《Bad Boy Brothers, little sister》Chapter 21


The next day my brothers insisted that we all went down to the beach to have some what they called... "much needed quality time together". I said I'd go on one condition. Noah had to come too as he was part of our family now. Definitely not in a brotherly way though, much to what my brothers may think. The only flaw to this plan was having to stare at my sexy hunk of a Noah all day while he paraded round the beach in his swimming trunks.

"Can you at least carry this chair?" Said Seb looking at me silently begging. We were all walking down to the beach and I had made it clear that my phone and book were already heavy enough.

"I am leading the way" I smirked in response and walked quicker to get ahead of the boys

"Alright princess. But just remember who is grounded" Seb replied

"Last one to the beach has to swim nude!" said Noah running ahead of the rest of us

"The only person swimming naked is you, you dick" Jace said smacking him round the back of the head

I smirked. Silently wishing Noah and I were going to the beach alone and I could undress him myself. Though grateful for my brothers wanting to spend time with me, I was worried that I couldn't hide my affection for Noah much longer.


After a few hours of reading my book in the sun, getting thrown in the sea by Jace and watching Noah from the corner of my eye. I declared this girl hungry.

"I am going to get some food." I said standing up talking to no one in particular "Anyone want anything?"

"I'll come" said Noah winking at my from behind my brothers "I fancy a burger" he finished


My brothers shrugged and went back to what they were doing. Jace texting someone on his phone and Seb laying listening to music.

Noah and I walked up the beach and when we were far enough away he grabbed my hand.

"I've wanted to do this all day" Noah said a few more yards up ahead

"Do what?" I replied

It was then that he pushed me up against a tree and started to kiss my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and relaxed into his embrace. I had been wanting to do that all day too. He looked so utterly irresistible in his baby blue trunks. I moaned into his mouth and pulled away.

"Come on, let's grab some food before my brothers start to wonder where we are" I grabbed his hand again and pulled him in the direction of the beach bar.

"Don't remind me" he said groaning and falling into step with me "Maybe we should just tell them?"

I looked at him stunned

"What's the worst they could do" said Noah stopping me again and grabbing my face with his large hands

"Umm, send me to boarding school? Kick you out? Ban me from ever seeing another boy in my life time?!" I said just listing a few reasons why that was a bad idea.

"I am just saying they are going to find out eventually so why not just tell them now so we can enjoy our time together. Life is to short not to do what you want and be with who you want to be with" he said kissing my cheek

We ordered some lunch and got it to go. Picking it up from the counter we started to walk back to the boys.


I squeezed his hand one last time before we got into eye sight of my brothers. I really did want to be with Noah. Do all the things that couples did together, and not have to hide it from anyone. But knowing I was already grounded, and the warning they had given Noah and I before meeting, I was apprehensive. We would tell them one day, but that day was not today!

Apologies for the delay in updating! Hopefully it will be more regular now. Writing is good for the heart and soul and I will be trying to make more of an effort to keep up with it. Happy Friday everyone, enjoy your weekend!

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