《Bad Boy Brothers, little sister》Chapter 9


"Ella, truth or dare?" I asked her taking a sip of one of the beers. We had been playing truth and dare for about half hour but only now we're we tipsy enough to loosen up a bit and spill some real secrets

"Truth" she giggled willingly

"On a scale of 1-10 how bad are you crushing on Flynn?" I asked her. I'm sure Grace already new the low down on this one, but I was intrigued to here it for myself

Ella looked at me with wide 'deer in the headlight' eyes. "Is it that obvious?" She covered her face with her hands "Oh Maya I've fancied Flynn since 2nd grade when he moved to our school" she said embarrassed

"He's totally cute Ella, I get it. Has he never shown interest?" I asked, keen to find out more.

"We've made out a couple of times. But being the high school jock he had a reputation to up hold, and he's never cared to ask me how I felt. At least I haven't slept with him, that would just make me another notch on his bed post too" she said taking a huge gulp of beer after

"Aww babes it's okay" Grace said throwing an arm around her BFF

"Alright Maya your turn. Truth or dare?"

Truth of course

"How many guys have you slept with?" Grace asked. I wasn't embarressed that I was still a virgin at 17 whilst most my friends had lost it when they were 14/15. I was happy I chose to wait but being popular it did tend to surprise people

"A fat ZERO" I laughed back at the girls "I'm waiting for the one"

"Good for you girl!" Ella said

"I wish I had waited" Grace added


The game continued for a couple more rounds, us getting to know each other even more. The girls were cool, I think we'd get on well over my year here. Hopefully I could get to know the guys better over time too.

It got back to my go and I chose dare this time, the alcohol egging me on.

"I dare you to send that sexy roommate of yours a picture in your bra" said Grace

"Oh oh" interrupted Ella "AND you have to do it lying on his bed" she added giggling

At this point the beer had gone straight to my head and I was up for a little fun. Walking upstairs two steps at a time with the girls following, I entered Noah's room, which I had yet to have been in yet and eyed up his bed.

A typical 20 something year olds room. Clothes thrown on the floor, a gaming computer in the corner and various pictures of what i can only assume to be his family donned the dark grey walls of his bedroom.

I jumped on his bed eager to get this over with and passed the girls my phone. Taking of my top to reveal my red bralette which I knew would catch Noah's attention, I got into position ready for them to take a picture.

A few different poses and lots of giggles later I clicked send on a very racy picture message to my sex god roommate who had decided to call himself "Noah the hunk" when he had entered his number into my phone

A few hours later we had all passed out on our makeshift beds on the floor of my room watching the second instalment of the kissing booth on Netflix. I heard the door to my bedroom open.


"Hey Kitten" it was Noah, I held my breath and pretended to be asleep. "You're lucky your brothers weren't standing when you pulled that trick earlier, I almost had to have a cold shower to call off" he continued to whisper in my ear

"But god are you gorgeous princess. Two can play that game so you better watch out" he finished. After kissing my cheek he walked out the room and shut the door. I breathed again for the first time in what seemed like ages.

Game on Noah, I thought. And with that I fee into a deep slumber


The next afternoon after the girls had gone, the 4 of us were lounging round the pool listening to some tunes and having a bbq.

"What do you think of Cali than Maya? Better than you thought?" Asked Seb

Truth is, I loved it. And felt right at home. I had been so busy and interested in exploring and seeing my new friends that I barely had any time to dwell on the fact that my parents left their one and only daughter for a trip around the world.

"I love it Seb, I can see why you boys wanted to stay out here now. And with my new friends in tow, I'm not sure school is going to be that bad either" I replied honestly

"We love having you here baby sis, we really do" finished Jace

"Do we? I don't remember saying those words" said Noah smirking at me

Grabbing the closest thing to me which happened to be a tomato, I chucked it at his head.

"Woah there princess are you on your period or something?" He replied sarcastically

"Oh shut your face dickhead. No one asked you" I said

"Maya, that's enough" said Seb disapproving of where the conversation was heading

"But he started it!" I said point at Noah. In a strop I got up and walked in the direction of my room. I was going to plot my next revenge. Noah knew I hated to be wound up, and I knew Noah was a sucker for my body and the sarcy attitude that came with it.

Noah confused me, I half wanted to kill the guy, half wanted to have rampant sex with the guy in his bed. That night I thought about every possible scenario, I am yet to decide which one was my favourite!

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