《A Mate for the Latecomer》Chapter 36: In The Name Of Mate


"Eric" I scream as we slowly sit down on the ground with him still in my arms as I keep shaking him. I am trying to keep his open eyes. Tears pour from my eyes as I watch him struggle to breathe.

"Why did you do that for?" I sob and he says nothing except his breathing is getting weaker. I look around for anyone to help us and saw them standing there in shock. I know it's unexpected but someone needs to get him to the hospital before he dies.

"Lucian, he's dying" I scream at him, which snaps him out of his shocking state and run up to help us. "His breath is weaker. Please be quick he needs a healer," I tell him as he picks him up and I help put him on his back. Lucian and I rushed back to the territory premises.

When we reach the hospital, I saw Claire running from the other side and in our direction. She looks scared and worried.

"What happened?" she asks but I just keep sobbing without answering her. "Eric" Claire cries and pushed me aside. She reaches out to Lucian and holds on to his hand, making Eliz growl and take control of my body.

She howls in pain for her mate and me as her human host couldn't control her painful cries. I feel hopeless that I could not soothe Eliz's aching heart as I too was shocked by my own emotions. Eliz who wants nothing but her mate to be in her arms pushes off Claire and grabs Eric from Lucian's back. The healers who came to help begged Eliz to release his body. She hisses at them in return while holding on tight to Eric.

"Elle" I hear Leto calling my name but Eliz never turns around. "Elle." He tries to reach out yet he stops when he noticed the change in my eyes.

"Eliz, he needs the healer," Leto said slowly moving toward us. "He needs to be healed. He won't be alive if you still hold onto him like that. Please Eliz..." he carefully told her. Eliz shook her head and cries out to him "mate needs me...please heal mate." She let his body go and the healers quickly took him away.

I stood there with Eliz crying over our mate. A hand touched my shoulder and Eliz swirled around. She hisses and shrugs off Aaron's hand from our shoulder. "Don't touch me," she warns him, and Aaron seeing that it's Eliz in control takes a step back.

"Zhipa," she screams and I cry even harder for her. I am feeling useless right now that I cannot help her in her state.

Eliz glances around with rage in her eyes before she sniffs the air and runs out of the hospital looking for the scent of the remaining hunters and rogues. I could tell that her painful feelings is now replaced with a newfound feeling of retribution. Eliz wanted to revenge for our mate. She is going crazy as we run through the woods like a mad she-wolf going on a killing spree.


Once she found the wounded hunters and rogues hiding under a big rock not far from Alpha Aaron's border. She stood before them with an evil grin evident on her face. I had never seen this side of her before and it was scaring me.

She scoffed. "Got you!"

They didn't see or even hear us approaching them. My wolf was being stealthily making her move. We stood beside another hunter who is breathing hard. She clicks her tongue once which made the hunter turn to us and before he let out a scream Eliz snapped his head. She then moved on to the other until every single one of them are gone and only dead bodies lying around us.

Eliz let out a howl of victory and look around with a proud face. She had her revenge and she knows that one of them is left and she cannot let him go. She didn't even need to scourge the untouched territory in search of the Alpha. All she want's was for him to surrender himself to our feet.

We hear a snap from behind us. Eliz chuckles before swirling around, to face Alpha Zeus. He stood there leaning against a tree. Eliz furiously growls at him, baring her sharp fangs. "Took you long enough to surrender," she says as if her words are being forced to say.

Alpha Zeus on the hand clapped in awe as if he has been watching an opera show on TV. "That was entertaining, yet you killed my mate" he waved his finger in the air making Eliz growl at him.

"Pathetic!" he scoffed. "I was determined to run this unforsaken world with my mate. However, since everything has come down to another road, I don't think I can go without taking your precious life. At least that would make those pathetic two back there mourn like what I am doing right now," he firmly said and moves to the other side. Eliz keeps snarling at him.

"Oh, Elle if only I could still pursue you instead of that worthless Jea. Poor thing." He laughs afterward and added, "maybe then we'll be in victory. Thank you but this is where we say goodbye." His eyes change and he shifted into his wolf and attack us.

Eliz who is in full control of my body deflects his moves and shifts into our wolf form.

Zeus' claws miss us and she bites his leg. He howl in pain and raised his right paw in the air. We didn't have time to defend ourselves as his powerful kick made it right through our chest and it sets us flying in the air with so much force. We ended up rolling to the other side on the ground.

I howl in pain and see blood dripping from our chest. His paw nails dug deep and I struggle to retain my breathing. Eliz loses consciousness as she is quite tired from killing the hunters and the kick may be the last straw of her strength.


I force our body to shift back to our human form, giving me control. I gasp for air and hold onto my wounded chest. I try to heal it by pushing my hand to my chest to close the wounds. Hearing a raging growl from Zeus, I immediately glance in his way and I began to panic when I see him running at full speed in my direction.

I dart my eyes around me, looking for something to use as a weapon to defend myself. When I saw a silver dagger hidden beneath the leaves, I pick it up and turned around plunging it right into his chest before he could kill me. He growls at me and it is becoming weaker. I pull it out from his chest and plunge it in again. I cry as I did it one more time to him.

However, it didn't even kill him off completely. Zeus was the strongest one and I guess his Alpha side makes him. I pull it out from his chest and cry. I shouldn't feel this way but Zeus was someone I used to know and I guess that hang-out as friends we were supposed to have when we met again will never happen.

I was never a murderer but today's consequences will make me one. It was either me or him and I cannot let myself die in vain especially when my wolf has been fighting for me. I glance back to see Zeus' wolf staring back at me. Blood drips from his mouth. We stay there for a second looking at one another before he shifted back to his human form. Zeus looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything," he apologizes and coughs up blood. I wipe off my tears and glared at him as I didn't trust his words.

He smiles but it never reaches his eyes. He continues to say, "I never meant to betray Eric or Aaron but I needed my mate," he confesses and coughs again with blood coming from his mouth.

I could tell that his strength is becoming drained and very soon he will die. Not wanting to see him go like this. I change my mind as I do not want him to die in vain. He needs to redeem himself and get another second chance at love. I crawl to him and try to help him up. I even try to link Aaron but Zeus removes my hand and shakes his head no.

"No, you need help," I said again as I tries to help him. He pushes me back and says, "no Elle. Don't... If I didn't do it she would have left me. She confesses she loves me but her family was pushing her and I seeing her break every day decided to take her side. So, I gave myself another reason which is not what I always wanted," he explains.

"You could have walked away," I said, scolding him.

"Elle, you have no idea how it feels like to have a mate," he says in a sad tone. I want to comment on that because I do know what it feels like and he is not with me but I decided not to. Zeus looks me in the eyes and mumbles "thank you, Elle". His eyes close and his body lay limp on the ground.

Zeus wasn't a bad Alpha. After all, he did it for his mate. It made me wonder what is it today with all these sacrifices being made for the name of a mate. Sadness overwhelms me as the realization sinks in. Everyone will do anything in the name of mate but why then it never happens to me.

Eric may have saved me today but he wasn't Zeus who did and went against the world for his mate. Notwithstanding the pain crashing within me, I started to cry again for so many things.

Eliz howls again and we look ahead to find Aaron now running in our direction. He drops a blanket over us and hugs me. "Shh everything will be okay" he whispers while rocking me back and forth. He carries me back to his Pack's territory and the pack hospital.

Sometime later, the healers check my wounds and help put a bandage around them. Afterward, I walk back and see people in the hallway of the hospital looking exhausted. Some warriors were badly wounded on the ground and there were also bodies covered in white sheets.

"Elle." I turn to the front and find my best friend came rushing to my side. She hugs me and I start to cry. She only comforted me and lead me to the pack house to my room. She helps me take a shower before putting me to bed.

Eliz at first insisted on visiting Eric but Aber forced us to sleep. So, we did what she wanted as we didn't want a pregnant woman to get mad. I felt my eyelids heavy but Eliz still tries to convince me to visit Eric.

'Later Eliz' I told her and I slowly drifted away.

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