《The Boy with the Beautiful Name》Confession


"Pam, hey, how's it going?"

Sara propped herself up onto her elbows on her bed.

"Actually it's Erin. I stole Pam's phone." Erin started to laugh hysterically.

Sara rolled her eyes. "Does Pam know you have her phone?"

She climbed off her bed and went to sit in front of her vanity mirror. Photographs were taped up alongside the dark mahogany wood frame. There were images of her random friends from middle school out kayaking. A few newer images were of her with Pam and Erin horseback riding, hanging out at the beach, and goofing around, making funny faces.

Erin hiccupped. "Sorry. I drank my Coca Cola too quickly. Of course Pam doesn't know I have her phone. That's what makes it so funny. She's gonna freak the freak out and OH EM GEE me when she finally realizes that I, Erin-the-fast-handed-pick-pocketer, has struck again."

She burst out laughing again, followed immediately by a minute of hiccups.

Sara twirled a loose strand of hair as she studied her face in the mirror. Her small aloe plant named George was nestled in the corner of her vanity table, its marble blue container blended in almost perfectly with her Ralph Lauren perfume bottles.

"Yes, you do have a gift of managing to swipe things unnoticed," Sara said. "Think you could manage to swipe Bentley Prince's underwear from his pants while he's still wearing them?"

Erin let out a dramatic sigh. "Believe me, if I got ahold of that hot a$$'s briefs, I'd sleep with them under my pillow in the hopes of getting incredibly steamy dreams."

Sara almost choked with laughter.

"By the way," Erin said. Her voice seemed to soften slightly. "Are you interested in Trevor?"

Sara had known Erin for years. She could tell something was up by her friend's strange tone.


"Trevor...well uh...he's okay, I guess. Why?" Sara started to paint her fingernails a clear, crystal color with her Cover Girl nail polish.

Erin grew very quiet, which was unusual for her. "I...I like him," Erin admitted sheepishly.

Sara nearly spilled her nail polish. "Oh! Oh...wow. Th-that's great!" Sara stammered.

Erin chuckled. "Is it? I mean he's really smart. He plays soccer. And, well, he's nice to me in French class." She cleared her throat. "He likes YOU though, Sara. I mean, it's cool. But if you don't like him back, well then can I maybe go out with him?"

Sara set down her nail polish. She cradled her phone between her ear and shoulder as she shook out her hands to dry her nails. "Erin, I think you and Trevor would make a wonderful couple. Hope he can handle your insane personality!"

Erin started to giggle. "Yeah! Oh, and apparently there's a bonfire on the beach Saturday behind Trevor's house. So we should all go!"

Sara touched one of her fingernails to check the polish was dry. "Sounds great. I'll have to bring my sweater. It's really windy out there by the water."

A loud ringing on the other side of the phone startled Sara.

"Oh, crap!" Erin exclaimed.

"What is it?" Sara asked.

"Pam's calling me! I've been found out!" Erin clicked off the phone.

As Sara set down her phone, a surprised look still on her face, her mother's loud voice echoed up the stairs.

"Sara, you have a visitor at the front door!"

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