《Just the Baby Momma》1.3


Third POV

Ashley, Alek, and Melyssa all sat in the large living room as no one knew who should speak first. Ashely sat in on the love seat that was across from the couch her mother and cousin sat on looking down at her hands deep in thought. She was upset at herself as she felt like she was being reckless. Trying to make the possible pregnancy make sense, she though about the birth control that she was on and how it could have not worked .

" so..." Melyssa started " Umm... princess... is there a possibility you could be pregnant" she said unsurely trying to be the most neutral of the two. Between Ashley being emotional and Alek tapping his leg rapidly she felt this was the best way to approach the situation.

" I don't know ma" Ashley broke down in tears causing her mother and cousin to come and comfort her.

" it's okay" her mother said soothing her looking at Alek knowing her could calm her down

" hey...it's going to be fine. I can go get a test for you if you like" he said. Melyssa hit him because that's not what she meant.

" no need I took one at the hospital before I left." Ashley says drying her tears as her mother rubs her back.

" and it said..." Alek went on

" I don't know Paris said she'll bring it by the house when she gets off"

" and when is that" Melyssa asks

" in about a hour" Ashley says

" let's go" alek hops up helping his cousin up grabbing her purse and crocs for her before grabbing his car keys.

" wait what" Ashley says

" we are going to be there when she brings the results no questions about it." Knowing better then the argue with her cousin she grabs her stuff and follows them out the door


" I'll meet you too over there" Alek says before getting in his Lamborghini and speeding off. Getting into her Mercedes with her mother, Ashley cranks the car and begins the 10 minutes drive to her house.

" do you think he's disappointed in me" Ashley says softly like a child that's afraid that she had disappointed her cousin.

" oh honey ... he'd never be disappointed in you. He may be a little upset but you are grown and fully capable of making your own decisions. He just still looks at you as his baby sister that's all" Melyssa says with her motherly tone.

"You know whether you are pregnant or not, you have our full support. Even if the babies father is nowhere to be found you have us. семья превыше всего ( family over everything)" she says grabbing her daughters hand kissing her knuckles. Once knowing what it felt like to be in her daughters shoes, all she could do was be there for her. Melyssa and Ashleys father was in a year and a half long relationship before she found herself pregnant. She told her boyfriend in hopes he would be as excited as she was, but only found out that he had a wife and two young children. She tried to fight for child support in court but due to his father being the judge, the case was dismissed. A restraining order was filed against her and she never heard from the man again. Leaving her alone to raise a child. It wasn't long before her older brother Alexei found out. If you saw the two together you wouldn't think they were related due to her melanized skin and his have little color. He was so upset he would've killed Melyssa's childs father had she not begged him not to.

They shortly arrive to Ashley's home and to their surprise Alek wasn't there yet. Going into the home Melyssa tells her daughter to take a hot shower and ease her mind while they wait. Stepping out of her scrubs, Ashley looked at herself in the mirror noticing that her skin was indeed glowing but nothing looked out of place.


Getting out of the shower, Ashley puts on a simple satin night gown and makes her way back to her living room. Where he mother, cousin and best friend sat.

" oh I heard you weren't feeling well. No need to worry I'm here." Briana says hugging her best friend keeping yer situation short.

" who told you ?" Ashley asks

" Alek did" Bri gives a small smile.

" but you can't stand each other" Ashley says lowly trying to refer to their past relation.

" I know how much she means to you. So I put aside my pride and went and got her" alek says stretching the back of his neck

" thank you" she smiles as she sits down in her large L shaped sectional

Ding Dong

Everyone looks at the door before Bri rolls her eyes and lets Paris In. She says her hellos and passes the envelope to Ashley who is sitting criss cross of the couch. Opening the envelope her body is filled with nerves. She blows out a deep breath she was holding as she unfolds the paper

Reading the results ...


A thousand thoughts going through her head " I'm pregnant" "how... I mean I know how" " I am on birth control" "do I keep it"

"So what's it say" he mother asked

" I'm ... pregnant"

" umm can I celebrate or no?" Bri asked as she wanted to celebrate the new addition but did not want to upset her best friend.

" I'm not sure" Alek sits next to her and embraces her in his chest allowing her to shed all of her tears.

" hey... look at me... it's okay" he starts " it's in your hands now. If you want to raise this child you have all of us in this rooms and some more who aren't here. If not that's cool too."

"Thank you, I thought you were upset" Ashley laugh

" oh I am. Where is the father ? Shouldn't he be here too" he says as the three girls all avoid she contact acting as if they didn't hear him.

" hellooo" he snaps

" wemetinaclub" Ashley says fast and lowly

" come again" "say what" her mother and cousin say at the same time. Alek then walks up to the small bar in her living room and take a shot of bourbon before pacing

" you see we met at a club and kinda...ya know" Ashley said.

" oh baby" Melyssa says before getting up to make herself a shot.

" and you two must know all about it huh?" Alek asks sarcastically they both act as if their nails are the most important thing

" I should kill him... no I'm not because my little cousin and god child deserves two parents. But if he doesn't accept his child then I'll kill him" he rambles out loud. Allowing his Russian accent to slip through.

" do you have a way of contacting him?" Her mother asks. As a moment of silence falls and Alek begins to curse in Russian

" wait...yes, maybe. He is friends with Mayas boyfriend." Ashley says in hope.

" figure it out cousin. If not my lawyers are ready to get me off, if I get caught."

" I got it." Ashley already texting Maya. Maya already knowing she's pregnant because her big mouth friends can't hold water. Saying a silent prayer as that is the only thing Ashley knows to do now asks for everything to come into order.

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