《Just the Baby Momma》6.5
Hi guys💆🏾♀️. This is an update I just wanted to say I apologize for being gone for so long I've been working and honestly been trying to get myself together.
I fell into a small depression right after my last update and wasn't motivated to do anything at all. It took me three months to write this chapter alone when it'll usually take me a few hours.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the rest of the book to come.
I will be updating wayyy sooner now. At least I'll try my best.
Thank you all for your support. When I initially wrote this I didn't think anyone would read it I would call you a liar. I appreciate every single read vote and comment.
Once again thank you💗
Alright let's go.
Third POV
"So you sure it was your uncle?" Izzy says as he buttons up his shirt.
"Yes baby I'm pretty sure I know how my uncle sounds and looks" Ashley tells him about the events that happened last week. She still has not spoken to either one of them since.
"Ian saying I don't believe you that's just unexpected as hell" he says as he fumbles with his tie. They were preparing for the first day of trial and the both of them were nervous as hell. Neither one of them wanted to show it but they knew.
"We got this baby" Ashley speaks more so to herself as she helps him with his tie before giving a small smile.
"I love you ash" a bit of sadness falls though his eyes. They had recently found out that they are trying to pin other murders on him as well. Some of which he had no clue of. As well as the disappearance of Cash.
" I love you even more" Ashley brings her lips to his. Today Ashley would be testifying on his behalf. Izzy told her she didn't have to but her father suggested it would be better if she did. "Now finish getting ready Mr.James. I'm going to see if your mom is here yet" Ashley says teasing
"Yes Mrs.James" Izzy says back as she walks off. Ashley was still on cloud nine right now. The two had eloped and couldn't be happier.
Ashley stared down to the gold wedding band placed under her engagement ring and smiled in awe. Breaking her out of her thoughts the door opened signaling that ms. Sharon had arrive.
"Hey ma" ashley walks down in her business style dress and house shoes.
"Hey baby you look nice" the two hug.
" do I? Thank you. You hungry I can cook something really quick" Ashley says going into the kitchen.
"No baby I'm just fine." She study's Ashley's nervous movements as she moves to the fruit and begin chopping it up. Sharon happens to look down to Ashley's hand and noticed an extra ring adorning her finger.
"Ashley..." she drags out
"Ma'am" Ashley locks eyes with her and watches her eyes fall to her finger.
"Y'all didn't..." she says causing Ashley's eyes to go wide. "ISRAEL" Sharon yells as she hears heavy feet coming down the stairs. Ashley turns nervously to Israel who is carrying both children and takes lani out his arms.
"Did y'all get married" she asks before looking to his finger seeing an identical band on his finger. "Lord Melyssa gone kill y'all" Sharon chuckled
Melyssa always wanted Ashley to have a traditional wedding due to her not having one to carry on their families traditions.
Ashley began to feel bad because she knew her mother would be upset that she did not go the traditional route.
"Please don't say anything let us tell her ma" Ashley says as Sharon shrugs her shoulders.Sharon wasn't going to saying anything anyways. It wasn't her place but she still wanted the two to have a ceremony for everyone to be involved in.
"Give me my grand babies" Sharon says taking lani and taking aidens hand.
A little over an hour later, the couple pulled up to the court house only to be surprised at the amount of press. Ashley grips Israel's hand tightly before placing a soft kiss on his lips. The couple walk hand and hand into the court house before being stopped outside of the room by Ashley's father.
"Hey baby" he kisses his daughter on the cheek nervously. "I need to speak to Israel for a moment" he says desperately.
"Okay go ahead" she says not moving. At this point she wants to be involved in everything because she feels as if they aren't telling her anything at all.
"I'll be back ash" Israel kisses her lips. Before walking away with her father. Truth is more evidence was found against him and Tim didn't want to be the one to tell Ashley. He thought it would be best if he heard it from Israel himself.
"Ashley!" She hears a voice call out before seeing Paris walking up. Alexei walked behind the woman with his men behind him not escaping her attention. Ashley had forgotten she had asked her to come for support. Bri was out of town at the moment with Alek and her mother hated courts so her friend agreed.
"Ash could we talk.... please" Paris pleads before Ashley nods her head. The two walk into an empty hall way before beginning their discussion.
"We only have about 35 mins Paris" Ashley says looking down to her watch.
"Ashley I'm sorry. I should've told you about Alexei and I but I didn't know how. And with everything you have going on we didn't want to worry you." Paris gets out.
"When did it even happen?" She asks confusedly.
"Almost three months ago... it was just supposed to be a quick dinner because we were both headed from the hospital and it progressed... Ashley I think I love him" Paris tears up at the last part. She hadn't said it out loud before so this was her first time hearing herself admit it.
"Paris... please don't cry right now I'm already on edge and if you start I will and I won't be able to stop". Ashley begins to cry as well. " look what you did to me bitch" Paris hugs her friend as they both cry.
"Paris I'm not mad at either one of you. That just caught me wayyy off guard. Like I'd rather you had told me but I understand" Ashley holds her friends hand still crying.
"Please stop crying Ash" Paris says not understanding.
"It's not y'all Par, i feel like his case isn't progressing for the best and I feel like I have no clue what's going to happen today. I don't know what the lawyers are saying. Israel isn't telling me anything and I thought he would atleast tell me somethings being that we are married with two damn kids I-" Ashley says as Paris cuts her off.
"Pause. Y'all are married??!" She semi yells.
"Shit." Ashley realizes what she said. " please don't tell anyone yet. Only people who know is the lawyers, you and Israel's mom"
" my lips are sealed" Paris promises. "I'm sure they have good reason for not saying anything but all we can do is have faith right now baby girl. This is all going to pass over." She says as they hug again. Paris had recently had a conversation with Alexei where he explained he had taken care of everything he could but something about this new detective was just not sitting right with him.
"Okay let's go" Ashley wipes her tears and the two trail back to the room to find everyone standing outside the room.
"You okay baby" Ashley says breaking Israel out of his daze.
"Huh? Oh yeah ma I'm straight" he smiles to her.
"Okay let's get in there" her father says as they walk through the doors taking their seats. Ashley sat right behind her husband with Paris beside her. Of course Alexei sat on Paris' side. Ashley turned to her right to see Zonniques family as well as Brenda beside them. On her side was Maya. It was a surprise to Ashley that she was even there. She stared at Ashley with hate and disgust. They catch eyes and stare at each other until the door opens revealing Chris. He poor boy looks between the sides looking conflicted as his mother shoots him daggers. He eventually loses her eyes and goes to sit directly beside Ashley which Brenda did not like. She knew her oldest would have her back but she knew she would have a harder time with Chris.
"All rise for Judge Darren Smith." The bailiff says as the judge walks in. Ashley feels her heart begin to race as her brother and Paris squeeze her hand.
(Bare with me I don't know how court goes)
"Councils please state your sides" the judge says as the councils begins.
Ashley POV.
I sit impatiently as the other lawyers state their arguments against Israel and it was some bullshit. I feel eyes on me so I turn my head to see the damn Detective staring straight at me. He is weird as hell.
"I call Israel James to the stand" the district attorney calls before my husband is called up and swears in.
"So Mr.James I understand you own a night club, three laundry mats as well as a distribution company... is this correct?"
"Yes it is" he says
"And what exactly do you distribute?" The attorney asks
"We handle the processing of mostly all large furniture and hardware companies. Also a few retail shops go through us" he says as my ring finger begins to tap on my lap.
"According to security footage, you came in to the warehouse late on May 18th, seems as though you went into your office" the attorney began showing pictures from security footage. "What were you doing there so late Mr.James?"
"I typically come in late to get all the paperwork complete if it wasn't completed earlier on. Schedules, inventory sheets, etc."
"Okay. So where was your girlfriend- excuse me wife at this time? Also congratulations " my jaw tightened because this was the night I was kidnapped.
"She was on a trip with her mother to visit some family" he states as the attorney shakes his head in agreement.
"That seems to be true... Mr.James have you always been faithful to your wife?" I watch as his eyes glare over to mine.
"Objection!" My father stands up as the judge states he didn't have to answer. But his eyes never left mine. The way he looked at me was with pain and apologetic. My own began to tear up as I felt I knew the answer to the question.
"Overruled" the judge states
" right. Well I guess that wouldve explained the missing Zonnique walking into the warehouse approximately 48 minutes after you arrived. Could you explain why she was there?"
"She came by unexpectedly. I hadn't seen her in months." Israel starts
Israel was sitting down behind his desk drinking away his pain as he had been doing all week looking for his girlfriend and child.
As he places his fist on the table he notices the door creaking open only to reveal his ex.
"What do you want" he asks rudely. If he didn't have any respect he would've killed her right then.
"I just want to talk Israel. You're ignoring my calls and text. We were just friends before all of this and I just really need someone to confide in." She begins to explain.
" after everything you put my family through you really think we can still be friends?" He says raising his voice causing her to jump.
"I have cancer...stage three to be exact" she says causing him to remain silent "I just wanted to apologize... I loved- I still love you." She says knowing he was in a moment of weakness.
"You've never been anything but good to me and you deserve happiness." She begins stalking closer to him
"I'm sorry Zonnique." Is all he could get out. He felt bad for her honestly.
"Could you just hold me one last time"'she says as he hesitated to open his arms out to her. As she lays her head against his chest and begins pouring tears from her eyes. Slowly looking up they make eye contact before she places her lips onto his. The guilt and shame sat at the base of Izzys stomach but he ignored it and every other thought clouding his brain.
Before they knew it they had not only disrespected him office but the sacredness of his and Ashley's relationship.
That was before he went home and tore up the house.
"Could you care to explain why there was evidence of her dna in your office?" I feel my heart begin to race as I hide all of my feelings behind my perfected emotionless face.
"She came by my office while my wife was out of town but I turned her away" he says. Oh how great a liar he is. I wonder how many times he practiced that same scenario. Throughout the court my mind wondered off. I could not focus on anything else. I should've known he was too good to be true.
"No futher questions as of now." The prosecutor says before my father walks to the stand to prove my husband's innocence. My head spun as I realized it was closer in time for my testimony.
"Ashley James to the stand" I hear my father say before I stand up gaining the attention from all in the court room.
"Please place your hand on the Bible" they instruct as I am swore in.
"Mrs.James, are you aware of all of the business ventures your husband takes part in?" The prosecutor says walking near me.
"Yes I am."
"And how long have you two been together?" He asks
"We've been together for a little over a year now and married for a week." I smile to him.
"Do you and your husband have an open marriage?" He asks
"Objection! This is irrelevant" my father shouts
"Okay.... Mrs.James were you aware of your husbands late night visits with Zonnique Washington?" He sits four photos infront of me. One of them sitting in a bar, one in the car together, while one is Of her entering warehouse while the last is her leaving.
" no I was not" I lift my head from the pictures not wanting to hear or see anymore.
"It also seems as though you two shared a doctors office... have you never came in contact with her?"
"Well I have a restraining order against her"
" and why is that?" He looks to me
" she showed signs of insanity and committed irrational acts towards me"
"Well...According to her primary physician... she seemed to have come in for issues such as... nausea, migraines, and other signs of illness..."
"Objection!!" I hear yelled from the other side of the room.
" you are a nurse Mrs.James. Could you please read this form from the doctor." I shoot him a simple smile keeping my cool before trailing my eyes along the report.
" please read it aloud"
" on the 21st of June, Zonnique Washington came into Jackie Brown M.D OBGYN office after experiencing nausea, migraines, breast tenderness as well as a missed period....." my eyes automatically turn the page scanning for the blood work results hoping that they would say the opposite of what my gut was telling me.
"And what does the test results say, Mrs.James" he watches evily with a smirk.
"P-pregnant" I hear gasps along the room and her mother begins to sob.
"Your honor, according to Dr. Jackie Browns office, Zonnique was two months at her last check up. Being that the same physician delivered both of his children and is the physician is wife attends it only makes sense for him to refer her to Dr.Jackie for their new addition." I sit in shock doing the math on my head. Israel had Zonnique since before I was rescued so that means he fucked her sometime between that and that also means he took her to the doctor confirming her pregnancy.
Is this bitch even dead?
A baby?
As soon as the judge allowed for a recess I bolted out of the court room.
"Ash....Ashley slow down" I feel my arm being pulled back for me to face Israel.
"Did you sleep with her?" I croak out as I feel tears pinch at the brim of my eyes. I watch as he hangs his head low running his hands over his waves.
"Wow" is all I can muster up. It took everything in me not to back hand the fuck out of him in the moment
"Ash let's leave" I hear from beside me. I turn my head to meet a Chris' saddened face. "You don't deserve this" he grabs my hand and begins pulling me away from Israel
Paris held an expression of sympathy while my uncle held the expression I knew too well: none. He was angry, no he was furious.
Without hesitation, I followed them out of the court house. I zoned out as I rode in the passenger seat of Chris' Mercedes. Numb was the feeling to describe it.
Everytime I think something is going good in my life it has to come crumbling down. From being lied to and cheated on my Lance, the only other mans ive allowed into my life to now a man I consider my soulmate. A person I live and breath to not only care for but protect.
"Y'all back soon. I just put those two down... Lani is such a sweetie and Aiden is..." I drown Sharon's voice out as I travel up the stairs leaving everyone else behind me.
Omniscient POV
"I could kill him" Chris paces back and fourth in the family room.
"Boy you ain't gone kill shit sit down you making my nerves bad." Sharon says and she placed her head in her hands. She couldn't figure out where to start. The whole charge came out of no where to her and now this. She knew Ashley didn't deserve any of this.
"Hey..." Paris whispers to a stale face Alexei. He hadn't mumbled a word the entire ride here or since they've stepped a foot inside. "Don't shut down on me please" she places her hand on his cheek as he slightly flinches. Alexei was so sure he was incapable of showing any emotion romantically until Paris but now he just wanted to shit everyone out. There was only one thing on his mind and it was blood.
"What if it's not true?" Sharon asks gaining dagger like stares from the group. "Don't look at me like that".
"Had you had seen Ashley you wouldn't even question it. All I know is he damn sure convinced me he had nothing to do with that girl but I've never seen Ashley like that before.... it's almost as if she was cold"
The pacing Chris was doing and the small chatter between Sharon and Paris stopped as they watched Ashley ascend from the staircase. They watch as she carries a large bottle of tequila in on hand while toting a large assault riffle in the other. The blank stare on her face along with the mascara runs signaled that she wanted nothing to do with anyone.
"Ashley do you want to talk" Paris asks lowly as Ashley reaches in the coat closet pulling out clips of ammo.
"Ash baby let's not do anything we are going to regret" Sharon says causing Ashley to snap her head sending a threatening stare.
"Let her go" Alexei croaks out before Ashley exits out the door. Everyone's head snaps towards him in confusion.
"What the hell Alexei" Paris punches him
"She has a - excuse my language- a damn AK-47" Chris says before picking up his phone.
"She won't hurt anyone she's going to calm down...if she doesn't... nevermind" he stops mid sentence
"If she doesn't then what?"
"She'll black out."
Outside Ashley took her time setting up the gun as well as clouding her mind with the emptying bottle. She didn't know how to express what was going through her mind at the moment.
"You know what Ash... maybe it's all a lie the prosecutor is just trying to get in your head." She tells her self and instantly changed her mood to a positive one. Maybe it was all a lie. Yes. That's it.
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Big Shots
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