《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 30



The next couple of weeks Layla and I spend planning my mating and Beta ceremonies. Finn and I will declare our love and commitment in front of the pack before Ian announces me the Beta Female. Finn has been gracious enough to let me base the ceremony off of a normal human ceremony, since we agreed we won’t do both.

The ceremony will be outside with an aisle that Ian will walk me down since my dad can’t be here and he is officiating the ceremony. There’s an arch Finn built from fallen tree branches and decorated with red and white flowers. Penny and Layla will stand beside me and act as bridesmaids while Finn will have Camden and his Dad.

Rather than the stereotypical white dress, I opted for a blood red gown with off the shoulder sleeves in a mermaid style to hug the curves of my hips. My hair in a long, loose braid down one side dotted with crystals and daisies.

Finally the day of the ceremony has arrived. I’ve been a wreck for most of the morning, mostly nervous about standing and speaking in front of so many people. The entire pack is invited to both the ceremony and the party after and we are expecting pretty much everyone to come. I sent Finn off to Ian’s house early so he wouldn’t see me in my dress, but the moment he kissed me goodbye my anxiety seemed to skyrocket.

“You’re gonna be fine, Calli. Just breathe.” Penny says as she applies a layer of eyeliner.

“Yes, and don’t cry. You don’t want to look like a raccoon.” Layla giggles as she places more flowers in my hair. She pulls a few curled tendrils down by my face and smiles warmly at me.

“Thank you both so much. I never could have gotten through all of this without you both.” I pull them both into a tight hug and Penny starts to cry.

“I love you so much, Calli. I’m so happy for you.”

“Stop it or I’m going to cry!” I shout and Layla laughs before poking me in the side.

“Ow! What was that for?” She shrugs and takes a sip of her champagne.


“Got you to stop crying, didn’t it?” I giggle and the girls usher me towards the door where Ian is waiting to whisk us to the clearing where the ceremony will take place.

“You look beautiful, Calli. Finn’s gonna shit himself.” He says with a smile and I laugh.

“Hopefully not in his tux. That thing cost a small fortune.” I say as he helps into the car.

“Your chariot, my lady.” He says to Layla and kisses her knuckles while helping her and Penny in. The closer we get the more my hands start to shake.

“Relax. It’ll be fine. This is a happy day.” Ian says while patting my hands affectionately. I nod and try to take deep breaths.

We arrive and I only see Cam and his Dad waiting at the staging area.

“Where’s Finn?” I ask in a panic and Cam chuckles.

“Waiting for you under the arch. He was so excited he went there as soon as we got here.” A grin breaks out on my face as I hug them both.

“You look radiant, Calli. We are so happy to have you in our family.” Blake says as he hugs me warmly and I have to fight back tears.

“Come on, Racoon Girl. Let’s get this show on the road.” Ian says as he links my arm with his. Layla hands me my bouquet and kisses me on the cheek, followed by Penny.

Penny and Cam walk down the aisle first. Penny and Layla in matching red sleeveless dresses with tulle that makes it look they’re floating. Layla and Blake walk next to the music of a string quartet, four of my students from the high school, are playing. I take a deep breath and step through the tree line with Ian where the aisle has been splattered with flowers over the grass. I look up to the end of the aisle and see Finn. He looks breathtaking in his black tux, white shirt and red tie, his hair styled neatly rather than the usual flouncy mess. But the most beautiful part of him is his smile.

Ian and I walk slowly down the aisle and I see Finn’s eyes mist over with happy tears the closer we get. He swallows multiple times and I struggle to keep my own emotions under control. Once we reach the end, Finn steps up to take my hands and Ian takes his place facing the crowd. I hadn’t even noticed the hundreds of people seated in the small clearing.


I only had eyes for Finn.

He pulls me under the arch and leans down to kiss me hungrily.

“Woah, buddy hold up. It’s not kissing time yet.” Ian scolds gently and a low murmur of laughter rolls across the crowd.

“Sorry.” Finn says, although he does not look sorry.

Not at all.

“As we all know,” Ian begins. “We are here to celebrate Finn, our Beta, finding his mate. But what we are also here to celebrate is our pack finding our Beta Female. As lucky as Finn is to have her, we are incredibly lucky as well. In a short amount of time, Calli has integrated into our pack like she has always been here. She’s improved our schools and our children’s lives. I don’t think there is much more we could ask for. She has also whipped Finn into shape, which I will be eternally grateful for.”

Ian slaps Finn’s back affectionately and the crowd laughs good naturedly. Finn tries to scowl at Ian, but he’s smiling too widely for it to hold any anger. I squeeze his hands and he squeezes them back.

“So, let’s start with Finn. Finn, here before our pack, our family, do you vow to love, protect and cherish Calli for all of your life?” Ian asks.

“I do.” Finn answers immediately with a broad grin.

“Smart man.” Ian jests.

“Calli, here before our pack, our family, do you vow to love, protect and cherish Finn for all of your life?”

“I do.” I barely choke out through the emotion in my throat.

“Wonderful. Our two little lovebirds have prepared some words for each other. Finn, you start. We’ll save the best for last.” Finn punches Ian gently in the shoulder before turning back to me and threading our fingers together.

“Calli, I waited a long time for you. I used to daydream about what my mate would be like, what she would look like, how smart she would be, how kind. I can honestly say you blew every expectation out of the water. From your beauty, to your mind and wisdom to your compassion and kindness with your students, I couldn’t have thought up a better mate for myself if I had been given free reign. Your strength astounds me every day. It encourages me and inspires me to be better, to do better for you and our pack. I love you so much, sweetheart and you were worth the wait.”

“Calli.” Ian says after wiping his eyes.

“Finn,” I start and need to stop to clear my throat. “I didn’t know how much I needed you until you came jumping into my life. Literally. Jumping at a rogue to stop him from eating me. I needed your patience, your humor, and your unconditional love. You are the bright spot of my life. The source of my joy, my constant and reliable companion. I wouldn’t want to share this life with anyone else. Even if it is insane, I mean you’re all freaking werewolves!” I yell at the crowd and they all cheer and break out into raucous laughter. “But I wouldn’t trade this love, this home or this family for anything. I love you Finn. Now and forever.”

“Beautiful. You two are adorable.” Ian says while patting tears away from his face. “Now the blood bonding. Please, each of you hold out your right hands.”

Finn and I do so, and Ian slices a thin cut into each palm with a dagger. We join hands and Ian chants.

“With this blood do we bond.” I feel our bond growing stronger and solidifying. Like something was previously sturdy like wood, yet still pliable strengthen into never yielding stone. We separate our hands and Finn licks my palm to speed up my healing process.

“Can I kiss her now?” Finn asks Ian cheekily.

“I present to you, Finn and Calli Callahan! Please kiss your lovely mate.” Ian says and Finn hauls me into his chest, capturing my lips firmly as we move together in perfect sync.

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