《Bad Boy Brothers, little sister》Chapter 5


I spent the next few days lounging by the pool whilst all 3 of the boys were at work. I'd Eat, Swim, Sleep on repeat. Starting school in a couple of weeks was going to be hard I thought laughing to myself. Staying in bed till gone 11 wasn't going to last much longer much to my disappointment.

It was Thursday when I mastered up the courage to explore outside the house by myself. Heading in the direction of the beach of I went wearing my black jean shorts with a long sleeved white crop top. My normal Texas boots weren't going to make the cut here in Cali, so instead I opted for a pair of sandals to make the heat more bare able.

I walked past a couple of local stores, a coffee shop which Jace took me too last week and a small movie theatre that I knew I'd have to go to. I reached the beach after about 10 minutes and decided to just walk along the promenade.

The beach was rather quiet, I guess with it being a Thursday most people were at work. There were several teenagers around, possibly my age or maybe younger. Some in smaller groups sat on the sand and others playing various ball games.

"WATCH OUT!" Someone yelled from a far

Not thinking anything of it I continued to walk. But this turned out to be a mistake as I walked straight into the path of a fast flying volleyball.

"Ow fuck" I exclaimed grabbing onto my shoulder "what the hell was that?"

"Dude I am so totally sorry" this guy shouted still making his way over to me "I did try to warn you but you must've not heard" he said almost chuckling

"Yeah fuck you" I muffled under my breath


"What was that beautiful?" He said finally reaching me "I'm so sorry. Me and the guys were just getting warmed up and well, we aren't that good. The ball got away, I'm sorry"

"It's alright" I uttered, still clutching me sore shoulder but relieved it didn't hit my face

"Hey are you new around here? You don't look familiar?" He asked now holding the ball

"Yes I'm Maya, I moved her last week" I said crossing my arms over my chest

"Nice to meet you, I'm Flynn. Are you going to Sandhill academy? Senior year?" He questioned eyeing me up and down

"Yeah, guessing you are too?" I asked

"Hell yeah baby! Hey do you want to come and meet the guys? They'd love to see some fresh meat" he said winking at me

"Nah it's okay" I said beginning to walk away

"Alright. Well we are having a party tonight you should come. It's just here on the beach. They'll be a bonfire, beers and maybe some skinny dipping" he said eyeing me up again

I thought about it, not for long. Hell yeah I'd go. Wouldn't turn down a party. Not my first one in California anyway. Besides it would be a good way for me to meet people from my year and school. Maybe even hook up with a guy or two.

"Sure sounds like fun, what time?"

"Be here at 8pm, just follow the noise" he said

I began to walk off but heard him shout "make sure you bring your bikini.... or not" I heard him mumble at the end

Cheeky prick. Well I guess I better get home and find something to wear, what did you wear to a beach party anyway?

And shit. I've got to ask the boys. Wish me luck

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