaten most of it with a spoon." My nose crinkles at the thought but I don't say anything. She just got simmered down, no need to poke the beast.

"Come on let's go." She says pulling me towards the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the store so you can buy me some more peanut butter." She says and I roll my eyes.

'Get her a pregnancy test while you're there. Your girl is acting crazier than usual.' Cam links me and I trip over my own feet. I go to grab the wall to steady myself and miss, causing me to fall on the ground.

"You alright tiger?" Calli asks, helping me up. "I thought wolves had excellent balance." She giggles and I scowl at Cam over my shoulder causing him to grin widely.

I carry Calli home and tuck her into the car, making sure her seatbelt is buckled. I push it lower on her stomach than usual.

Just in case.

We drive to the store as she prattles on about some new app she wants to get for the school as I consider what Cam said. She has been moodier lately. And hungry all the time. She's also been sleeping more too. I take a deep whiff of her scent, it's the same as it always is but, maybe a little stronger. My heart rate increases and my palms sweat as I rush us to the store. Calli takes off for the aisle the peanut butter is in, but I pull her towards the pharmacy and stand in front of the sex case that also holds lubricant and condoms.

"Are we out of lube already? You just bought the big bottle with the pump on it." She says as she looks at me with confusion.

"No baby. Not lube." I say as I point to the pregnancy tests. She laughs a little and then her eyes widen in realization as her laughter fades away. She looks at me and nods.

"Which one should we get?" She asks.

"Fuck if I know. Just grab a few." I say and she pulls three boxes down.

"I should get some plastic cups." She murmurs.

"For what?" I ask.

"You dip these in your pee. What cup in our house do you want me to pee in?" She asks sarcastically and I nod.

Like I can think logically at this point.

I steer her towards the check out and rush us home. She goes up to our room and pees in her little cup, dips the sticks for a few seconds each and makes a neat little line of them on the counter.

"How long do we wait?" I ask and she shrugs.

"A few minutes." She says. She sits on the bed as I pace the room continuously. After what feels like an eternity Calli stands.

"OK let's check them." She says and goes into the bathroom. She picks the first one up and gasps.

"TWO PINK LINES!" She yells as she jumps up and down in excitement.

"Yes!" I cry out and hug her before pulling away to look at her.

"Wait. What does two pink lines mean? Is that a yes or a no?" Calli's grin falters and she starts looking at the boxes.

"Fuck! Which box does this test go with?" She asks as she frantically searches each one. I help her look and groan in frustration.

"We should have just gotten the one that says 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant'." I say and she practically growls at me.

"That's not helpful." She says before holding up a pink box triumphantly. "Here! I got it!" She shouts as she scans the box.

"Pregnant! Two pink lines means I'm pregnant!" She says. We both laugh and I scoop her up in my arms, holding her close and kissing her passionately.

"Oh my God this is amazing!" I say, swaying her side to side gently. She looks at me with a beaming smile that quickly fades.

"Oh shit." She says.


"We forgot the peanut butter."

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