《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 8


I woke up in the morning to a knock on my door.

"Who the hell could that be?" I mutter to myself as I drag my ass out of bed. I look through the window to see Finn, shuffling from foot to foot. I yank the door open and glare at his annoyingly beautiful face.

"What are you doing here at eight in the morning?" He gives me a sheepish smile and shrugs.

"You said I could come over whenever I wanted." I roll my eyes and cross my arms, trying to hide the way my nipples are hardening under my tank top.

"I didn't think you'd wake me up at the crack of dawn."

"Dawn was at six thirty this morning. I was on a run and watched the sunrise."

I gave him a look that made it clear I was not in the mood to argue over semantics. I was about ready to send him on his way and tell him to come back in a few hours when he held up a bag of food.

"I brought breakfast burritos."

Well. That changes things.

"You may enter." I step aside and allow him into the living room. His shoulders are so broad he has to turn his body to get them through the door. He looks so comfy in his black t shirt and basketball shorts and all I want to do is go back to bed and snuggle with him.

So that's what I decide to do. I don't know if I'm still so tired I'm practically drunk, or if the conversation I had with Penny about trusting him and enjoying being with him finally hit home, but I put the food in the fridge and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards my bedroom.

"Come on."

"Where are we going, sweetheart?"

"To sleep. It's too early to function."

I push him down on my bed and giggle at his wide eyes. He looked like a giant in my queen size bed, his feet nearly hanging off the end. I crawl in next to him and pulled the white comforter up. He still seems shocked at what's happening because he barely moves.

"What, you've never snuggled before?" I inquire sleepily.

"Um, not really." I look up at him with a confused look.

"I wasn't really interested in relationships until I met you. I've never met anyone like you." I smile and snuggle up to him, resting my head on his chest as he wraps a large, muscled arm around me and pulls me close.


"Well, you're gonna have to practice snuggling then, because it's one of my favorite things to do."

His chest rumbles with his quiet laughter and I can feel the vibrations through my body. I blush and nuzzle my face into his chest to hide it. I breathe in his scent and it has a calming effect on me. I feel a gentle kiss to my head as he lazily rubs his hand up and down my back before I fall into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and tried to snuggle closer to the source of warmth in my bed. Then I realized that warmth was Finn. I opened my eyes slowly and peeked up at him. He was still sleeping, one hand on my waist, the other threaded through my hair and our legs had tangled together.

I took the opportunity to be creepy and stare at him. He's just so pretty. And he looked so peaceful sleeping. The only thing that could have made it better was if his shirt was off.

Finn started to stir so I sat up on my elbows a little. Two large hands reached out to grip my shoulders and haul me back into his hard chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, his voice husky from sleep. It sent shivers through me and I had to hold in a groan.

"I could get used to this." He murmurs against my hair.

"What? Snuggling?"

"That. And waking up next to you. I think that's the best sleep I've ever had." He throws me his signature cocky grin and I can't help the blush on my face.

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower. How about you heat up those burritos because I'm starving." I stood up from the bed and started towards the bathroom. I hazard a glance behind me and, sure enough, Finn's gaze was devouring my body. His eyes were dark and hooded and he licked his lips when his eyes caught mine. I felt goosebumps erupt over my whole body and tried to stop the excitement between my legs from growing. Reminding myself it was much too soon to fall into bed with him.

Well, sexually at least.

I enter my living room to the most gorgeous sight I've ever seen.

Finn with burritos.

I happily start the movie and dig in to my breakfast. I purposefully let out a moan on my first bite and nearly descend into giggles when Finn stiffens beside me. I decide to take mercy on the poor boy and keep my sounds of appreciation to myself. Once my food is gone, I lean back to enjoy the show.



"Yeah?" I respond without taking my eyes off the screen.

"Could you stop singing all the words?" I blush and look over at him.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I was doing that." He chuckled and opens his arms, an invitation for me to snuggle closer to him. I dive over the couch and scooch myself as close to him as I can get while he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. He inhales a little and I look at him with confusion.

"Sorry. You smell good I can't help it." His cheeks turn a precious pink and I can't help but smile. I pull the cream colored blanket off the back of the couch and cover us both with it. He runs his fingers over the blanket and eyes it appreciatively.

"I like this blanket. Where'd you get it?" He asks.

"Thanks. I made it." He cocks a brow like he doesn't believe me and I scoff.

"I knitted it. My needles are right over there if you require proof." I point to a little basket in my living room that holds my knitting needles and yarn.

"Huh. Impressive. I would love a sweater."

"Are you kidding me? Have you seen how big you are? It would take me forever to knit you a sweater." He sighs and pouts his lip at me and I just want to kiss him.

"OK. OK. I'll think about it." He grins and we settle back in to watch the show.

It's a good thing I know nearly every word because Finn is incredibly distracting. He trails his finger on the bare skin of my arm, then lifts me so I am sitting in his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. He takes the opportunity to kiss a trail of fire along my jaw and neck. He leans down every so often to plant kisses on my head and cheek. By the time the movie is over my body is on edge and I both crave and am terrified of his touch.

"That was actually really cool. I liked it a lot."

"Liked what?" I asked absent-mindedly since all I could focus on was his fingers tracing tingles up and down the length of my arm.

"Uh.... Hamilton?"

Face palm.

"Oh. Right. Yeah it's great." He chuckles and grips my chin gently to turn my eyes toward him.

"What do you want to do now?" His voice is low, rich and husky and I feel my body inching towards him unbeknownst to me. His eyes flicker down to my lips, then back up to my eyes in a silent request for permission. I lean my face up to him and close the distance between us.

As our lips fuse together I feel a tightening in my chest. It's as if an invisible rope is connecting us together and as our tongues dance and our hands study each other, the rope begins to heat up and glow. I feel as if my connection to Finn is growing stronger and, if I'm not careful that rope will burst into flames either destroying me, or allowing me to rise from the ashes of my past.

Finn produces a growl from deep in his throat, causing my body to involuntarily shudder. Part of me feels I should be afraid of that noise, that it is a warning sign for danger but in reality all it does is excite me. I rotate on his lap, allowing myself to straddle him and grind down gently on his hardening cock. He moans into my mouth and I pull away to catch my breath. Apparently Finn doesn't need to breath because he places open mouth kisses on every inch of my skin that he can reach. He finds a particularly sensitive spot on my neck right where it meets my shoulder. He sucks there gently and I feel my blood start to hum with pleasure and anticipation. What I'm anticipating I'm not exactly sure.

Finn moves his hands from my hips to the top of the shorts I'm wearing. I feel him move downwards and attempt to undo my button. I feel my heart rate kick up and my breathing start to come in shallow spurts.

Against my will memories start to flash before my mind and, before I can stop it Finn's hands are no longer his. They are the hands of a monster. My head begins to feel dizzy as my breathing continues to increase. My vision becomes dotted with splotches of black. I push against Finn hard wanting, no needing to get away from him. He tries to tighten his hold on me and that's all it takes.

All it takes for me to panic.

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