《His》Chapter Thirty


"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." - Carlos Castenada



Kane and I sat at the restaurant talking for almost two hours. He told me about his college days and things he liked while I told him crazy things that Lukas and I have done.

It actually felt good to push the thoughts about the wedding aside and actually try to get to know one another. Well me try to get to know him since he already knows everything about me, how I do not know.

Now we're walking on the beach with our feet in the ocean and our fingers interlocked together. I find myself stopping and smiling when I see a guy proposing to a girl.

She covers her mouth with her hand and from where I'm standing I can tell she's about to cry. He slips the ring on her finger and she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss after he stands up.

My smile drops and gets replaced with a frown and tears build up in my eyes at the sight.

I wanted that.

I wanted to feel the way that girl is feeling. Happy, sad, surprised, whatever she is feeling I wanted to feel that but I'm not going to.

I wipe a tear away as I feel it fall down my cheek.

I let go of Kane's hand and turn around walking back toward the parking lot where Kane's car is parked.

I hear Kane say my name from behind me but I keep walking as tears fall down my cheeks.

He grabs my arm making me stop walking and turns me around to face him. The glare he was throwing at me softens when he sees my tears.


"Baby, what's wrong?" He takes his thumb and wipes under my eyes.

"N-nothing." I stutter. "I just wanna go h-home."

He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he can. "Please."


Lukas called me when Kane and I got back to the house and told me some really big news. Brendon finally proposed to him.

After Lukas being a true blonde and not realizing that Brendon was trying to propose to him, he waited a month before he tried again.

This time he took Lukas on a little weekend getaway to New York City. They had dinner at one of the best restaurants in the city then they took a walk through Central Park where Brendon proposed to him at.

I ended up crying after I got off the phone with Lukas. I witnessed one proposal tonight and then me finding out my best friend got proposed to was just too much for me.

I wanted to be taken to a romantic dinner then a walk on the beach or a walk through Central Park where I would be proposed to. But that didn't happen, I just got handed a ring instead.

The sound of Kane yelling breaks me out of my thoughts. I throw the blanket off of me and walk out of the living room to see Kane, his mother, and a man that I'm assuming is his father standing in front of the front door.

"Is everything alright?"

His parents heads snap to where I am standing. I feel their eyes look me up and down and I mentally curse when I remember I'm in one of Kane's shirts.

Kane's arm wraps protectively around my waist before I have the chance to try and tug the shirt down a little. I look at him and notice he's throwing glares at his parents.


What happened?

"Everything's fine, baby." He tells me.

I turn my head away from him and see his mother throwing her own glares at me. I raise an eyebrow at her.

This woman for some odd reason does not like me but I'm going to do what grandma has always told me to do when it comes to other women disliking me.

Kill her with kindness.

I smile widely at her. "How are you, Mrs Carter? You look lovely."

She scoffs. "I don't know why you're trying to be all sweet and innocent when we both know what you done."

I frown.

What did I do?

"What?" I asked her. "I haven't done anything."

She laughs. "You just need to confess, whore. You've been caught."

This makes the second time this lady has called me a whore and she's only met me twice!

Her laugh gets cut short when I see Kane's father pinch her side. She jumps and looks down at the floor.

"What did she get caught doing, mother?" Kane asked her.

She shakes her head. "Nothing."

Is that all it takes to make her hush? A little pinch on the side?

She was laughing and looking at me like I was dirt on her shoe and she apparently caught me doing something but now she's looking at the floor and saying it's nothing.

What the hell happened?

Kane's father looks at her. "We didn't come over here for nothing, Angie, so start talking."

"It's really nothing, Christopher." She tells him still looking at the floor. "Let's just go home."

I can practically see steam coming out of Christopher's ears as he grabs ahold of her arm.

"You mean to tell me we came over here for no fucking reason and it almost one in the morning?" He yells at her.

I jump back and Kane wraps his arms tighter around me.

At least I know now where Kane's temper comes from.

After he gets finished yelling at her he turns around and looks at Kane and I.

"And you need to teach her not to talk back." He spat. He opens the front door and grabs Angie's arm, pulling her outside then slams the door behind him.

Teach me not to talk back?

I didn't even talk back anyone.

I turn myself around in Kane's arms and wrap my arms around his neck.

"What did your dad mean by you need to teach me not to talk back?" I asked.

He sighs. "He thinks that the way you were talking to mom was you talking back but it wasn't."

I shake my head. "No, it wasn't."


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