《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 29



Dinner continued with no issues, thanks to me smacking Cam on the back of the head when I caught him trying to replace the salt with sugar.

I’m gonna kill him one day. I really will.

The boys exit to the porch with beers and my dad while Penny and I sit in the living room with my mom and a bottle of wine.

“So you both got new jobs, but still at the same school?” She asks eyeing us with interest. I nod while Penny chimes in.

“I’m still a teacher, but Calli is basically the principal.” My mom’s eyes light up with pride and it makes me feel so full.

“I’m so proud of you, baby. I’m proud of both of you. You two are molding the minds of our future. There are few things more important than that.” I nearly tear up at my mother’s glowing praise. I had forgotten how nice it was to be near my parents. How safe they still make me feel.

“So, do you think Dad likes Finn?” I ask her with a mischievous grin. She chuckles and nods.

“He was a little intimidated at first. Those boys are the size of cage fighters I swear. But Finn started talking about hunting and now your father is fawning all over him.” She giggles and sips more wine while I roll my eyes.

If only Dad knew the kind of hunting Finn really does.

“I’m happy for you both. I really am.” She smiles warmly at us and it feels like she hugged us with her love. She yawns widely and the boys come back into the house.

“Since you’ve been drinking you all are staying the night, right?” My dad asks, but more so tells us with a stern glare.

“Yeah, Dad. We planned on it.” I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek while he envelopes me in a bear hug.

“Ok. You and Penny can have your old room and the boys can have the spare room.” Mom says and I grin at Finn.


‘I can’t sleep without you, sweetheart. That’s just cruel.’ He links me. I shrug and smack his booty as we walk up the stairs.

‘Mom’s rules, babe. Don’t piss her off or she’ll get out the shotgun.’

‘Yeah, your Dad already warned me about that.’ Finn says and I barely contain my laughter.

Penny and I settle into my room like we always did, me in the bed and her on the extra cot my parents bought specifically for her. I try to fall asleep, but all I do is toss and turn for what feels like hours.

“I can’t sleep without Cam’s stifling heat.” Penny complains and I groan.

“I know. I never thought I’d miss sleeping in the sauna that is Finn’s arms.” Penny huffs and stands up.

“I’m going to the bathroom. If I find some sleeping pills in the cabinet, I’ll bring one for you.” I chuckle and roll back over in my bed.

I nuzzle down into the sheets and pull the comforter up before shutting my eyes. I feel myself begin to doze off before I hear the bedroom door creak open again. Figuring it’s just Penny I ignore it and let myself drift further. A moment later, I feel my bed dip and my comforter lift next to me. A warm body presses against me and I smile as Finn curls around me.

“Hey gorgeous. I couldn’t stay away.” He says as his arm wraps around my waist.

It’s then that I pull out of my sleepy stupor and realize there are no sparks with this touch.

And that was not Finn’s voice.

“Cam! What the fuck are you doing?!” I jolt away from him and he screams a high shrilly sound as I push him hard and he falls out of the bed. He lands on the floor with a loud thunk before looking up at me with wide, surprised eyes.

“Holy shit! I’m so sorry I thought you were Penny! She said she was sleeping on the left bed.”


“She is Cam! This is the right bed!”

“Not when you’re laying down! Only when you’re standing by the door!”

“Ugh!” I groan as Penny and Finn both slink into the room.

“What happened?” Penny asks but judging by the grin on her face she already knows.

“I swear Finn I thought she was Penny!” He implores his brother whose fists are clenched tight.

“You touched my girl?” He asks through clenched teeth. I shudder at the thought and so does Cam.

“Ew. No she’s like my sister.” Finn appraises him for a moment before nodding, seemingly satisfied with his answer.

“Good. Then go the fuck to sleep. With your own mate.” He says before slipping in bed next to me and pulling me into his chest.

He tightens his arms around me before he starts rubbing himself all over me, flipping me over on my back and rubbing against my front as well.

“What are you doing?” I ask confused.

“Getting rid of Cam’s scent. He fucking stinks and I don’t want an ounce of him on you.” He says annoyed. He continues rubbing all over me until he is seemingly satisfied with my smell.

I lift up my head and look over at Cam and Penny, both already fast asleep wrapped around each other like vines. I can’t help but smile. Finn pulls me into his chest and tucks my head under his chin. I thread my legs between his and he wraps his arms around me tightly.

“This bed is tiny.” I whisper.

“Just means we’ll have to sleep closer together.” He murmurs tiredly and I giggle. He presses his lips to the crown of my head, and I sigh in content before drifting off to sleep.

I wake up much later to the sounds of whispers. I crack my eyes open a little to see both of my parents standing at the open door.

“I’m getting my shotgun.” My dad whispers.

“Don’t you dare.” My mom says.

“We told them to sleep in separate rooms.” My mom scoffs and smacks his chest lightly.

“My parents said the same thing. Did you listen?” He chuckles and shakes his head.

“No, I guess not. But still.”

“You be nice. That boy is going to give us grandchildren.”

“That’s great and all, but I would rather they not be conceived in my house.”

“Oh stop it. You think they did with Cam and Penny in the same room?” My dad huffs annoyed and doesn’t answer.

“Look how cute they are together.” My mom sighs wistfully.

“Yeah, yeah. Real cute.” My dad grumbles.

“Good lord. Is that a six pack or an eight pack on Finn? I can’t tell.” My mom asks.

“Would you stop ogling our daughter’s boyfriend?” My dad says before pulling Mom from the room.

“Go make breakfast you horndog.” He adds as I hear them descend the stairs.

“Your mom thinks I’m hot.” Finn grins at me as he shifts around to wrap himself around me.

“I can’t blame her.” I murmur back. “I think you’re pretty hot too.” He chuckles and kisses my forehead before getting out of bed.

“Come on you horndog. Let’s go help your mom with breakfast.”

After an awkward breakfast where Cam and I refuse to make eye contact we say our goodbyes and load back up into the car to return to our pack. A sense of peace washes over me as soon as we cross the border and I ponder a moment what that could mean before I realize it.

It feels like home.

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