《His》Chapter Thirty-Eight


"Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, appreciate, and love yourself. - Robert Tew



Kane and I got back from Puerto Rico early this morning and as soon as the plane landed, he left me to go to the office because there was a few things he needed to do. I didn't mind though because I had a lot of clothes and other random things to put away since I was now officially living with him.

Lukas and Brendon went to my parents house to get all my stuff so I didn't have to deal with my mom after a stress free week without seeing or hearing from her.

They even offered to put everything away for me so I didn't have to do anything when I got back home but I told them they didn't have to because I knew I would need something to keep me busy with.

It unfortunately didn't take me long at all to put away all my things so now here I stand in the kitchen making dinner because Kane informed me that his parents are coming over for dinner tonight.

Yay me.

I don't think I'm even mentally prepared to deal with Kane's parents. Although his father don't really talk to me when he's around, I still get the vibes from him that he don't like me. I'm not entirely sure what I done but I know he don't.

You didn't do anything to his mother either but she still calls you a whore every time she sees you.

A voice inside my head reminds me.

How could I forget that? That's basically the first thing she said to me when she met me.

I still have no idea why she calls me a whore but tonight I'm finding out why.



I quietly sit next to Kane eating the dinner I made while his father talks to him about the company. I haven't said much the whole time his parents have been here because I hate the looks his father gives me everytime I speak when I'm not spoken to.

I guess he expects me to be as submissive as his wife is but that's never going to happen.

"Amaya, may I speak privately with you?"

I look up from my plate of roasted chicken and vegetables to see Kane's mom, Angie, standing beside the chair she was previously sitting in. I sit

down my fork and wipe my mouth with my napkin before standing up.

"Of course."

I wanted to talk to her about how she treats me but I didn't want to right now. I wanted to after dinner when Kane and his father goes to his office to have a drink like they normally do.

I knew I couldn't say no though because Kane is sitting right next to me and I know he wouldn't appreciate me telling his mother no when she wants to talk. Especially since this is the first time she's actually wanted to talk to me, even he knows that.

I follow Angie out on the back porch and watch as she sits down on the outdoor couch. I sit down in the chair in front of her and interlock my hands together on my lap as I stare at her.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for always being so rude to you." She says. "You're basically my daughter now and I shouldn't treat you like that."

"Why?" I asked. "Why have you called me a whore so many times when you don't even know me?"


She sighs and looks away from me. "When my brother got married, my mother use to treat his wife horribly because she didn't like the thought of him getting married. She'd call that poor girl anything she could think of."

She looks back at me with tears in her eyes. "I thought if I treated you the same way, the thought of my baby boy getting married would hurt a little less. But it made it hurt a lot more because I was hurting the woman he loved."

I look down at my hands for a few seconds before looking back at her.

"It's alright."

I'm not forgiving her because I think what she done is ok, I'm forgiving her because I wanna push all this behind me and start over with her. I don't want to have a toxic relationship with the woman who is now my mother in law, I want to have a great relationship with her so I can come to her when I need to talk about life or rant about Kane or just go to lunch together.

I stand up from my chair and walk over to the couch and sit down next to her. I take her hands into mine and smile at her. "Let's start over?" I asked her.

She smiles widely at me. "Let's start over."

She pulls me into a hug then pulls away after a few seconds. She looks at me and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm happy we can start over." She says. "Thank you."

I shake my head. "Don't thank me."

She smiles and opens her mouth to say something but gets cut off by someone clearing their throat.

We both look over at the door to see Kane and his father standing there with smiles on their faces.

Angie stands up from the couch and smooths down her dress before walking over to Christopher. He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her into his side. He places a kiss on the side of her head.

"I'm proud of you, sweetheart." I hear him say to her. She shyly smiles at him.

I turn my gaze away from them and over to Kane. I can't help but allow my eyes to look him up and down.


I always knew I had a hot husband but I didn't realize he was this hot.

I bite my lip as my eyes meet his. I stand up and walk over to him when I see a dark look in his eyes.

I turn my gaze away from him and over to his parents. I smile at them. "It was good to see you two but I'm awful tired."

I smirk and lean up kissing his cheek. "Come make me even more tired." I whisper in his ear.

I don't wait for him or his parents to reply back and walk into the house. I shake my hips a little more then usual because I can feel his eyes burning on the back of my head.

Gotta make him want me as much as I want him right now.


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