《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 12



Finn came back with a small duffel bag of clothes, freshly showered and smelling much too amazing for his own good.

"That's a lot of stuff. You moving in?" I question him with a raised brow. He chuckles and smirks at me.

"Don't tempt me." He murmurs. "No, I brought extra clothes so I can have something to change into after I clean your gutters tomorrow." I smile and lean back against my dining room table.

"You don't have to do that, Finn. I lost the bet." He stalks over to me, wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him.

"I don't think you're getting this, sweetheart. I'm here now. I'm going to take care of you. Whatever you need, anything your precious little heart desires, you tell me and I'll handle it. I get the sense you're not used to that, but you had better quick because I'm not going anywhere."

Stunned by his words, all I can do is look into his beautiful eyes and feel a snap in my soul, the last barrier against him I had crash and burn. I feel him burrow deeper into my heart and I am powerless against it.

"I could get used to it." I say quietly running my hands up his chest to encircle his neck.

"Good." He says as he smiles. He releases me abruptly and I stagger from the loss of contact and the emotions that had been filling me. He smirks as if he knows he discombobulated me, and walks towards the kitchen.

"What should we do for dinner?"

The next morning I wake to a cold, empty bed. I never thought I would miss the furnace that is Finn, but I feel slightly empty as I stare at the place he had been last night. I hear a thunk outside and dress quickly before walking out the front door.

Finn is on a ladder, shirtless with work gloves cleaning my gutters.

Where's a camera when you need one? I may need material for a session with my vibrator later.

"You have a fucking tree growing out of your gutter, babe." Finn calls down to me, pulling me from my lecherous thoughts.

"Yeah, my dad usually handles it for me but I decided I wanted to be a grown up this year and told him I would handle it." He chuckles and shakes his head.


"I don't think grown ups refer to themselves as grown ups. Adult is the appropriate term."

"Well, judging by the state of my gutters, adult isn't the appropriate term apparently."

"Good point." He says teasingly, giving me a warm smile.

A dark blue truck with a ladder sticking out of the bed pulls up in front of my house. The driver cuts the engine and the loud rock music that was seeping through the windows cuts off. Finn descends the ladder and takes his gloves off.

"I didn't want to spend all day up there so I called in reinforcements."

"You've accomplished so much and I haven't even had my coffee yet." I say a little guiltily.

"I thought about waking you, but you looked so peaceful and beautiful I decided to let you sleep." He murmurs in my ear before pecking my cheek with a sweet kiss.

I feel my face flame in a blush and Finn chuckles as a large man walks toward us. He has the same eyes and hair as Finn, but a bushy beard adorns his face. His eyes twinkle bright and I can't help but like him already.

"Calli this is Camden, my little brother. Cam this is Calli. Don't be a dick."

"It's nice to meet you." I say extending my hand. He grips it firmly and I can't help but notice the roughness. He must work with his hands.

"It's nice to meet you too." He appraises me for a moment before placing his hands on his hips.

"You're much too pretty for my brother. Are you sure you wouldn't like to trade him in for a younger model?" He winks at me and I feel my face flush again.

Finn smacks his brother on the back of the head and Cam chuckles, flashing me a devious smile.

"Go get the ladder, Cam." Finn says, his voice dripping with irritation.

"Alright, alright. Gosh it sure is hot out today though." He says and in one fluid motion strips his shirt off.

He's not quite as tall as Finn or as muscular, but he is still a fine specimen of a man.

"Good lord, what did your parents feed you boys?" I ask before I can stop myself. They both laugh at me and Finn wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my back to his front.


"Whole cows mostly." He says.

"Yep, they'd just throw whole legs at us and we would devour them till there was nothing but bone." Camden adds. I roll my eyes.

"So I'm still trying to figure out what I'm getting out of this little chore, since a date with the pretty girl seems out of the question." A low growl comes out of Finn and I look at him curiously before he clears his throat.

"How about lunch?" I ask and Cam places his thumb to his chin thoughtfully.

"And chocolate chip cookies." I add to sweeten the deal. Cam clutches his chest dramatically and falls to his knees.

"Chocolate chip cookies! A girl after my own heart. If my brother fucks this up, consider this right here my marriage proposal." I descend into a fit of giggles and Finn rolls his eyes.

"Come on Romeo let's get to work." He says annoyed. Cam heads towards the truck to get his ladder, so I pull Finn in towards me, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I like him." I say quietly and lean in towards Finn so I can whisper in his ear. "But not as much as you." He smiles and kisses me sweetly.

"Good. Ma will be happy to know I don't have to murder her precious baby boy."

I throw my head back and laugh and Finn takes the opportunity to plant kisses on my exposed neck.

"Hey!" Cam calls. "I didn't drag my ass out of bed early this morning to watch you two suck face. Let's get this over with so I can get my cookies."

"I better get to baking then." I say and start walking back into my house. I turn around once before closing the door, and Finn is still watching me with a smirk on his face letting me know he was, in fact, watching me walk away.

I spend the morning baking and bringing ice water out to the boys. I may have made a few more trips with water than necessary, but it's not every day you have a hot man sweating on your roof.

As lunch time nears the boys finish the job and shower.

"You keep spare clothes in your truck too?" I ask Cam. "Finn does that." A look passes between them and Cam shrugs.

"Dad always taught us to be prepared." Finn gives him a hard look so Cam changes the subject.

"So, what's for lunch?"

"Club sandwiches, home made fries, caprese salad and cookies for desert, as promised."

They both dig in to their meals and I swear they don't even chew, just inhale.

"Slow down. You guys are too big I wouldn't be able to wrap my arms around you to perform the Heimlich maneuver if you choke." They both chuckle at me and finish their meals, both of them eating four sandwiches plus everything else.

I pull the cookies out of the oven where I left them to warm and I pour them both large glasses of milk. They each take a bite and groan in unison.

"Good God what did you put in these to make them taste so good?" Finn asks.

"Seriously. I was gonna hit the bar tonight to find a girl to take home but I don't think I'll need to. These cookies are going to give me a better orgasm than any chick could." Cam adds.

"That's fucking gross, Cam." Finn says with a look of disgust. Cam shrugs.

"Not all of us have girls who look like angels that can cook like the barefoot Contessa, big bro." My face blushes at the compliment and I eat a cookie to distract myself.

They finish all of the cookies, three dozen, and Cam stands to leave.

"If you need any other chores done around the house, you let me know sweet cheeks. I'd do just about anything for some more of those cookies." He says before leaning down to kiss my cheek. I stiffen slightly at the contact, not enough for Cam to notice but Finn certainly did. I clear my throat before speaking.

"Well I'd send some home with you, but they're all gone." I chuckle a little. "Thanks again for the help. And it was nice to meet you."

"It was nice to meet you too. I hope to see you around a lot more." He says and there is nothing but honesty in his tone.

"I hope so too." I say quietly and he leaves, closing the door behind him.

Leaving me alone with Finn.

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