《The Teacher's Beta》Chapter 7



Finn called me every day this week. Sometimes we would talk for twenty minutes, others we would talk for two hours. It was strange how easy our conversations would flow. I’ve never had a connection like that with another person. And God he’s funny. I feel like I have an ab workout every time I talk to him. Which is good because I do not do crunches. Not happening.

It was finally Saturday and I woke to my phone blaring on the bedside table. Finn’s name displayed on the front and I nearly fell out of bed trying to get to it before the call went to voicemail.

“Hello?” I said and winced at my breathless voice.

“Did I interrupt something?” Finn said. There was a tint of darkness to his voice. Jealousy maybe?

“No, sorry I just had to rush to get to the phone. What’s up?”

“I wanted to discuss our date tonight.” His voice sounds like a little kid the night before Christmas.

“Ok, well what did you have in mind?”

“It’s a surprise, but I needed to tell you what to bring.” My eyebrows furrow and I start to pace my room, something I do when I start thinking.

“I have to bring something on a date? Sounds like a lot of work.” He chuckles and the sound sends tingles down my spine.

“Not like that. You can dress casually, but you need to bring a swimsuit.”

“A what?” I say in disbelief.

“A swimsuit.”

“Yeah, Finn I heard you the first time.”

“Well, why’d you say ‘what’ then?”

“Because that’s a weird thing to bring on a date.”

“Trust me, you’re gonna love it. I’ll pick you up at five. Bye sweetheart!” He hung up quickly, probably trying to cut off my attempt to ask more questions.

Well, one good thing about wearing my swimsuit on our date, that probably means he’ll be in one too.

Sign me up.

He picked me up and started driving towards the outskirts of town.

“Where are we going?” I was starting to get nervous. I think he could sense it by the way he kept sneaking looks at me.

“To the aquarium.” I smiled brightly. I had told him in one of our phone conversations that I love the ocean and wish I could visit one more often.


“So what’s with the swimsuit?” He pulled into the parking lot and parked the car before turning his body towards me and flashing me his cocky grin.

“We’re gonna swim with the fishes.” My eyes widened in surprise before I squealed from excitement. I jumped out of the car and ran around to his side. He had barely climbed out before I launched myself at him, pulling him into a tight hug. He barely managed to catch me before I hit the ground.

“You’re an aggressive hugger you know that?” He chuckled while rubbing my back.

“Or maybe you’re just too good at surprises.” I smiled up at him.

“Nah, no such thing. So you’re excited I’m guessing?”

“Oh my God yes! Let’s go!” I grabbed his hand as we walked into the aquarium and laced our fingers together. We had been walking for a couple of minutes before I realized I had even done it. I never let anyone touch me, so the way this contact was so easy for me shocked me.

“Come on, sweetheart. This way.” Finn pulled me to the largest tank where an employee was waiting for us. He was an older gentleman, already wearing a dark blue wetsuit. He directed us to some rooms we could change into. I had brought a one piece, not feeling comfortable with a bikini not knowing what we were doing. I changed and stepped out to see Finn standing, already in swim trunks and, God bless America, no shirt.

Hot damn.

I took a moment to let my eyes wander over the muscles of his back and his biceps. The way they rippled when they moved was seductive, I had to contain myself from reaching out to trace them with my fingertips. I couldn’t help but think what his arms would look like as he held himself over me, how they would feel as I clung to them while he pounded into me. He must have felt my gaze on his back, because he turned around to smile at me, before his eyes traced up and down my body. They seemed to almost darken, and I felt my nipples harden below my swimsuit. Normally when I man looks at me like that, I feel violated and my skin crawls, but with Finn I felt sexy and wanted. It was exciting and liberating all at the same time. The guy told us to put our wetsuits so we could hop into the tank. Right before I slid mine up, I winked at Finn and smiled. He chuckled and shimmied into his suit. His shoulders were so broad it barely zipped all the way.


We swam with the fish for a full hour. It was so peaceful under the water the colors were beautiful and the way the light filtered through made it look like a dream. The fish swam around us lazily, paying no mind to the human intruders. Finn held on to me the whole time, never letting me out of arms reach. He seemed to be protective and I found it sweet. We stopped for a quick dinner before he made his way back to my house. We sat in my driveway in his car and talked late into the night. It seemed I could never get enough of our conversations.

“So what are you doing tomorrow?” He asked me.

“No big plans. What about you?” He gave me a sheepish smile and rubbed his chin with his hand. I had realized it was something he did when he was anxious or embarrassed.

“Well, I’ve been doing some research on Hamilton and it sounds really cool. I was wondering if we could watch it together.” I couldn’t stop the silly grin that spread on my face.

“You researched it?”

“Yeah, like the time period, the history and a little about the show itself. You seemed to really like it so I thought I’d see what it was all about.”

How. Heckin. Cute.

“Yes, of course we can watch it. Come over tomorrow whenever you want, and we can watch it together. Ah! I’m so excited. I’ve never watched it with a Hamilton virgin before.” He chuckled and reached across the center console to run his finger down my cheek.

“I love your smile. It’s beautiful.” He murmured while staring intently in my eyes. I didn’t know what to say and I could feel the blush coming so I looked away. He chuckled again and opened his door.

“Here, let me walk you to your door.” He opened my door for me and reached for my hand. I loved the feeling when he touched me. It’s like the electricity was palpable and made warmth and comfort spread through me. When we reached my door, he turned me towards him.

“Would it be alright if I kissed you?”

He’s so sweet I could cry.

I nodded vehemently instead.

“Yes, please.”

He stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my waist while gently pulling me into him. He lowered his head slowly and brushed his lips against mine. I heard his quick intake of breath before he pressed his lips to mine firmly. He was warm, soft and tasted sweet like honey or chocolate chip cookies. He felt like home. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I opened my mouth and let him explore me with his tongue, earning him a gentle moan from me. I was feeling brave, so I allowed our tongues to dance while I pushed my body as close to his as I could get. This one kiss had set my world on fire. Every nerve and synapse in my brain was firing, every inch of my skin was tingling, and I could feel my panties dampening. He growled low in his throat and it was the sexiest noise I had ever heard in my life. I found myself wondering how the vibrations of that would feel if his mouth was on my pussy. I was about three seconds from pulling him inside and not letting him leave, so I broke the kiss and looked up at him panting. His lips were red and puffy, and his pupils were so dilated his eyes looked black.

He was thoroughly kissed, and I was thoroughly proud of myself.

“God damn girl, you trying to kill me?” He chuckled while he leaned his forehead down on mine.

“Gotta make sure you keep coming back, stud muffin.” He laughed a full belly laugh and I couldn’t take my eyes off of his beautiful smile.

“Don’t worry, pretty girl. I’ll be here as long as you’ll let me.” He leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before stepping away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Calli.”

“Night, Finn.” I smiled shyly and went into the house, locking the door behind me before gently slipping to the floor.

I was headfirst into head over heels and I am in all kinds of trouble.

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