《His》Chapter Nineteen


"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." - Nora Roberts




The rest of the week flew by fast and before I knew it, it was graduation morning.

I stand in front of my full body mirror with a frown on my face. I'm fully dressed and ready to walk out the door and to go to the school but I'm just sad.

I'm graduating from high school in less then two hours. I'm not ready to graduate yet. I know most seniors are screaming in joy because they finally get to leave high school but not me.

"You ready?"

I see my dad's reflection in the mirror and notice he's standing in my bedroom doorway.

I nod and grab my purse off the bed along with my phone. I follow him downstairs and out of the house. I stop in front of his car.

"Where's mom?" I look at him with a frown.

He scratches the back of his neck. "She left for a girls trip this morning."

A girls trip?

My mother left the morning of my graduation for a girls trip?

I know she's a bitch and half the time I can't even tolerate her but she's still my mother and to know she isn't going to be at my graduation is heartbreaking.

I shake my head and scoff. "She's really missing her own daughter's graduation to go get drunk with her friends? wow."

I open the passenger side door and get in slamming the door. My dad gets in the driver seat and starts the car.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He apologizes.

"Not your fault she's a bitch."


I didn't talk for the rest of the drive to the school. When we got there I grabbed my phone from my purse and got out without saying anything to my dad.


I'm now standing in line waiting for my name to be called and for me to receive my diploma. I step forward in line and stand at the bottom of the stairs leading to the stage as a student walks across.

"Amaya Jane Ross."

I breathe out and smile as I walk up the stairs onto the stage and grab my diploma from one of the board members.

"Congratulations." She smiles at me.

"Thank you."

I walk off the stage and stop as the photographer takes a picture of me with my diploma. I smile and walk back to my seat.

The rest of the students get their diplomas and before I know it we're throwing our caps up in the air.

I grab my diploma from my chair and my cap off the floor as Lukas walks up to me.

"We're officially a have been, bitch!" He yells.

I laugh. "I know. It seems unreal."

"Auntie Mya!"

I turn my head and smile widely when I see my nephew's, Aiden and Kaden. I leave Lukas standing and rush over to them.

"My babies!" I squeal and wrap my arms around them into a hug. "I missed you two so much!"

"I missed you more!" They say at the same time.

Did I mention they are twins?

"I doubt it." I say as I release them.

"Congrats baby sis." Xavier pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you!" I smile and return the hug.

Xavier releases me from the hug and as soon as he does I'm pulled into another one. By the smell of the perfume I can tell it's Anna, Xavier's wife.

She pulls away from the hug and puts her hand on her stomach. "How are you, girl?"


"I'm good." I tell her. "How are you?"

"I'm sick of being pregnant." She rolls her eyes. "My due date was four days ago."

"Damn, he don't want to come out." I laugh.

She opens her mouth to say something but closes it as she stares at something behind me. I turn around and see Kane standing there with a bouquet of red roses.

He smiles and kisses my cheek. "Congratulations, baby." He hands me the roses.

"Thank you." I look away from him to see Xavier staring at him.

"You must be Kane." He holds his hand out for Kane to shake. "I'm Xavier, Amaya's brother."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Kane shakes his hand then wraps his arm around my waist.

I stare blankly down at the bouquet of flowers as they start talking.


Now my brother is going to become best friends with him too.

Shouldn't he being going all over protective older brother on him? Not asking him what his favorite baseball team is.


I hear my name being called and I look up and see Lukas and Brendon waving at me.

I forgot we made plans to go eat right after graduation.

I turn around and notice all my family, including Kane, looking at me.

"I forgot we made plans to go eat." I tell them. "I'll see y'all later."

I kiss dads cheek and tell him I'll be home later and speed walk over to Lukas and Brendon.


I dip my sushi roll into soy sauce then put it into my mouth as Lukas looks at me with a disgusted look on his face.

We decided to go to this new Japanese restaurant that opened in town. It's only been open for a month but it's became a very popular restaurant already.

Everyone at school was talking about how good their sushi was and I have to agree, this is some damn good sushi.

"I don't know how you eat that shit." Lukas shakes his head.

"It's good." Brendon tells him as he takes a bite.

Lukas starts gagging as me and Brendon laugh at him.

"Don't be so dramatic, it's not even that bad." I laugh.


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