《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 43



Ian's lip curls up in a satisfied sneer and he nods once before glancing over at the girls.

"I got it." I say to him and mind link nearly ever guard in the pack to come guard the girls. I also call Cam and Penny to keep them company.

I walk up to Calli and pull her attention away from Layla.

"We'll be back soon." I say to her and her eyes widen in fear.

"Where are you going?" The panic is evident in her voice and I pull her into a firm hug, her body melding perfectly to mine. I make soothing noises and trail my hands up and down her back until I feel her relax in my arms.

"To do what you asked me to, sweetheart. To burn that place to the ground." She nods, but continues to cling to me until Cam and Penny walk in.

She gives me detailed instructions on how to find the place, but doesn't relax her grip on me.

"Do you want me to stay, baby? We can do this another day." I murmur in her ear. She shakes her head and pulls away from me to look at me.

"No. I want that house gone." She says firmly with a fierce look of determination in her eyes. I kiss her goodbye and Ian does the same with Layla before we go outside to address the guards.

"Not a single person goes in or out of this house while we're gone. Do you understand?" Ian says and everyone nods with a chorus of 'yes alpha'.

There are so many of them, they're practically standing shoulder to shoulder around the entire perimeter of the house, but I still feel a sense of unease leaving Calli. Every step away from her feels heavier and heavier.

'This will help her.' Titan tells me.

'I hope so.' I answer him.

Ian and I stop at a gas station and fill as many cans as possible. He grabs some matches with a wicked smirk and I can't help but chuckle.

I can't say I'm not looking forward to setting something on fire.

We follow the route Calli told us and see the cafe she mentioned. My heart rate picks up when we see the tire tracks in the snow nearly hidden by trees. We head up the hill and the cottage comes into view. Ian snarls at the sight and Titan isn't too far off. We get out of the car and walk up to the porch. I see two trails in the snow, the first is just one set of footsteps, the second looks like Calli practically dragged Layla to the car. My chest feels tight and I massage it to dispel some of the pain. I should have been there for her. I should have listened to her.


Ian opens the front door and stomps inside, I follow closely behind. Luckily the freezing cold temperatures have helped with the stench of death, but it is still heavy in the air. I look down at the body, rolling it over with my foot. Blood is everywhere and half of his head is gone.

"She really did shoot off his dick." I say quietly and Ian chuckles. I look up and see blood splattered across the wall and the bed.

I see the ropes attached to the headboard and footboard. My stomach rolls and I run out of the cabin to vomit on the ground. Ian follows shortly after, emptying his stomach on the edge of the porch.

"He tied her up like a fucking animal." He seethes when we are finally done retching.

"Calli made him pay for it." I say patting him on the back. He nods curtly and goes to the car. He starts carrying the containers of gasoline and I help him.

We douse everything in the small house, paying extra attention to the dead piece of shit. Ian spits on him before exiting the cottage and grabbing the matches. I follow him and he hands me a match as well.

"We should both light it up. For both our girls." He says solemnly and I nod, taking the stick from his hand.

We both light our matches and fling them in through the open door. We go to stand a few feet away and watch as smoke begins to billow out of every crack of the small cabin. We hear the crackling of the fire and soon feel the warmth of the blaze.

"Should have brought some fucking s'mores." I say and Ian laughs before patting me on the back.

"You ready to go?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, I wanna see this thing on the ground." I say and he nods.

We stand in companionable silence as we watch the fire consume what I would normally consider a little slice of Heaven. I can't deny the view would otherwise be idyllic. What a shame something so beautiful could be so completely tarnished by evil.

Before long we hear the structure groan before it collapses into a heap, ash and debris billowing from it in clouds of death and decay. We only watch for a few more minutes as the fire begins to die.


"Alright. Let's go home." I say and Ian nods before turning to walk back towards the car.

"Yeah, I miss my girl." He says with a sheepish smile and I chuckle.

"Are you going to be stuck to her like velcro just like I am with Calli?" I ask and he laughs.

"Oh hell yes. She's going to hate me in a few weeks. How long you think you're gonna follow Calli around?" He asks and Titan puffs out his chest in my mind.

"Forever, man. Probably forever. I can't take something like that again." He nods in understanding as he starts the car and heads for home.

"This place feels weird. Like there's a curse on it or something." He says as he drives away. I nod in agreement.

"It's the fucking evil that happened here. Left a stain on the place." I say as I remember the blood and ropes, goosebumps popping up on my arms.

"Everyone's scared of your girl, you know." Ian says nonchalantly and I look over at him.

"What do you mean? Why?" I ask and he grins at me.

"A human that killed a grown male wolf? She's terrifying. I say we bring her to training and let her put the fear into some of those young hot shot wolves that think they're untouchable." I chuckle, imagining Calli's tiny frame standing up to some cowering young wolves. The thought nearly brings tears of laughter to my eyes.

"We'll have to tell them she shot off his dick. That oughta get their attention." Ian booms out laughter and smacks the steering wheel.

"I still can't believe that shit. I couldn't have planned anything better myself." He says, obvious pride for his Beta Female coming through. Titan huffs in agreement in my mind and my heart warms at the love my wolf has for our girl.

He pulls up in front of his house and the guards are in the exact same spot as when we left, standing tall and proud at the honor of guarding their Luna and Beta Female.

"You're all dismissed. Thank you." Ian says and the front guard steps forward.

"Can we stay a little longer, Alpha? We feel better watching out for them." A warm smile travels across Ian's face and my chest swells with pride.

"Sure. Stay as long as you'd like." He says warmly and they all nod.

Ian and I slip quietly into the house to find Calli, Penny and Layla all asleep snuggling on the couch while Cam sits in a recliner eating popcorn watching a chick flick, his eyes brimming with tears.

He catches sight of us and his eyes widen in surprise. He sits up quickly and wipes his eyes and clearing his throat. We both chuckle at him and follow him into the kitchen.

"Everything go ok?" He asks, his throat hoarse.

"Yeah. How were the girls?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Fine. Just watched a movie and fell asleep. They were exhausted." Ian sighs in response.

"Layla hasn't been sleeping well." He says and I pat his shoulder.

"Neither has Calli." I say sadly.

"Should we leave them?" He asks.

"Titan wants to hold Calli, mind if we hang out on your couch?" I ask and he smiles.

"Stay for dinner. Seems like they are doing each other some good." He responds and I smile back.

We walk into the living room and gently extricate our mates from each other. They all stir gently and Calli peeks her eyes open at me.

"Is it done?" She asks quietly and I nod, placing a firm kiss to her forehead before settling on the other couch and snuggling her close.

"Yes. You'll never have to worry about it again." She sighs and nuzzles into my neck. Titan purrs and I curl myself around her.

"Thank you, Finn." She says, slipping back into sleep. I kiss her chastely and breathe in her hair.

"Anything for you, sweetheart. Anything."

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